Newsletter No. 25 (Mar 2001)



No. 25, March 2001

Letter from the Editor and Webmaster
Call For Papers Presented at the XIIIth EACS Conference in Turin
Introducing the Host Institutions of the XIVth EACS Conference, 2002
Is Sinology a Science?
The European Centre for Chinese Studies at Peking University
New MA-Programme in Chinese Studies, Business and International Relations
Conference and Workshop Announcements
Workshop and Conference Reports
New Publications


This issue of the Newsletter features apart from the regular columns with academic information also an abridgment of an article written by an EACS member. In his summary, Hans Kuijper (re-) raises the controversial question whether or not Sinology should be regarded as a scientific discipline. By bringing out this piece in the Newsletter and hopefully later the entire article on the EACS Website, it is the intention of this Editor and the Board of EACS to open the floor to more academic debate within the association. These debates are encouraged to take place either in the Newsletter or in the Discussion Forum mentioned below by the EACS Webmaster. Topics for discussion are free of choice, but should be of a general nature. Moreover, I welcome any articles featuring new developments within the field of Chinese language teaching and pedagogy.

This number of the Newsletter will also start focusing on the forthcoming XIV EACS conference in Moscow in 2002 by introducing the convening institutions. EACS members interested in Russian Sinology might also want to contact Professor Marianne Bastid-Bruguière who still retains copies of the EACS survey made on Russian sinological research. E-mail:

Mette Thun?br> Editor

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The EACS Website not only brings information to you, our members, but it also provides you with the opportunity to exchange information and engage in debate. If you go to the website homepage and click on “Discussion” in the main menu, you will be taken to the EACS Discussion Forum. The Forum is an easy-to-use bulletin board that allows you to submit queries or statements, and to respond to queries and statements by others. In this way, you can continue discussions that were started, for instance, at the last EACS Conference, or you can take part in new, important debates, such as the evaluation of the controversial article about “sinology” and “science” (see elsewhere in this Newsletter). In short, by visiting and using the Discussion Forum, you can become an even more active member of our Association.

The technology supporting the Discussion Forum is provided to us free of charge. In exchange, a small advertisement window pops up when you first enter the forum. If you are bothered by this, simply close the window.

If you have any questions about the forum, or any other part of the website, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at

[Webmaster’s Note, October 2001: The Discussion Forum failed to attract any significant attention and was removed from the site by decision of the EACS Board at its meeting in Moscow in September. The Kuijper article is still available in the Publications section of this website.]

Michel Hockx
EACS Webmaster

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All papers accepted by the convenors of the conference panels will be also be accepted for publication in this conference volume on a compact disk. General reports on the panels from the panel convenors are also warmly welcomed.

The Editorial Board in charge of this project, under the leadership of Professor Stefania Stafutti, will only review the papers from a typographical point of view. The authors will be provided with an electronic version of their draft, which should be printed out, reviewed and sent back to the Editorial Board (on paper).

Papers can be submitted in 3 formats: electronic version, by E-mail to the following address:, or on a diskette/ paper sent by ordinary mail to Prof. Stefania Stafutti – Via Pietro Micca 20 – 10123 TORINO, Italy.

Deadline for submission: April 30, 2001.

The final CD will be registered as a regular publication (with ISBN number).

Please refer to the EACS webpage for more information and style sheet. (Click here to go there now.)

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The XIV EACS Conference to be held in autumn of 2001 will be organised by three Russian sinological institutions:

  1. Institute of Far Eastern Studies (IFES) of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS)
  2. Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University (MSU).
  3. The Faculty of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg University.

The Institute of Far Eastern Studies of (RAS) in Moscow has been chosen as the venue for the major part of EACS conference. The theme of the conference will be “Chinese Traditional Civilization and the Contemporary World”.

Director of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of RAS Dr. Titarenko is in charge of the organising committee, whose other members are Dr. Myasnikov, Dr. Ostrovskiy (IFES, RAS), Dr. Meliksetov (IAAS, MSU), Dr. Samoylov (St. Petersburg University).Dr. Ostrovskiy is responsible for contact with the EACS Board members. Dr. Olga Pochagina and Dr. Nina Demido are Executive Secretaries of the Conference.

The organisers can be contacted at IFES by E-mail: (subject: “EACS Conference”) or directly to Nina Demido by E-mail:


The Institute of Far Eastern Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences (IFES) was founded in 1966. At present, there are more than 270 scholars at IFES. Mikhail Titarenko is the Director.

Researchers at IFES conduct studies within the following main fields:

  1. Economy and economic system of China and other countries of East Asia.
  2. Russian-Chinese relations and forecasts of their development.
  3. General problems of security and forming of new international and political order in North-East Asia.
  4. Political processes and political system in China.
  5. Chinese spiritual civilization and political culture.

IFES’ postgraduate courses offer several types of speci
alization: history, philosophy, economy, philology and politics. Expert training is provided not only for the Institute itself, but also for other Russian oriental studies centres. More than 300 persons have received their doctoral degrees from IFES.

The Sinological Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences is located in the same building as the Institute. Currently this library collection holds approximately 181,000 volumes in Chinese, Japanese and Western European languages. In addition, the library has small collections in Manchurian, Mongolian, Korean and Uygur languages. The library boasts one of the largest collections of literature and documents on China (social sciences) outside of China and Japan.

IFES actively co-operates with more than 20 research centres and universities in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.

Contact address:
Nakhimovsky prosp. 32,
117218 Moscow,
Fax: +7 095 718 96 56


The former (until 1972) Institute of Oriental Languages was founded in 1956 and is one of the leading Russian centres for Oriental studies. IAAS comprises three sections: Philology, History and Socio-Economics. IAAS employs 250 staff-members, including 28 professors and 70 assistant professors. The number of students, including post-graduates, is about 600 to 700. There are two Chairs for Chinese studies: Chinese History (Prof. Dr. Meliksetov) and Chinese Philology (Prof. Dr. Karaoet’yants).

The students and postgraduates under the Chairs for Chinese Studies at IAAS do research on the following subjects: China’s social development, History of Chinese literature, Chinese literature, Chinese languages, History of social thought in China.

The IAAS’ library department holds about 3,500 volumes on Chinese history, economy, languages, literature, philosophy and religions.

Contact address:
Mokhovaya St. 11,
103009 Moscow,


St. Petersburg University has been offering courses in Arabic and Persian since March 1818. Over time the number of oriental language courses increased and on October 22, 1954 the Faculty of Oriental Studies was established. It now comprises 12 departments: Arabic philology, African studies, Indian philology, Iranian philology, Chinese philology, Mongol philology, Turkic philology, Japanese philology, History of the Middle East, History of Central Asia and Caucasus and History of Ancient East. Recently Chinese and Korean language centres were set up in the Faculty.

Within Chinese philology faculty members do research on various aspects of Chinese history, social thought, sources and historiography, as well as history of Chinese literature, history and theory of Chinese language.

Teaching at the Faculty is provided by 104 academic staff members including 30 professors and 50 senior lecturers (associate professors) as well as by leading experts of other research institutes in St. Petersburg. The annual number of students enrolled in Chinese Studies is 50 to 60. At present the Faculty provides a 4-year educational programme as well as bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes.

The library of the Oriental Faculty holds 300,000 volumes. A substantial part of the collection consists of literature on China.

Contact address:
Universitetskaya nab. 11,
199034 St. Petersburg,

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[Webmaster’s note: This section of EACS Newsletter 25 contains the abstract of an article by Dr Hans Kuijper, which is available elsewhere on this website. In order to read the abstract, or the full text of the article, please refer to the Publications section.]

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On January 29, 2001 contracts for the establishing of the European Centre for Chinese Studies at Peking University (ECCS) between the Universities of Copenhagen, Peking and Tübingen were signed after one year of substantial negotiations. The beginning of the ECCS can be traced back to close academic relationships between the Seminar für Sinologie und Koreanistik (University of Tübingen), Department of Asian Studies (University of Copenhagen) and the Department of Philosophy at Peking University. On September 1, 2001 the Centre will open its doors to the first students and academics from Europe.

From the point of view of the European partner universities, Peking University has been chosen not only because it is one of the major academic institutions in the PRC, but also because of recent huge investments in the academic infrastructure, that will promote and enhance its position relative to other Chinese universities in the near future. Moreover, Peking University has undergone deep reorganization processes within the last years that have created in a more open environment facilitating international co-operation programmes.

The purpose of the ECCS is threefold. First, the participating universities expect the newly established institution to play an important role in strengthening academic co-operation among the parties. The second aim is to give students of Copenhagen and Tübingen an opportunity to study at Peking University in order to improve their language skills and to deepen their knowledge within the fields of Chinese culture and society. Thirdly, the ECCS as a permanent institution has its own secretariat on the campus of Peking University within the premises of the Department of Philosophy. The ECCS secretariat is equipped with newest telecommunication facilities to ensure communication between the partners, but a permanent secretary will also be responsible for the daily administration of the Centre.

The secretariat functions as an interface between the partners for initiating and supporting research in various fields of China Studies as well as providing the ground for cultural and pedagogical exchange. One staff member despatched from one of the European partner universities will among other duties co-ordinate the teaching programme of the students and function as the contact person between researchers, teachers and students. The managing director of the Centre is elected from the European partners and is in general charge of the ESSC and the general promotion of academic contacts.

As the first step in academic exchange between the partner universities Copenhagen and Tübingen will each year finance a visiting scholar from Peking University for a period of five months, who will carry out research and teach four hours a week during the teaching period.

The student exchange programme will start in September 2001. Tübingen sends students to the ECCS during the spring/summer term and Copenhagen sends students in the autumn/winter term. Both universities will each send between 15 and 20 students to the Centre during their respective terms.

The partners jointly discuss and decide on the staff to teach at the ESSC as well as the curriculum. The Chinese lecturers at the ECCS are required to have several years of experience in teaching Chinese as foreign language. In general, the courses at the ECCS are designed as a solid and integrated programme over a period of five months, for twent
y hours a week, that enhances Chinese language skills, imparts special knowledge on various aspects of modern and traditional China and contributes to intercultural learning. The Department of Philosophy at Peking University arranges accommodation for the students near campus at reasonable prices.

Students from Tübingen University e.g. are taught 12 hours of modern Chinese and two hours of classical Chinese. The remaining six hours are elaborated as an intercultural module in which students improve their understanding of Chinese art, history, society, economics and business culture.

Students from Copenhagen University will experience a curriculum focusing on primarily improving their oral language skills. No classical Chinese will be offered, but students will attend classes that in various ways will improve their language skills in reading, comprehending, and speaking modern Chinese. Classes will not be taught exclusively in the classrooms of the ESSC, but students are expected to take up challenges and seek opportunities to speak Chinese on and outside the campus. Field trips in and around Peking are part of the programme, but these are to be integrated within the Chinese language programme.

The establishment of the ECCS indicates an increased appreciation of Chinese Studies in both Germany and Denmark and a concern with the academic level of the students in Chinese studies. The Chinese teaching programme at the ECCS is thus compulsory and completely integrated into the study plan and the curriculum at both the Universities of Copenhagen and Tübingen.

The co-operating universities of the ECCS conceive the Centre as an “open institution” which offers other universities the possibility to participate and expand the capacity of the ECCS. Enquiries can be directed to the authors below.

Johannes Fleischle,
Seminar für Sinologie und Koreanistik,
Universität Tübingen

Mette Thun?
Dep. of Asian Studies,
University of Copenhagen,

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Located in the city of Aveiro (250 km north of Lisbon), the University of Aveiro was founded in 1973. Its campus is made up of 15 departments that include Science, Technology, Engineering, Humanities, Education, Management, Communications, Music and Art. Despite its short history, it has made rapid development. With its 37 undergraduate degree programmes, 27 Master’s programmes and 19 Ph.D. degrees as well as an extensive research programme conducted through the 17 units of the University Research Institute, the University of Aveiro is among Portugal’s leading institutions of higher education. It was within this dynamic, interdisciplinary setting that faculty members, recognizing the importance of Chinese culture and civilization, along with the increasing relevance of China’s role in economic and international relations, decided to launch a degree programme that would train young scholars to meet the challenges created by the need for mutual exchange of knowledge, culture, and technology between the West and China. The first edition of the Master Programme in Chinese Studies (the first ever in Portugal) was thus initiated in November 1998, including one semester for preparatory courses and two more semesters for completing the required courses. The second edition was started in October 2000, including two semesters for completing the required courses. The Master’s programme has two tracks: Business and International Relations (with courses on China’s Foreign Politics, Chinese Economics, Doing Business with China, Politics and Government of China), and Language and Culture (with courses on Chinese Contemporary Society, Culture and Literature, the role of Macao in Sino-European Relations, and special topic research seminars). All these courses are taught in English, thus students from all countries, European and non-European, can attend, and are warmly encouraged to apply.

The Centre is directed by Pedro Vilarinho, University of Aveiro, and its teaching staff includes Robert Dernberger, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Michigan, and coordinator of the Master in Chinese Studies; Jacques de Lisle, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Richard Edmonds, SOAS, University of London; Jorge Flores, University of Aveiro; Paola Zamperini, University of Aveiro. Other visiting faculty (that come regularly to Aveiro to hold seminars and classes on a rotation basis) include scholars like Marsha Weidner, University of Kansas, and Judith Shapiro, American University. Dr. Wang Suoying, University of Aveiro, is responsible for the language training. The Chinese language programme has two goals: first of all, to prepare the students for their field-work and research in China for their master thesis. Secondly, it aims at providing them with a sound foundation for their future advanced studies of Chinese language and research. In the Chinese Language course, all the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are emphasized, as well as the use of Chinese software, etc. In both Master’s tracks, Chinese Language is always a required subject, with 6 hours per week (8 hours per week during the preparatory semester). After the first semester, the students are required to go to Macao University to take a one-month intensive Chinese course. Besides the master programme in Chinese Studies, the Aveiro University also provides non-degree Chinese courses for all the students and faculty staff in the University and local citizens from March 1999 on. So far more than 100 people have participated in the courses. In the Bachelor of Arts Programme in “Languages and Enterprise Relations”, to begin in October 2001, the Chinese Language will be a required course for 7 semesters, 6 hours per week in each semester.

The teaching materials (based on simplified Chinese characters and Mandarin pronunciation) used in the Chinese Language course in the University of Aveiro are mainly prepared by the teacher herself, with some supplementary materials from publications in China. Dr. Wang Suoying is also responsible for the Chinese courses sponsored by the Macao Economic and Commercial Delegation in Lisbon, which are free of charge. It is the largest Chinese teaching centre in Portugal, with more than two hundred enrolled students every year, and with a history of more than ten years.

It is one of the Centre’s main goals to function as a meeting point for scholars and experts interested in China and Asia. Speakers and experts from all disciplines and countries have been invited to give lectures at Aveiro, and international workshops and seminars are regularly organised by the Centre. The most recent international conference was “The Chinese Economy: Post World Trade Organisation Membership” (held in Aveiro on January 26th and 27th, 2001) co-organised by the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London. Oxford University Press will publish all the papers in book form.

The Master’s in Chinese Studies has been a success and is a pioneering project in Portugal that has helped to fill an existing gap in a country that has a very rich history of cultural contacts with China.

For further information, contact Dr. Helena Costa, E-mail:, (, Centro Estudos As
iaticos/Centre for Asian Studies, tel. 351-234370019, fax 351-234370215.

Paola Zamperini,
Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy,
Academia Sinica, Taipei/University of Aveiro

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Contributions by scholars from around the world on all topics regarding China are welcomed, for instance, in all of the social sciences, history, law, literature, linguistics, art, and library science. Based on the attendance at previous conferences, it is expected that some 200 papers will be delivered during the three and a half days of the conference. Half a dozen or more panels will run simultaneously.

To propose papers or panels please contact the President of the CSAA, Dr Rafe de Crespigny, University House, Australian National University, Canberra 0200, Australia. (Phone: 61-2-6249 5281; fax 61-2-6349 5252; E-mail:

The conference will be held at ANU’s own hotel, University House. Other on-campus accommodation will also be made available, from dormitories to serviced apartments.


The Chinese Society of Architectural History, together with the Institute of Architectural History and Preservation of Historic Buildings, Qinghua University, Beijing will hold its second meeting as the “II International Conference on Chinese Architectural History”. The first conference in August 1998 took place in the beautiful conference centre built by the Chinese-American architect Pei, in the Fragrant Hills outside Beijing. At that conference lectures and discussions dealt with such subjects as Ancient Chinese Architecture, City- and Landscape-building, Conservation, 3-D Drawings of Architecture and more. More than 300 experts and interested participated mostly from the Pacific Area.

For the coming conference European architects and historians of architecture are invited to participate in the activities of the Chinese Society of Architectural History.

Contact address: Ms. Zhang Xiaolin, Zizhuyuan, Changyungong 1-1-1102, Beijing 100044, P. R. CHINA Fax: (8610) 6841-1233 E-mail:


The University of Rome will host the second conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (CEACL – 2). The meeting will give scholars and students of Chinese Linguistics in Europe an opportunity to meet and to exchange the results of their research activities. Papers in all areas of Chinese linguistics are invited for delivery as 20-minute talks.

Organising Committee: Federico Masini, Alessandra Brezzi, Patrizia Dad? Paolo De Troia.

Conference languages: Chinese, English, French, Italian.

The abstracts should be camera-ready, limited to one page (A4 size), single-spaced, in 12-point type, with 2,5 cm margins. Two copies are required, one with the author’s full name and institution, and one without.

The abstract should be sent by E-mail to or by mail to Prof. F. Masini (CEACL-2) Dipartimento di Studi Orientali, Facolt? di Lettere e Filosofia Universit?di Roma “la Sapienza” Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Rome – Italy.

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is January 31, 2001. Letters of acceptance will be sent out by March 15, 2001.

Contact address:, fax 0039.064451209, or consult the website of the conference:


Different countries in East Asia have different ideas about their local music traditions and their meaning. The extraordinary importance attached to programme music in China and Vietnam is well known, but not every music genre in those countries relies on extra-musical ideas, and the quest for a “story” behind the music is far less important in some other Asian cultures.

The seventh annual conference of the European Foundation for Chinese Music Research (CHIME) will focus on “music and meaning” in the context of Asian music and theatre. The Giorgio Cini Foundation, Istituto Venezia e l’Oriente and Venice University Ca’ Foscari will act as the main hosts and organizers for this meeting, co-supported by the CHIME Foundation and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London.

Abstracts of 300 words to be sent before 15 March, to the main organizer, Dr. Luciana Galliano. Please indicate any requirements you will need in terms of equipment (video, tape-recorder, slides, CD-player etc.) for your presentation. Senders of abstracts will be informed about the programme committee’s decisions before the end of March.

Contact address: Dr. Luciana Galliano, Universit?Ca’ Foscari di Venezia Dipartimento Studi sull’Asia Orientale, Ca’ Soranzo, San Polo 2169 30125 Venezia, ITALY. Tel. (until 30 March 2001:) +39-011-4310 400 (from 1 April 2001): +39 041 5285 570. Fax +39 041 720 809. E-mail:


Main panels of conference: Social and Economic Problems; International Relations in Asia-Pacific Region; Specifics of Political Developments in China and Asian-Pacific States in the 21st Century; History and Historiography; Problems and Prospects of Inter-Civilizational Ties in the 21st Century; Philosophy, Culture and Religions of East Asian Countries. Paper abstracts (max. 8,000 symbols in RTF format) to be sent before May 1, 2001 by E-mail to:


Prof. Paolo Santangelo of the Istituto Universitario Orientale of Naples, Department of Asian Studies, is organizing an International Meeting on the representation and interpretation of emotions and states of mind in the analysis of various kinds of Chinese sources. The aim of the international meeting is to discuss possibilities, methodological limits and interdisciplinary approaches for focusing research on mental phenomena, and their contribution to an anthropological history of China. The workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to exchange opinions and experiences about research already done, as well as about the difficulties encountered while studying the topic, in order to foster a closer cooperation between scholars in various fields, and to encourage an interdisciplinary effort to identify and analyse the emotions. The discussion will therefore be focused on the cognitive elements, values and symbols related to states of mind.

Some of the difficulties we would like to deal with concern the representation of emotions: a) definition; b) classification and identification; c) using equivalent terms in other languages (lack of exact se
mantic correspondences between emotion expressions across various languages); moreover, specialized language (in literary, historical, philosophical and other kinds of sources) may be ambiguous and polysemous, creating systems of references and meanings which go beyond the semantic level of common language, attributing special expressive powers to words, sentences, expressions, and stereotypes.

For more information about the themes, accommodation and registration, please write to: Prof. Paolo Santangelo. E-mail: or to Prof. Patrizia Carioti. E-mail: Department of Asian Studies, Istituto Universitario Orientale Piazza S. Domenico Maggiore, 1280134 Napoli ITALY. Tel: +39 0815526178 / 0815524970, Fax: +39 0815517852

Deadline for sending abstract: May 31, 2001.
Deadline for sending the paper: August 31, 2001.

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The XI Int. Scientific Conference was organized by the Russian Academic Council for Comprehensive Studies of Contemporary China, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Association of Sinologists. The conference took place in the Institute of Far Eastern Studies in Moscow with more than 200 scholars from the PRC, Singapore, South Korea, Italy, Switzerland, the USA and Russia.

Paper presentations commenced with Professor Li Jinjie (CASS, Institute of East Europe, Russia and Central Asia, PRC). He presented a report with the title “Social sciences in China on the eve of the XXI century”, in which he described the role of the social sciences in the process of modernization of China and put forward the most important problems related to the development of social sciences in the next century.

Professor Qiu Wei (Heilongjiang ASS) in his report “Prospects for economic cooperation between the PRC and Russia” focused on the main spheres of economic cooperation between China and Russia during last decade and economic achievements of this cooperation, as well as presenting his ideas on its future development. He pointed out the natural resources and Chinese export of free labour as a basis for future cooperation.

The report of M. Titarenko (IFES RAS) “Russian-Chinese trade-economic cooperation in the context of globalisation and integration processes in the APR” continued the theme of economic cooperation between Russia and China. M. Titarenko presented his view on Russian-Chinese trade-economic relations from historical perspective and made some critical remarks on the existing forms of co-operation. From his point of view the basic principle for partnership is mutual economic interest. M. Titarenko concluded that Chinese investment in Siberia and the Far Eastern region must be treated as the major factor in economic cooperation and stable future relations between the two countries.

Similar ideas were presented in the paper of Professor Y. Yakovetz related to the theme “Prospects for dialogue and interrelation between Russian and Chinese civilizations in the XXI century.” Dr. Yakovetz concentrated his attention on the roles which Russia and China would play in the post-industrial world in the XXI century. He pointed out three major directions of future partnership: geo-policy, culture and technology.

Professor P. Corradini (La Sapienza, Italy) presented a very interesting paper “Falungong: old and new challenge to the Beijing regime.” In his report he gave an analysis of the socio-political background of the “Falungong” movement and the major ideas of its leader as well as describing the reactions of the Chinese authorities on this comprehensive social phenomenon in present China.

Dr. B. Kulik (IFES RAS) in his paper “What will the coming century be for the PRC?” also paid attention to the problem of “Falungong.” He treated it as a first “signal” for the Chinese government and real threat to social and political stability. He also made an analysis of the present so called “information war” in China and stressed that it can make a serious impact on the relations between the PRC, Russia and the USA in the next century.

The conference was divided into four panel sessions: 1. Social and economic problems of the modernization in the nations of East Asia; 2. International relations in the APR. Russian-Chinese strategic partnership in the XXI century; 3. Particularities of the political processes in China and the Eastern Asia states in the XXI century. History and historiography; 4. Problems and prospects for inter-civilisation contacts in the XXI century. Philosophy, culture and religion in Eastern Asia countries.

As part of the conference was organized a “round table” – free discussion on the subject “Globalisation and Asian regionalism: interrelations between China, Russia, USA, Japan and India”.

The participants paid a lot of attention to such problems like: the conception of globalisation as a search for response to internal and external challenges, a search for the right balance between national identity, national originality and national culture, and world-wide spread international, global culture; influence of Confucian values in the APR in the XXI Century; possibility of China becoming a superpower in the next century; the economical and political interests of Superpowers in the APR.

At the second Plenary Session 3 papers were presented. Professor E. Pivovarova (IFES RAS) in her paper “Social dimensions of the economic reform in the PRC” put forward a very comprehensive theoretical problem “What is socialism with Chinese characteristics?” She gave a detailed analysis of the main direction of economic reforms during the last 20 years. From her point of view, although the original model of socialism formulated in the classics of Marxism and Leninism has significantly changed during the years of reforms, the determination to protect the interests of the working people as well as the social orientation of economical reform in China within the macro-regulated market economy can be acknowledged as “Socialism with Chinese Specific Characteristics”.

Dr. R. Aslanov in his paper “Market socialism in the PRC: market or socialism?” also covered the problem of establishing socialism in China. He gave a historical background of the theory of socialism in China in the XX century. He put forward the idea that main activity of CCP leadership will be transferred from the sphere of market relations to the ideology and morality of Chinese society.

Professor Yu Runggen (Chongqing ASS, PRC) in his paper “Open development strategy of the Western China regions in the XXI century” informed about economic development strategy and the market economy system in Western China. He presented quite an optimistic view on the results of the Russian-Chinese economic relations in the Far East regions by now.

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An exhibit featuring items from the Hauer Collection is being shown at the Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University, from 5 February to 31 May 2001.

Dr. Erich Hauer, of the Berlin University (now Humboldt University), was a respected China and Manchu studies scholar. Following ser
vice in China under the Foreign Office, he entered the Seminar für Sinologie and received his Ph.D. in 1921, at the age of forty-three. He taught for about ten years, and when he died in 1936, he left his personal library to his sister. When she made it available for sale, the Johns Hopkins University acquired it in 1939, thereby instantly forming a top-notch East Asian studies collection. His personal library comprised 486 titles in German, French and other western languages; 121 works in Chinese; 43 works in Manchu; and 9 works in Mongolian. Many are important reference works and beautiful multi-volume sets.

Featured in the exhibit are works in Western languages about China, including a 17th-century edition of a classic work by Jesuit missionary/scholar Martino Martini; block-print editions of Chinese and Manchu language books bound in traditional stitch bindings; as well as works by Hauer himself.

In addition to language and history, Hauer’s interests encompassed art and archaeology, sociology, literature, and religion and philosophy. Evidence of his interests and meticulous nature can be seen in how he had taken books, portions of books, pamphlets and reprints from journals, and assembled them in some forty volumes. The major Asian studies scholars of the day, such as Edouard Chavannes and Bernhard Karlgren, are well represented in this unique set that he titled Varia Sinica, Sinica, and Mongolica.

For further information on the Hauer Collection, please contact Laura Wong, East Asian Studies Librarian ( Also, she would very much appreciate any information about the life work of Erich Hauer.

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The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation has generously provided the EACS with a grant of US$ 30,000 to support one-week visits for specialised research in sinological libraries in Cambridge, Heidelberg, Leiden, London, Oxford or Paris in 2000-2001.

Information about these libraries and librarians is available on the EACS website. Applicants should be Sinologists based permanently in Europe and paid-up members of the EACS.

Applications from non-members will be considered, however, especially in the case of young scholars, if accompanied by a recommendation from an EACS member.

APPLICATIONS must include:

  1. a letter stating the library to be visited and intended dates of travel.
  2. a statement of purpose, to include a short description of the research project, including precise indication of the sources and material to be used.
  3. a written statement obtained from the Librarian of the institute where the proposed visit is to take place confirming that the research materials that are required are available for consultation.
  4. a one-page curriculum vitae with a list of main publications.
  5. a statement of the travelling expenses (Apex economy airfare or 2nd class rail fare), including a note of other sources of funding.
  6. In the case of Ph.D. students, a letter of recommendation from their supervisor.
  7. In the case of non-members, a letter of recommendation from an EACS member.
  8. Address for correspondence, including fax and E-mail where possible.

APPLICATIONS should be sent by mail or fax to one of the following:

  1. For research on pre-modern China (i.e. before 1840) to:
    Prof. Roderick Whitfield,
    Department of Art and Archaeology,
    SOAS, University of London,
    Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square,
    London WC1H OXG,
    United Kingdom
    Fax: +44-171 436 38 44
  2. For research on modern China (i.e. from 1840) to:
    Prof. Marianne Bastid-Bruguière,
    92 Boulevard de Port Royal,
    75005 Paris,
    Fax: +33 1 43 54 72 02
  3. For research, which straddles the 1840 limit: either to Prof. Whitfield or to Prof. Bastid-Bruguière.

It is advisable to apply at least two months before the visit is planned to take place.


  1. If applications are approved, grants will be made to include travelling expenses and a per diem allowance, which will vary from place to place.
  2. With the exception of scholars from Eastern Europe, grants will be paid on completion of the visit.
  3. For scholars from Eastern Europe, the grant will be available on arrival at the centre where the research is undertaken. To avoid difficulty, applicants should give advance warning of their date and time of arrival to Prof. Bastid-Bruguière, if they are to visit France; to Dr Hans van Ess, if they are to visit Germany; to Prof. Maghiel Van Crevel, if they are to visit the Netherlands; and to Prof. Whitfield if they are to visit the United Kingdom.
  4. On completion of their visit, all scholars should obtain a letter signed by the Librarian, certifying that the visit has been made and specifying the dates when it began and ended.
  5. All scholars should send the Librarian’s letter directly to the EACS Treasurer.

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Berg, Daria, Portraying China’s new women entrepreneurs: a reading of Zhang Xin’s fiction (Durham East Asian Papers 12). Durham: Department of East Asian Studies, 2000. 28 pp. ISBN: 1 899294 11 2. ?.00. To order contact: Department of East Asian Studies, University of Durham, Elvet Hill, Durham DH1 3TH, UK. Tel.: +44 (0) 191 374 3231, Fax: +44 (0) 191 374 3242, E-mail:

Bumbacher, Stephan Peter, The fragments of the “Daoxue zhuan”. Critical edition, translation and analysis of a medieval collection of Daoist biographies. Frankfurt/M, New York, Oxford Publisher: Peter Lang Year: 2000. 609 pp. ISBN: 3-631-36539-X. DM 148.

Dudbridge, Glen, ed., Aborigines of South Taiwan in the 1880s. Papers by the South Cape Lightkeeper George Taylor (Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines Monograph 2). Taibei, 1999. 171 pp. ISBN 957-99767-1-6.

Dudbridge, Glen, Lost books of medieval China (The Panizzi Lectures 1999). London: The British Library, 2000. 79 pp. ISBN 0 7123 4688 0.

Галенович, Ю. М. (J. Galenovich), Новые тенденции в духовной жизни КНР на рубеже тысячелетий [New tendencies in the spiritual life of China on the eve of the XXI Century]. Moscow: IFES RAS, 2000. 116 pp.

Галенович, Ю. М. (J. Galenovich), К вопросу о национальном самосознании &#
1082;итайцев в конце ХХ в
. [The problem of national self-consciousness of the Chinese at the end of the 20th Century]. Moscow: IFES RAS, 1999. 139 pp.

Галенович, Ю. М. (J. Galenovich), Цзян Чжунчжэн, или нейзвестный Чан Кайши. [Jiang Zhongren or the unknown Chiang Kaishek]. Moscow: Muravey, 2000. 537 pp. ISBN 5-89737-082-6.

Галенович, Ю. М. (J. Galenovich), Рубеж перед стартом: китайская проблема для России и США на пороге XXI века. [Positions before start: the problem of China for Russia and the USA on the Eve of the 21st Century]. Moscow: Moscow Public Science Fund, 1999. 314 pp. ISBN 5-89554-141-0.

Галенович, Ю. М. (J. Galenovich), Прав ли Дэн Сяопин, или китайские инакомыслящие на пороге XXI века? Издательство ?#1048;зограф [Is Deng Xiaoping right: Chinese dissidents on the eve of the 21st century]. Moscow: Izograf, 2000. 287 pp. ISBN 5-87113-095-X.

Галенович, Ю. М. (J. Galenovich), Гибель Лю Шаоци? Издательская фирма ?#1042;осточная литература [The end of Liu Shaoqi]. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, 2000. 143 pp. ISBN 5-02-018162-5.

МалявинВ. (V. Malyavin), Китайская цивилизация.[Chinese civilization]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo Astrel, 2000. 632 pp. Illustrations, maps. ISBN 5-271-00250-0. ISBN 5-287-00001-4.

Sanjuan, Thierry, La Chine. Territoire et sociét?/i>. Paris: Hachette, coll. Point Carr?Géographie, 2000. 189 pp. ISBN 2-01-145131-0. FF 87.

Sanjuan, Thierry, ed., Les marges culturelles du territoire chinois. Paris: Géographie et cultures, L’Harmattan, 143 pp. ISBN 2-7384-9619-9. FF 90.

Schucher, Günter, Chinaforschung – Forschung in China. Empfehlungen für die Errichtung eines geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Auslands-instituts in China (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde, Hamburg, Nr. 334). Hamburg: 2001. 111 pp. ISBN 3-88910-251-4. DM 28.

Schucher, Günter, Ostasien-bibliotheken in Deutschland. Probleme, Perspektiven, Förder-möglichkeiten (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde, Hamburg, Nr. 332). Hamburg 2001, 114 pp. ISBN 3-88910-249-2. DM 28.

Wang, Yinglin, Sanzijing, el Clásico de Tres Caracteres (Introducción, traducción y notas de Daniel Ibánez Gómez). Madrid: Trotta, 2000. (Chinese-Spanish version). 138 pp. ISBN 84-8164-366-1. Euro 9,75.

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