Newsletter No. 15 (Nov 1997)

EACS Newsletter #15


Newsletter #15



COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is January 15, 1998


EACS 1998 Conference in Edinburgh

Introduction of EACS Officers

International Sinological Center CCK-ISC in Prague

Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.

Membership News

Grants and Fellowships

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences

Members’ Publications

Unknown Addresses?


EACS Homepage:

EACS Homepage welcomes news that need to be published before the next Newsletter comes out. Particularly vacancies in the field of Chinese studies and information on grants and scholarships are welcome. Mail the material to the President, address: see last page.

EACS 1998 Edinburgh Conference Homepage:

EACS 1998 Conference in Edinburgh

Second Announcement

As intimated in the first announcement in the EACS September Newsletter, the theme for the next EACS Conference, to be held in Edinburgh September 10-13, 1998, is “Festivals: the Chinese at Work and at Play”, with papers arranged in panels covering the following topics:

1. Modern Literature & Performing Arts

2. Traditional Literature

3. Premodern History

4. a) Religion

b) Philosophy

5. a) Modern History

b) Modern Politics and Economics

6. Anthropology and Sociology

7. Visual Arts and Archaeology

8. Language and Linguistics

9. Information Technology

Proposals are also welcome for interdisciplinary seminars.

Abstracts are now being accepted for consideration by topic conveners. The deadline for receipt of these abstracts is 13 February 1998 and decisions on their acceptance will be made by 13 March 1998. All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference Web page at this time, for the information of all participants. A preliminary conference programme will then be announced in the spring Newsletter. Paper-givers who are members of EACS must be fully-paid subscribers at the time the preliminary programme is announced.

All EACS members will receive a conference mailing in December this year, including registration forms, details of conference accommodation and information on the city of Edinburgh. A second mailing, in July 1998, will be sent to all registered participants, containing details of transport connections, a map of the city etc. Further information for visitors will be distributed at the conference itself.

Accommodation bookings at Pollock Halls will be arranged at reduced rate through the conference secretariat up to 1 march 1998. A deposit of approximately 25% is needed for a guarantee booking at the reduced rate. Requests for accommodation after 1 March 1998 should be made directly to Pollock Halls. Late bookings cannot be guaranteed and the reduced conference rate may not apply.

The conference fee will be £50 (concessionary rate £30). Payment can be combined into a single lump sum with the accommodations deposit. A late fee of £60 (concessions £35) will apply after 31 July 1998.

Registration will take place at Pollock Halls on the afternoon of Wednesday 9 September 1998. Fast track registration will apply for participants who have already paid the conference fee and accommodation deposit in advance through the conference secretariat and who are up-to-date with membership fees. The balance for accommodations should also be paid at this time.

Details on accommodation rates and methods of payment will be included in the December mailing. Members (including students) who require financial assistance should notify the conference secretariat by the 1 March 1998. Financial assistance is only available to paper-givers. Graduate students are encouraged to contact the China Postgraduate Network for free or low-cost accommodation.)

Members and other interested parties are welcome to contact the conference secretariat at any time at the dedicated conference email address: , or to visit the conference Web site, accessible through the University of Edinburgh East Asian Studies Department homepage:

Bonnie S. McDougall

Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh

8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, SCOTLAND, UK

Fax: +44-131-651 12 58 Tel.: +44-131-650 42 27

Proposals for Papers

12th EACS Conference

10-13 September 1998, Edinburgh

Title of Paper ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Topic Area: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Mailing Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Postcode: ……………………………………………

Tel. ……………………………………………

Fax: ……………………………………………

Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please include an abstract of the proposed paper (max 25 lines) and return to the conference secretariat, preferably by email:

All abstracts must be received by 13 February 1998.


Call for Papers: Topic 1: Modern Chinese Literature and Performing Arts

At the beginning of the present century, in the days of the so-called New Culture Movement, young Chinese intellectuals published manifestos to defend their right to consider the writing of literature as a serious vocation, a kind of “work” that was of great value to humanity. Their positive arguments were often accompanied by derisive comments about traditional literature and “popular literature”, which they denounced for its overt playfulness. Nowadays, near the end of the century, a new generation of young Chinese intellectuals is celebrating the playful element of literary creation and shunning all further “serious” purposes. Throughout the modern period, i.e. from the second half of the nineteenth century to the present, the tension between literature as “work” and as “play” has been one of the most central themes of Chinese literary history. The tensions have often been even more acute in the realm of the performing arts, as well as in those corners of the cultural arena where literature and performing arts meet and interact.

In line with the general theme of the 1998 EACS conference, the organisers call for papers to fill at least two panels (eight papers) on one or more of the following topics:

– modern Chinese views on the art and craft of literature and film;

– playful interpretations of modern Chinese literary works or performance events;

– the careers and incomes of writers, directors and actors;

– the literary publishing industry and the film industry;

– “popular” literature and performing arts: its scenes and publications.

Applications must include a one-page abstract. Papers on other topics in modern Chinese literature and performing arts are also welcome and will be considered for inclusion in “individual papers” panels. All paper proposals, whether in line with the theme or not, will first be judged on their academic potential.

Proposals should be sent to the conference secretariat (see the general Call for Papers above), preferably by email:

The deadline for sending in proposals is 13 FEBRUARY 1998.

Michel Hockx

Convener for Topic 1: Modern Literature and Performing Arts


The names of the other topic conveners will be published on the conference Web site,


Introduction of EACS Officers

Treasurer Brunhild Staiger

Brunhild Staiger studied History, English and Sinology at the University of Hamburg during the years 1958-1964. After graduation (“Staatsexamen”) in the first two subjects she continued her studies in Chinese and made her PhD in Sinology at the Chinese Department of Hamburg University in 1968. Between 1968 and 1973 she edited, together with Wolfgang Franke as chief editor, the “China Handbuch” (published in 1974). Since 1973 she has been a senior researcher at the Institute of Asian Affairs in Hamburg, a non-university research institute. In 1975 she became deputy director of this institute. From 1977 to 1988 she gave courses at the Chinese Department of Hamburg University, and in 1993 she taught at the Sinological Department of Tuebingen University. Other functions: Since 1972 member and since 1979 chairwoman of the China Council of the German Association for Asian Studies; 1975-1991 member of the editorial board of “The China Quarterly”; 1975-1982 deputy secretary of the EACS; since 1992 treasurer of the EACS.

Brunhild Staiger’s research interests are modern Chinese history, Chinese historiography, culture and society. Her publications include Das Konfuzius-Bild im kommunistischen China (Wiesbaden 1969), “Der Historiker als Intellektueller: Ein Beitrag zur Funktion der Historiker im Reformprozeß Chinas”, in: Karl-Heinz Pohl u.a., Hrsg., Chinesische Intellektuelle im 20. Jahrhundert, Hamburg 1993, pp. 353-383, and (as editor) Nationalismus und regionale Kooperation in Asien, Hamburg 1995. At present she is editing a new China handbook.


International Sinological Center at Charles University in Prague (CCK-ISC)

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the International Sinological Center at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange of Taipei, R.O.C.

The main objective of the Center is to promote Chinese studies in Europe with the aim to enrich and further develop the research and study of Chinese culture, history and philology at academic institutions and Universities throughout the region. For a variety of reasons, the present state of Sinology at European research institutes and Universities often tends to lag behind the level of similar centers in the USA. Moreover, conditions for research and study at Central European Institutes and Universities in turn fall behind the standards taken for granted at comparable academic institutions in Western Europe. With this in mind, the International Sinological Center in Prague will strive to bring balance and equal opportunities into academic environment for the next generation of students of Chinese culture all over Europe. It will support the development of research infrastructure and study environment, academic and scholarly exchange and communication, and provide facilities in order to even out conditions and help to raise standards, open new horizons, and widen opportunities.

The CCK-ISC in Prague is the first major branch of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation overseas. Similar centers in other regions are being considered for opening in the near future. In Europe, the choice of Prague was by no means accidental. Charles University, the oldest University in Central Europe, boasts a long tradition of research on China and East Asia. In 1890, Karel Dvorak, the great early expert in Chinese language and culture, became Charles University Professor, and in 1915 -16 the University’s Rector. Professor Jaroslav Prusek, one of the first promoters of the modern idea of Chinese humanities in Europe, developed in his capacity of Charles University Professor and later the Director of the Oriental Institute in Prague, some of the most progressive programs in Chinese studies of his time. Since 1989, the new leadership of Charles University has been steadily supportive of efforts to revitalize the Chinese studies after a period of decline in the 1970s and 1980s.

The CCK-ISC is staffed by Prof. Oldrich Kral as the director, Dr. Martin Hala as the assistant director, and Ms. Vera Travnickova as the administrative secretary. It is located at the Institute of East Asian Studies of Charles University in Prague. The mailing address is CCK-ISC, Charles University, Celetna 20, Praha 1, Czech republic. Tel/fax: +42 – 2 – 24227803. email address: <>.

These are some of the programs and events to be featured in the nearest future:

Opening lectures and seminars delivered by Prof. Göran Malmqvist, Professor of Stockholm University, member of Sweden Royal Academy, Doctor Honoris Causa of Charles University; intended for doctoral and postdoctoral students and junior scholars, took place at the Institute of East Asian Studies, November 6-December 7, 1997.

The meeting of European Review Committee for CCK Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships to take place at Charles University in February – March 1998.

Annual International Conference: Modernism in Chinese Literature: 1910, Charles University, August 27-30, 1998.

Annual International Conference: The Prosody of Spoken Chinese: Rhytmical Scanning of a Speech Flow, Charles University, 1999.

Prague Summer School of Sinology to be held annually beginning in 1999. Summer schools on the following topics are being prepared: History and Culture: Chinese Perspectives (Prof. Hsu Cho-yun, USA-Taiwan); Modern Chinese Literature: Approaches (Prof. Milena Dolezelova, Toronto-Prague).

Information technologies in sinology: introducing full-text databases developed in Taiwan; joint program with Academia Sinica.

Travel and accommodation subsidies for students and junior scholars to participate in the Center’s and other Prague sinological activities.

Training workshop in academic research planning, rules and standards of grant policy and applications; first session to take place in February – March 1998.

CCK-ISC Newsletter, first issue to be published before the EACS Conference in September 1998.



China and the West in Dialogue: A Symposium Concerning the Conditions and Possibilities of Intercultural Understanding. Trier University, 9-12 April 1997. The following papers were presented:

/Intercultural Hermeneutics/ R. A. Mall (Bremen, Germany): Towards a Theory and Practice of an Intercultural Hermeneutics. Zhang Longxi (Riverside, USA): Translating Cultures: China and the West. Teng Shouyao (Peking, China): Dao and Dialogue: The Way of Mutual Understanding. Wolfgang Kubin (Bonn, Germany): Only Chinese Understand China
– Towards a Theory of Understanding Between East and West. Lin Yue-sheng (Madison, USA): Dialogue Between Tradition and Modernity, China and the West – On the Creative Transformation of Chinese Tradition. Hong Handing (Peking, China): Hermeneutics and the Chinese Theory of Translation.

/Philosophy and Religion/ Lutz Geldsetzer (Duesseldorf, Germany): Eurocentrism, Sinocentrism, and Categories of a Comparative World Philosophy. Chung-ying Cheng (Honolulu, USA): Chinese-Western Conceptions of Beauty and Good and Their Cultural Implications. Shu-hsien Liu (Hong Kong): On the Origin of Evils – A Confucian and Intercultural Perspective. Guenter Wohlfart (Wuppertal, Germany): Modernity and Postmodernism / Some Philosophical Remarks on the Necessity of East-West Dialogue. Martin Baumann (Hannover, Germany): Transplanting Religious Systems of Meaning: Modes of Transference and Strategies of Adaption, Exemplified by the History of Buddhism in the West. Li Shenzhi (Peking, China): Some New Thought on the “Unity of Heaven and Man”.

/Ethics, Values and Politics/ Heiner Roetz (Frankfurt, Germany): Confucianism and Human Rights – A Case for the “Clash of Civilizations”? Karl-Heinz Pohl (Trier, Germany): Communitarianism and Confucianism – In Search of Common Moral Ground. Yü Ying-shih (Princeton, USA): Individualism and Nationalism – Western Concepts in China During the May Fourth Period. Werner Meissner (Hong Kong): Western Political Sciences in China. Zhang Kuan (Stanford, USA): The Dilemma of Post-Colonial Critique in Contemporary China. Gottfried-Karl Kindermann (München, Germany): Sun Yatsen’s Images and Uses of China’s Confucian Legacy.

/Literature and Aesthetics/ Lung Yingtai (Heidelberg, Germany): Living and Translating Between Cultures – A Writer’s Perspective. Wang Keping (Peking, China): Confucius and Plato on Music, with Reference to the “Axial Period”. Herbert Mainusch (Münster, Germany): Towards a Dialogue between Chinese and Western Aesthetics. Yip Wai-lim (San Diego, USA): The Daoist Project as a “Possible” Metanarrative: A Dialogue between Chinese and Western Poetics.

The papers presented will be edited by Karl-Heinz Pohl and published in Lit Verlag in the series “Ostasien – Pazifik. Trierer Studien zu Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur”. A second symposium “China and the West in Dialogue” will take place in october 1998 in Trier (sponsored by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation) and will focus on “Ethical Bases of our Societies”. CONTACT: Karl-Heinz Pohl, Universitaet Trier, FB II – Sinologie, D-54286 Trier. Tel.: +49-651-2013202/3. Fax: +49-651-2013944. E-mail:

China, Chinese Civilization and the World History: Modern Times and Prospects.

8th academic conference, Moscow institute of Far Eastern Studies and Russian Academy Association of Sinologists, October 7-9, 1997. One hundred and twenty papers were presented. The abstracts, Prospects for Cooperations among China, Russia, and other Countries of Northeast Asia at the Juncture of 20th and 21st Centuries (two volumes in Russian), have been published by Institute of Far Eastern Studies. Vol. 1: Problems of the economic development of the PRC and other countries of Northeast Asia; economic cooperation between Russia and China; foreign policy of the PRC and international relations in the Far East Asian pacific region. Vol. 2: Eurasian and Chinese civilizations; political and social development in contemporary China. CONTACT: S. Gorbunova, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 32, Nakhimovsky Avenue, Moscow, 117 218 Russia. Tel.: +7-95-124 08 35. Fax: +7-95-310 70 56. Email:

Wartime Shanghai (1937-1945).

Lyons (France) on October 15-17 1997, co-organized by the Center for Chinese Studies (University of California, Berkeley) and the Institut d’Asie Orientale (Lyon 2-Lyon 3 Universities-CNRS). Following papers were presented:

/Collaborators, communists, and patriots/ Brian Martin (Office of National Assessment), Du Yuesheng and the politics of the Shanghai United Committee (Shanghai shi tongyi weiyuanhui), 1940-1945. Timothy Brook (University of Toronto), The Great Way Government and the failure of collaborationism. Jeffrey Wasserstrom (Indiana University), A wiley hare has many burrows : Shanghai communists and the Japanese occupation.

/The end of an era/ Christine Cornet (Université Lumière-Lyon 2), The bumpy end of the French Concession 1943-1946. Bickers Robert (Bristol University), Settlers and Diplomats: The end of ‘British’ hegemony in the International Settlement. Alain Roux (INALCO), Wang Jingwei and the trade union : a preliminary study.

/”Gudao Shanghai ” : A myth ?/ Allison Rottman (University of California, Berkeley), How isolated was the island? Shanghai’s links with the Central China base area during the Anti-Japanese War of Resistance. Keith Schoppa (Valparaiso University), The structure, dynamics, and impacts of the Shanghai-coastal Zhejiang trading system, 1938-1944.

/The economy under control/ Christian Henriot (Institut Universitaire de France), Bombs, boom and bust : Shanghai industries under Japanese occupation. Huang Meizhen (Fudan University), The Control of Materials by Japan and Its Puppet Government in the Central China-Occupied Area Around Shanghai, 1937-1945. Frederic Wakeman (University of California, Berkeley), Shanghai smuggling. Sherman Cochran (Cornell University), Marketing medicine across enemy lines: Chinese ‘fixers’ and Shanghai’s wartime centrality. Park Coble (University of Nebraska), Chinese capitalists in wartime Shanghai, 1937-1945 : A case study of the Rong family enterprises.

/Wartime leisure/

Carlton Benson (Pacific Lutheran College), Back to business as usual: The enforced resurgence of commercial radio in ‘Gudao’ Shanghai. Paul Pickowicz (University of California, San Diego), Women and wartime Shanghai: The strange case of Tian Han’s ‘Liren xing’.

/Japan on Huangpu/ Joshua Fogel (University of California, Sta Barbara), Shanghai-Japan: The Japanese Residents Association of Shanghai. Bernard Wasserstein (Oxford University), Japanese policy towards Jewish refugees in wartime Shanghai.

/Life and its representations/ Susan Glosser (Lewis and Clark College), A Profile of Chinese women’s lives in occupied Shanghai. Nicole Huang (University of California, Berkeley), Shaping Public Knowledge: Popular journals for women in wartime occupied Shanghai. Joshua Rosenzweig (University of California, Berkeley), Cultural crisis and literary professionalism in Shanghai, 1942-1945.

/Wartime Shanghai : A summary/ Yeh Wen-hsin (University of California, Berkeley), Wartime Shanghai.

Christian Henriot, Institut d’Asie Orientale MRASH, 14, avenue Berthelot, F-69363 Lyon cedex 07. Tel.: +33-4-72 72 65 40. Fax: +33-4-72 72 64 90. Email:



Craig Clunas has been appointed to the Chair in the history of art at University of Sussex recently vacated by Thomas Crow. Previously of the Far Eastern and Research Departments of the Victorian & Albert Museum, Dr Clunas is currently Reader in the History of Art in the School of Cultural & Community Studies at the University of Sussex. He has published extensively on Chinese art and culture and in recent years has pursued a particular interest in the Ming dynasty. Amongst his books are Superfluous Things: Social Status and Material Culture in Early Modern China (Cambridge 1991) and Fruitful Sites: Garden Culture in Ming Dynasty China (Reaktion, 1996). Pictures and Visuality in Early Modern China, also with Reaktion, is due to be published later this year. Reflecting Dr Clunas’ teaching interests is Art in China (Oxford, 1997) one of the first volumes published in the new oxford History of Art. As professor, Craig Clunas will continue to teach a range of Major
and School courses, some of them comparative and several exploiting the resources of the University of Sussex Barlow collection of Chinese antiquities, ensuring that the art history of China occupies a central place in both the under- and post-graduate curricula at Sussex.



EU-China Higher Education Cooperation programme

Application guidelines (abridged for this Newsletter)

1. Aims

The main aim of the EU-China Higher Educations Cooperation programme is to strengthen european Studies in China. Within this programme, European Studies ios broadly defined to include inter alia EU-related social sciences, applied human sciences, law, history, economics and politics. In a strict sense, European Studies encompasses in this programme:

– Community Law (constitutional, public and private Community law),

– European economics (Market integration, Economic and Monetary union, external trade, etc.),

– The polity and politics of the EU (the institutional systems of the EC/EU, decision-making procedures, political infrastructure such as parties, interest groups, elections, etc.)

– European policies (covering the whole range of competencies of the three EU pillars:

i. EC: agriculture, citizenship, competition, environment, consumer protection, social affairs, research and technology, regional policy, etc.;

ii. Common Foreign and Security Policy

iii. Justice and Home Affairs),

– The History of european integrations (starting from the late 1940s), and

– Theories, political thought and movements of European integration.

The committee further notes that, in a broader sense, european Studies within this programme also encompasses:

– Comparative studies of EU member state systems and activities within EU member states related to the functioning of European integration (such as the implementation of EC law in different national systems, or comparing individual legal regulations in view of their mutual compatibility), and

– Comparing European regional integration with integrative measures in other parts of the world.

2. Objectives

The overall objective of the EU-China Higher Education Cooperation programme is to promote greater interest in and understanding of the European Union in China. The specific objectives of the Programme are as follows:

– Strengthening of European studies

– Development of language-based European studies

– Training in governance issues and applied human sciences

3. Activities

The EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme is divided into two sub-programmes. Sub-programme A concerns mobility activities and Sub-programme B concerns cooperation projects. The different activities within the two sub-programmes should preferably be combined.

The different activities within the sub-programmes are:

Sub-programme A – mobility:

Sub-programme A:1 for European participants:

– Robert Schuman professorships for European professors

– European visiting professors

Sub-programme A:2 for Chinese participants:

– Guest professorships for Chinese professors

– Fellowships for Chinese scholars

– Internships for Chinese scholars and officials

– Studentships for Chinese scholars

Sub-programme B – collaborative projects:

– Collaborative research

– Curriculum development

– Workshops

4. Participation

This programme is open to applicants from all institutions of higher education in the EU and China formally recognized by the governments of their respective countries. In certain cases applications from research institutions may be accepted and funding granted. Participation in the programme is restricted to institutions within the EU or China. Any individual benefitting financially from the programme shall be a citizen of a EU Member State or China, or currently employed at an institution within the EU or China.

5. Timetable

1998/99, 2nd call for applications. Deadline: 1 March, 1998, for activities commencing in the academic year 1998/99.

1999/2000, 3rd call for applications. Deadline: 1 march 1999, for activities commencing in the academic year 1999/2000.

2000, 4th call for applications. Deadline: 1 October 1999, for activities commencing on or after 1 January 2000.

6. Submission of applications

All applications for Sub-programme A:1 and Sub-programme B coordinated by a European institution shall be submitted, in three copies (one original and two photocopies), to the European coordination office at Lund University:

EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme

Lund University, Box 117, S-22100 Lund, Sweden.

All applications for Sub-programme A:2 and Sub-programme B coordinated by a Chinese institution shall be submitted, in three copies (one original and two photocopies), to the Project Management office at Renmin University of China:

EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme

Room 207, Eastern Library Building, Renmin University of China

175 Haidian Road, Beijing 100872, People’s Republic of China.

Application Forms and Applications Guidelines are available on the Internet <> or may be obtained in printed form from the programme offices. Applications should be submitted by registered mail. For more information, please CONTACT: In Lund: Dr. Roger Greatrex, European Director. Tel.: +46-46-222-12-90. Fax: +46-46-222-12-95. email: <>. WWW: <

In China: Dr. Zhang Xiaojin, Chinese Co-director. Tel.: +86-10-6251-4960. Fax: +86-10-6251-4961. email: <>. WWW: <



What Political Role for Europe in Asia?

1997 Annual Conference of the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS), Brussels, 24-25 November 1997. Venue: Swissotel Brussels, 19 rue du Parnasse, 1050 Brussels, Belgium. CONTACT: Ms. Hiroko Shinkai, European Institute of Asian Studies asbl, 35 rue des Deux Eglises, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. Te.: +32-2-23 08 122. Fax: +32-2-23 05 402. Email:

International Symposium on the Teaching of Chinese Characters. 6-7 February, 1998.

On the 10th anniversary of the World Association for Chinese Teaching, and with a view to developing international exchanges in this field and to reinforcing the links between teachers of Chinese, the French Association of Chinese Teaching has taken the initiative of changing the “Second International Conference on Research into the Teaching of Chinese” into an “International Symposium on the Teaching of Chinese Characters” organised with the World Association of Chinese Teaching. Place: Paris, France (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees). Working languages: French and Chinese. Cost: at the participants’ expense (i.e. return, accommodation, meals, etc.). Deadline for enrolments and sending abstracts: 30 November 1997. Final papers to be sent by: 15 January 1998. Enrolment formalities: CONTACT the Secretariat of Association Francaise des Professeurs de Chinois, CRLAO 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris, France. Fax: +33-1-45 65 09 65.

CALL FOR STUDENTS. Leiden University’s Research School of the Centre for Non-Western Studies will hold an interdisciplinary two-day teaching seminar for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate Sinology students from the Netherlands and other European countries on the subject of Women and Gender during the Imperial Era. 14 – 15 May, 1998.

The seminar wi
ll focus upon three activities: (1) the discussion of two learned papers to be distributed well in advance of the meeting; (2) the discussion of one monograph publication which all those attending will also have read before the meeting; (3) the oral presentation by the students of their activities concerning this subject, followed by “feed-back” from the audience. Travel expenses and lodging costs will be supported by the Research School.

Students wishing to apply should submit a letter explaining their reason(s) for wishing to participate in this seminar, and a curriculum vitae which summarizes all their educational activities until the present. Copies of any written work concerning ‘women and gender’ are also desirable.

Please submit all written materials (in three copies) to: Dr. Harriet T. Zurndorfer, Sinologisch Instituut, P.B.9515, Leiden University, Leiden 2300 RA, The Netherlands by January 15, 1998. The seminar has room for maximum 10 students, and they will be chosen on the basis of proven academic accomplishment and demonstrated interest in this subject.

Processes of Social Change, Rising Ethnic Identity and Ethnicity Among the Yi in China.

Second International Conference on Yi-Studies. Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, Universität Trier, Germany. 18-24 June 1998.

At present we have a growing contradiction between economic development processes, social change and preservation of the ethnic and cultural identity of Chinese minorities. Without any doubt economic development in minority regions has become a high priority of the Chinese government in recent years, as the government seeks to overcome the possibility of local resistance, ethnic revolt, or even ethnic nationalism by means of developmental projects that both raise the standard of living in minority areas and attempt through education and propaganda to instill minority peoples’ identification with the Chinese nation and the Chinese government.

The results of development policies have, however, been mixed and paradoxical. On the one hand, the results in the form of infrastructural construction, expansion of schooling, and a general rise in the standard of living are everywhere visible. On the other hand, increased connections to the wider Chinese world, and increased awareness of the place of minority regions in the Chinese polity and economy have meant the strengthening of ethnic consciousness among many minorities.

Previous studies on economic development in minority regions have tended to concentrate on one or the other aspect of this situation: Chinese scholarship, in the main, has emphasized the positive physical results of development policies, while foreign scholarship has concentrated on its paradoxical effects of increased ethnic consciousness and even ethnic nationalism. Very little work from either Chinese or foreign scholars, however, has been concerned either with the interaction between the two processes of development and the formation of ethnic consciousness or with the specific effects of development in local communities.

Taking the Yi, with a population of about 7 million people the sixth largest ethnic minority in China (mainly living in the provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi), as an example, the conference will concentrate on the following issues:

1. How to assess the economic changes in the Yi inhabited areas?

2. What is the impact of economic change on local communities and how is it perceived by those communities?

3. The relationship between ethnic and cultural identity, ethnicity and economic and cultural change among the Yi.

4. Do modernization processes last not least lead to integration or segregation?

More than half of the paper presenters will be Yi, the remaining scholars will come from the US, Australia, Japan, Taiwan and Europe. Conference language is Chinese.

CONTACT: University Trier, Center of East Asian and Pacific Studies, Department of Political Science, Prof. Dr. Thomas Heberer, D-54286 Trier. Tel.: +49-651-201-2131/2122. Fax: +49-651-201-3917. Email:

Neuvième Colloque International de Sinologie de Chantilly 6 – 9 septembre 1998.

Sous le patronage des Instituts Ricce (Paris-San Francisco-Taipei) et du C.E.R.I.C.

Dans le prolongement du VIIIe colloque, le IXe poursuivra la réflexion sur:

Les transformations de l’image de la Chine au tournant du XIXe et du XXe siècles.

Ce thème sera apprèhendé plus spécialement du point de vue de la Chine elle-même, en considérant deux questions dans leur développement à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle: 1. Comment les Chinois ont changé l’image qu’ils avaient d’eux-mêmes en fonctions du regard et des écrits des Occidentaux? 2. L’image de l’Occident et des Occidentaux en Chine; quelle est l’utilisation faite en Chine des approches scientifiques, technologiques et philosophiques étrangères?

Ces thèmes feront l’objet de communications longues (45mn environ) présentées en matinées afin de poser les problématiques principales. Ces exposés seront repris dans une table ronde en début d’apres-midi.

La deuxième partie de l’après-midi sera réservée à des contributions plus courtes, de 10 à 20 minutes, permettant d’ouvrir le champ thématique et chronologique. Les sujets, portant d’une manière générale sur les relations entre la Chines et l’Occident du XIVe au XXe siècles, devront être soumis à l’approbation du comité d’organisation.

Les personnes désirant présenter une communication dans l’après-midi sont priées de renvoyer à l’Institut Ricci la feuille ci-jointe, en précisant le titre de leur intervention accompagné d’un bref résumé en français ou en anglais.

La langue officielle du colloque est le français. Cependant l’anglais est admis pour les communications de l’après-midi.

Le Centre de Conférences des Fontaines, à Chantilly, offre repas et hébergement à des prix spéciaux pour notre colloque, ainsi que toutes les facilités pour des carrefours et le travail en bibliothèque.

P. Claude Larre S.J. & Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée, Institut Ricci, 68 rue de la Tour, F-75116 paris, France. Tél.: +33-1-45 03 00 04. Fax: +33-1-40 25 05 92.

Barbarian Pipes and Strings – 2,000 years of cross-cultural influences in the music of China.

1-4 October 1998, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Cross-cultural influences in the music of China throughout the centuries form the major subject of a four-day conference at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in October 1998. The meeting will be hosted by the Institute of Chinese Studies at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in cooperation with the Institutes of Musicology and East Asian Art. It is co-hosted by the CHIME Foundation (Leiden/London) and the Heidelberg Philharmonic Orchestra.

Scholars and students in the field of Chinese and Asian studies, musicology, history and anthropology, as well as musicians (professionals and amateurs) and composers are invited to participate in this meeting, which will address historical issues as well as new developments in China’s music. A selection of finalized papers and recorded discussions of ‘Barbarian Pipes and Strings’ will be published in several monographs in the series ‘Chime studies in East Asian Music’, and in two special volumes of the CHIME Journal (vols. 14/15).

The conference will focus on six sub-themes:

1. Historical research and recent fieldwork: what can we learn ?

2. Comparative research on musical rituals
of minorities in China.

3. Historical and recent reforms in Chinese urban and rural theatre.

4. The role of contemporary musicians and composers in East Asia.

5. Changes in traditional music style: the case of guqin music.

6. Chinese imprints in Western music.

Call For Papers: Abstracts (of approximately 300 words or less) are welcomed. They should be sent before 15 May 1998 to: Programme Committee CHIME – BPS, c/o Dr. Barbara Mittler, Harvard University, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, 2, Divinity Ave, Cambridge MA 02138 USA. E-mail:

Please note that Dr. Mittler’s address is valid only until 15 May 1998. After this date, communications should be sent c/o Barbara Mittler, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Akademiestr. 4-8, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany.

E-mail after 15 May 1998:

For background information, you may also contact: CHIME Foundation, P.O.Box 11092, 2301 EB Leiden, Holland. Tel.: +31-71-5133.974 or 71-5133.123. Fax: +31-71-5123.183. E-mail:

The sinology section of the K.U.Leuven (Belgium) is organizing an

Intensive Programme on Contemporary Chinese Scholars on Ancient Chinese Philosophy, to be held 16 – 26 October 1998. There will be five guest speakers from China, mainly Beijing University, and the working language will be English and Chinese. Graduate students working on Chinese thought and interested in this workshop should get in touch with their SOCRATES responsible (if their institute has a contract with the K.U.Leuven) or with Carine Defoort, K.U.Leuven ( SOCRATES will cover the costs of one person per institute (if our application gets approved). Non-SOCRATES participants can join on their own costs.



ANDO, Vladimir.

Klasicka cinska medicina – Zaklady teorie [Classical Chinese Medicine. Theoretical Background], I-III. Hradec Kralove 1995-1997. 389+274+267 pp.


Compiled and edited by Lubica Obuchova with the assistance of Josef Kolmas and Blahoslav Hruska. Oriental Institute, Praha 1996. 355 pp. [Available from John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsteldijk 44, P.O.Box 75577, 1070 AN Amsterdam, The Netherlands.]

Archiv orientalni (ArOr) is a quarterly journal of the Oriental Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for the study of the history, economy, culture and society of African and Asian countries. Founded in 1929 by Bedrich Hrozny. Edited by Lubica Obuchova with the editorial board. Editorial office: Pod vodarenskou vezi 4, 182 08 Praha 8, Czech Republic. Tel.: +42-2-6605 2483. Fax: +42-2-689 7260. E-mail:

Contents: Introductory Note (Josef Kolmas), pp. 7-8; Sixty Years of Archiv orientalni (Blahoslav Hruska), pp. 9-11; Contents of the Single Volumes 1-60 (in chronological order), pp. 15-260 (Serial Nos. 1-6971); Subject Index, pp. 261-292; Name Index, pp. 293-351; Index to Occasional Papers Connected with Czech and/or Slovak Oriental Studies: Bibliographies, Anniversaries, Obituaries, pp. 352-353; Editors and Collaborators of ArOr: Editors-in-Chief, Executive Editors (in alphabetical order), Editorial Board (and Advisory Committee) Members (in alphabetical order), pp. 354-355.

BØRDAHL, Vibeke.

The Oral Tradition of Yangzhou Storytelling. Richmond, U.K.: Curzon Press, 1996. xxxii+497 pp. Hardback ISBN 0-7007-0436-1. Price: DKK 500. Send your order to: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Leifsgade 33, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark. Fax: +45-32 96 25 30. Email:


Zapisky o buddhistickych zemich [Records of the Buddhistic countries]. Translated and introduced by Josef Kolmas. 2nd, enlarged edition. Aurora Publishers, Praha 1995. 207 pp.

GRAÇA, António Abreu.

China de Jade. Extramurus/Poesia; Fundamentos Editosa, Lisboa 1997. 77 pp. ISBN 972 82 77-00-8. Price: PTE 1200.


Svet tibetskeho buddhismu [The World of Tibetan Buddhism]. Foreword by H. H. the Dalai Lama. Brabapress – Slovart Publishing House, Praha 1996. 143 pp.

KOLMAS, Josef.

Buddhisticka svata pisma [Buddhist sacred scriptures]. Prah Press, Praha 1995. 92 pp.

von SENGER, Harro.

Anleitung zum Ueberleben: chinesische Weisheit aus drei Jahrtausenden. München: Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag (dtv 30594). First and second edition 1996. DM 19:-.


Listy z Ciny do vlasti a jina korespondence s evropskymi hvezdari (1716-1735) [Letters from China to his native country and other correspondence with European astronomers (1716-1735)]. Translated from Latin and edited by Josef Kolmas. Vysehrad Publishers, Praha 1995. 269 pp.


Vzpominky na Tibet [Recalling Tibet]. The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo 1997 – Prah Press, Prague 1997. 160 pp. – The same in English.


CHINA INFORMATION: A Quarterly Journal on Contemporary China Studies, published by the Documentation and Research Center for Contemporary China, Sinological Institute, Leiden University, The Netherlands.

The contents of the latest issue, Volume XII, Nos. 1/2 (Summer/Autumn 1997):

/Hong Kong: State and Society under Colonial Rule/Guest Editor: Tak-Wing Ngo

Tak-Wing Ngo, Hong Kong under Colonial Rule: An Introduction.

/Colonial Rule: Strategies and Responses/

John M. Carroll, Colonialism and Collaboration: Chinese Subjects and the Making of British Hong Kong.

Christopher Munn, “Giving Justice a Second Chance”: The Criminal Trial in Early British Hong Kong, 1841-1866.

Stephen W.K. Chiu & Ho-fung Hung, The Paradox of Stability Revisited: Colonial Development and State Building in Rural Hong Kong.

Tai-lok Lui & Stephen W.K, Chiu, The Structuring of Social Movements in Contemporary Hong Kong.

/Development under Colonial Rule/

Hui Po-keung, The Development of Hong Kong Chinese Business in the Mid-19th to Early 20th Century: A Transnational Perspective.

Tak-Wing Ngo, The Legend of a Colony: Political Rule and Historiography in Hong Kong.

Alex H. Choi, The Political Economy of Hong Kong’s Industrial Upgrading: A Lost Opportunity.

Kim-Ming Lee, The Flexibility of the Hong Kong Manufacturing Sector.

Ming Sing, Economic Development, Public Support, and the Endurance of Hong Kong’s Political Institutions (1970s-1980s)

Alan Hunter, Radical Opposition: The Chinese Trotskyist Movement.

Plus reviews of 31 new books on contemporary China.

For more information on subscriptions etc., please CONTACT: Gina Rozario, email:

Other information can be obtained from: Chief Editor Woei Lien Chong (ms), Documentation and Research Center for Contemporary China, Sinological Institute, leiden University, The netherlands. email:



The translation journal Chinese Studies in Philosophy published by M.E.Sharpe is coming up with a few changes by the end of this year (vol. 29.2). Carine Defoort (K.U.Leuven) is taking over the editorship from Michael Schoenhals (previously at Stockholm University, now at Lund University). The journal will carry a new title: Contemporary Chinese Thought. Rather than heralding a major change, the title confirms a widening of scope and shift of focus that has been going on for several years. “Chinese Thought” indicates a wider scope t
han “philosophy” in a strict academic sense; “Contemporary” confirms the new focus: aside from the fact that articles remain to be chosen from recent publications, there is an explicit focus on their contemporary representative value, however ancient their content may be. Email:



La valeur de l’exemple. Perspectives chinoises. Prepare par K. Chemla avec le soutien de l’Universite Paris VII et de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. 160 pp, 90 FF. Contents:

K. Chemla, Presentation. Etude transversale des pratiques de l’exemple en Chine ancienne

I. Juger par l’exemple

Jerome Bourgon, Les vertus juridiques de l’exemple. Nature et fonction de la mise en exemple dans le droit de la Chine imperiale.

Christian Lamouroux, Entre symptome et precedent. Notes sur l’oeuvre historique de Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072).

II. Suivre l’exemple

Anne Cheng, La valeur de l’exemple. “Le saint confuceen: de l’exemplarite a l’exemple”.

Karine Chemla, Qu’est-ce qu’un probleme dans la tradition mathematique de la Chine ancienne? Quelques indices glanes dans les commentaires rediges entre le 3ieme et le 7ieme siecles au classique Han. Les neuf chapitres sur les procedures mathematiques.

III. Regards exterieurs

François Hartog, Le cas grec: du ktema a l’exemplum en passant par l’Archeologie.

Geoffrey Lloyd, Exempli gratia: to make an example of the Greeks.



For further information and subscription details, please contact: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, Université de Paris VIII, 2 rue de la Liberté, F-93526 Saint Denis Cedex 02, France.


MING QING YANGJIU is a journal published annually by the Istituto Universitario Orientale and by the Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente since 1992, dedicated primarily to advanced studies in pre-modern and modern China and East Asia, seeking to provide a forum for scholars attempting to bridge a gap between sinology and western studies in sociology, literature, psychology, anthropology, history, geography, linguistics, semiotics, political science, philosophy and international relations.

Manuscripts, exchange copies, reviews should be sent to Ming Qing Yanjiu, Editorial Office, Prof. Paolo Santangelo, Department of Asian Studies, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Piazza Domenico Maggiore, 12, 80134 Napoli, Italy. Fax: +39-81-5517852. E-mail:

Subscription orders: Libreria Herder, Piazza Montecitorio 120, 00186 Rome, Italy.

The most recent issue, Ming Qing Yanjiu 1997, includes the following articles:

Giorgio Casacchia, Some Pekingese Toponyms in the Qing Period Banner Areas.

Carmen Guarino, The Interpretation of Images in Matteo Ricci’s Pictures for Chengshi moyuan.

Donatella Guida, Southeast Asia in Jinghuayuan: From Historiography to Literature.

Nie Dening, Chinese Merchants and Their Maritime Activities under the Ban on Maritime Trade in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1567).

Rahim Raza, The Image of China in Indo-Persian Cultures: The Tradition of Great Poets.

Maurizio Riotto, Korean Poetry in Distinctive Chinese Style during the Early Chosôn Period

Luca Stirpe, Huang Ming zhusi liangming qipan gong’an: A Collection of Detective Stories Held by the Beijing and Tokyo Libraries.


Call for Articles. NAN NUU – Men, Women, and Gender in Early and Imperial China is a new interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to studies of gender in China and covering all periods before the twentieth century. It aims to create a forum in which scholars worldwide can communicate and share their interest in gender-related topics. The journal’s editors seek manuscripts presenting new research in areas which can range from archaeology to zither performance. Longer papers presenting detailed sinological evidence are especially welcome. Published articles will display full documentation in Chinese and Japanese. The journal appears twice a year. All members of the editorial board share in the review and editing of manuscripts that are accepted for publication following external peer review.

NAN NUU is an interdisciplinary journal which publishes original studies related to men, women, and gender in the fields of history, literature, linguistics and language, anthropology, archaeology, art and music, law, philosophy, medicine/science, and religion. The chronological range is from the beginnings of civilization in China to the early twentieth century.

In addition, NAN NUU contains a book review section on recent publications concerning gender, in Chinese or Japanese and in Western languages. The Journal also publishes occasional review articles and reports about important developments in gender studies.

The language of the Journal is English.

Managing Editor: Harriet Zurndorfer (Sinologisch Instituut, P.B. 9515, Faculteit der Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands).

Editorial Board: Glen Dudbridge (Oxford University), Beata Grant (Washington University), Clara Wing-chung Ho (Hong Kong Baptist University), Angela Leung (ISSP Sun Yat-sen Institute, Academia Sinica), Susan Mann (University of California, Davis), Paul Ropp (Clark University).

Copyediting and publication costs are shared by Brill Academic Publishers and Washington University, St.Louis.

Notes for Contributors. Manuscripts:

Contributors should send three copies of their manuscript (one with their name, and two without identifying marks) to Dr. Zurndorfer. Contributions should be typewritten on one side of the page, with broad margins and double-spaced. Notes, also to be double-spaced, should appear at the end. Chinese romanization should be in the ‘pinyin’ system and Japanese in the Hepburn system. Characters should appear in the text, and in the notes where appropriate.

Contributors whose manuscripts are accepted must prepare their work to comply with the publisher’s style requirements and the final editorial comments of the Editorial Board. They must send a diskette, preferably utilizing ‘Twinbridge for Windows’, in perfect form from which the printer can produce their work, and two hard copies. Authors should be aware that the publisher maintains the right to charge authors for any changes made to proofs other than correction(s) to the compositor’s errors. Authors will receive free offprints of their work.

Book Reviews:

Reviewers should comply with the style and deadline requirements of the Editorial Board.



Members with Unknown Addresses

The following EACS members’ addresses appear to have changed, so their mail keeps being returned. Please help EACS get in touch with these members again: send their address or ask them to send their address to EACS Secretary-General Harald Boeckman, address: see last page.

Ammassari, Antonio Ananieva, Nora Andersen, Poul

Baldrian-Hussein, F. Banhidi, Ferenc Chin, F. Fookune

Cigliano, Maria Fadeeva, Elena Y. Frankenhauser, Uwe

Gantchev, Petro Dimitrov Gruendel, Ines Gyss-Vermande, Caroline

Hannaas, Sissel N. Herbert, Penny A. Ibold, Manfred

Ivanyi, Zoltan Janowski, Karin Jansen, Thomas

Jungschlaeger, Chr. Kuehne, Christine Lavagnino, Alessandra

Lux, Claudia Ouvrard, Gilles Price, Nancy

Rostek, Horst Roux, Alain Schenk, Eberhard

Shen-Lewi, Zhengyu Silna, Natasa Simunkova, Ludmila

Soeder, Renate Stahlberg, Sabira Taeubner, Thomas

Talas, Barna Tomba, Luigi Vilimkova, Xenie

Volkov, Alexei Vosbein, Tage Voskanova, Ivina

Wagner, My
ake Zjasakova, Zarisa Zorn, Bettina


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