Trier, Germany
13–15th Jul 2018
Deadline: 4th Apr 2018
In order to commemorate the 888th anniversary of the famous Chinese thinker Zhu Xi, the Institute of Sinology at Trier University (Germany) will host an international conference on Zhu Xi and “Zhu Xi Studies” (Zhuzi xue 朱子學).
Selected scholars from Europe accepted for the conference will receive free accommodation in Trier during the conference. If funds are sufficient, a travel subsidiary may also be granted.
We are mainly looking for participants affiliated to institutions in non-Asian countries. Young scholars are especially welcome.
To register, please send your personal information, the title of the paper and a Chinese or English abstract of about 300 characters or words to Prof. Dr. Christian Soffel <> or <> until April 09 2018.
Location and Date: Trier University, July 13–15 2018.
Conference languages: Chinese and English (Chinese is preferred)
Link to the conference website: