Call for Papers: Oriens Extremus

Deadline 30th Mar 2014

Oriens Extremus invites contributions to a special section on changing notions of childhood and education in East Asia. Child and youth education has been a primary concern for East Asian societies for more than two millennia. From pre-natal education to primers, “family instructions,” private tutors, and national universities, concepts of childhood and education have influenced East Asian cultures in manifold ways.

Oriens Extremus calls for papers that deal with these concepts from a historical perspective and address issues and questions like the following: How did social transformations affect the conceptualization of childhood and education? In which ways are they reflected in changing school curricula? How did they relate to concepts such as “individuality,” “personhood,” “morals,” and “ethical relations”? How were concepts of childhood expressed in poetry and the visual arts?

Moreover, Oriens Extremus continues to welcome articles from any field pertaining to East Asian cultural and intellectual history. We also encourage the submission of reviews and review articles at any time.

Should you be interested in contributing a paper, either to the special section or on another topic, please contact both Kai Vogelsang ( and Thomas Fröhlich ( at your earliest convenience. We intend to foster close contact with the contributors in the preparation of the volume and look forward to having a productive collaboration.
The deadline for submission is March 30, 2014.

Submission guidelines may be found at: External Link




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