European Association of Chinese Studies
Association européenne d’études chinoises
EACS Newsletter
No. 20
May 1999
COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 15 June, 1999
Editor’s note
In memoriam: Professor Yves Hervouet
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences
Reports from Workshops, Conferences, Events
EACS – CCK Foundation Library Travel Grants
Contributions to China Handbook
Membership Application Form
A Notice from the Treasurer
Where to send your EACS correspondence
EACS Addresses
The EACS Homepage welcomes news that needs to be published before the next Newsletter comes out. Particularly welcome is information about vacancies, grants, scholarships, conferences and workshops in Chinese studies. Please send your information to the President.
Editor’s note
This is the first issue of the EACS Newsletter that I edit in several years. I did cooperate with my teacher Professor Göran Malmqvist in the editing of the first newsletter published in 1987, and I was also involved in the editing of some of the issues that followed. But that was all long ago. The newsletter was quite different in those days and appeared much less regularly than it has under the vigorous editorship of my colleague Dr. Marja Kaikkonen, whose example seems rather intimidating to a successor who has no way to muster her Finnish sisu.
We will try to publish one more issue before the summer, so please try to send me your contributions by 15 May at the latest.
In the not too distant future we hope to distribute the newsletter at least partly by e-mail. May I therefore ask all members to send your e-mail addresses to our Treasurer Hans van Ess. You will find his address on page 15. Please also do not forget to update us about your new address, institutional affiliation, field of research etc.
With best wishes for a continued good year of the rabbit.
Torbjörn Lodén
In Memoriam: Professor Yves Hervouet
Professor Yves Hervouet died on 29 January 1999, aged 77. He was one of the founding fathers of the Junior Sinologues Congress, back in 1948, a friendly group of young European academics in Chinese studies, who resented the conservative atmosphere of the long-established Orientalist Congress, and decided to organize regular scholarly gatherings by their own means at one or another sinological center in Europe and to launch joint projects. Again, in 1974, Professor Hervouet with some colleagues initiated the move for reshaping the then ailing Junior Sinologues Congress into the present day European Association of Chinese Studies, which held its first founding conference in Paris, in 1976. He served as vice-president of the EACS from 1976 to 1982.
Professor Hervouet was born on 30 April 1921, in a village of Brittany, from a peasant family of thirteen children. After obtaining a licence in classics in 1943, he studied Chinese at the Ecole des langues orientales in Paris, then went to Peking for further training (1947-1949). He became a scientific member of the École française d’Extrême-Orient, stationed in Hanoi (1950-1954). On his return to Paris, he was the librarian of the Institut des hautes études chinoises at the Sorbonne (1954-1959). In 1959, he was appointed in Bordeaux to the first chair of Chinese studies created in a French provincial university. Ten years later he was called to Paris and helped to the founding of Paris VIII-Vincennes University, where he headed the Chinese Department and served a few years as Vice-President. He ended his career as professor and head of the East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department at Paris VII University (1976-1987). He was also director of the Institut des hautes études chinoises, now attached to the Collège de France, from 1973 to 1986. He created the French Association for Chinese Studies in 1980 and was elected its first chairman
His unrelenting, selfless dedication to many ungratifying administrative tasks in support of academic renovation and quality, as well as for the promotion and efficient organization of Chinese studies, was matched by an exceptionally rigorous and wide-ranging scholarship. Solidly grounded on philology, his work encompassed major contributions to bibliography: the catalogue of the Chinese collections of the Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient (1954), the catalogues of Chinese gazetteers (1957) and periodicals (1958) in European libraries, A Sung Bibliography (1978). He was chief editor of several major collective sinological volumes and contributed to many others. However, classical literature, especially poetry, was his beloved field and secret garden. His thesis, published in 1964, was on the Han poet Sima Xiangru. It was complemented by his translation and critical study of the poet’s biography in the Shiji, Le chapitre 112 du Che-ki. Biographie de Sseu-ma Siang-jou (1972). He translated also Pu Songling (1969). His last book was a most talented and delicately refined excursion into the world of Tang poetry, Amour et politique dans la Chine ancienne. Cent poèmes de Li Shangyin (1995).
A man of strong personal integrity and straight judgment, even with causticity, Professor Hervouet had also treasures of sensitive generosity. He was a great teacher who inspired both respect and affection to his students and colleagues. Members of the EACS should remember his spirit of devotion and outstanding contribution to European sinology. Those who have known him will surely feel the loss of a trusted friend and share the sorrow of Mrs. Hervouet and her four daughters.
Marianne Bastid-Bruguière
“About Qi” – Third International Conference organised by the Taoist Study Centre TASC.
Preliminary announcement and call for abstracts.
Background: This international conference on “QI” will be held on April 1, 2000 at the Taoist Studies Centre (Antwerp, Belgium). The aim of the conference is to promote the study of Taoist culture and philosophy and of Chinese medicine. Scholars are invited to submit papers (in Chinese or English) on any aspect of the theme. If you are interested, please send an abstract to: Dr. Dan K.J. Vercammen, General Director, TASC, Ballaerstraat 114, B-2018 Antwerp, Belgium; fax: +32-3-248 13 87; e-mai
l: tasc.vercammen @
Xth Conference “China, Chinese Civilization and the World: China on the Way of Modernization and Reforms”, arranged by the Institute of Far Eastern Studies and the Russian Association of Sinologists, will be held in Moscow on 22-24 September, 1999. Working languages Russian and Chinese.
Contact: IFES RAS, 32 Nakhimovsky Av., Moscow, 117218, Russia.
Fax: (095)3107056; E-mail:
XIIIth EACS CONFERENCE – The Spirit of the Metropolis – in Torino, August 30th – September 2nd 2000. Urban life has enjoyed increasing attention also in Chinese studies over recent years. This is why “The Spirit of the Metropolis” has been chosen as the general theme for EACS Conference to be held in Turin in 2000. It is particularly well suited to the place where the Conference will take place, as the Chinese characters for Turin are those for “capital city” and “spirit”. There will be a number of panels exclusively devoted to the topic in its various aspects, together with some interdisciplinary panels. Within the Conference, films shot in Chinese cities – mainly in Shanghai – from the beginning of the century up to the 1930s will be screened. A workshop by scholars working on the research project “Europe in China” will also be hosted, forming a particular section within the Conference.
Conference Venue: “Villa Gualino”, Viale Settimio Severo, 63 – Torino (Italy). Villa Gualino is located on the lower slopes of the hills surrounding Torino. It was conceived at the end of the 1920s by Riccardo Gualino, financier, industrialist and art collector. It is a fine example of modernist architecture, and is now used for hosting cultural and scientific functions. The main building is equipped with modern conference and accommodation facilities. The accommodation facilities include a 70-room hotel, self-service restaurant and bar. Additional rooms will be provided in other hotels located in the same area and in student dormitories.
Information: A WEB site address will be provided in EACS Newsletter no. 21 For further information contact: Dott. Stefania Stafutti, Dipartimento di Orientalistica dell’Universitá di Torino, Via Roero di Cortanze 5, 10124 Torino, Italy.
Music Conference in Prague: Fifth Annual CHIME Conference Chinese.
The fifth annual conference of CHIME, the European Foundation for Chinese Music Research, will take place from 15 to 19 September 1999 at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. The main theme is “Music in cities, music in villages – East-Asian music traditions in transition”. The meeting will focus on musical contrasts between villages and cities in China and East Asia. Generally speaking, in the study of Chinese and East-Asian music, urban genres are more widely promoted and more thoroughly studied than their rural counterparts. Chinese opera, as it can be heard in major cities, is a popular subject of research. But what about rural opera? How does it compare with the urban traditions? Basically, the same question can be asked about other musical genres. How does rural religious music compare with urban religious music? What about rural pop versus urban pop? Notwithstanding numerous links, the musical worlds of villages and of major cities in Asia can also be far apart from one another in many respects. For this conference, we invite original papers and audiovisual materials which highlight musical traditions in China, Taiwan, Tibet, Mongolia, Japan,Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and adjacent countries. We expect the emphasis to be on rural or urban perspectives, or – ideally – on a comparison of both. In addition to panels and paper sessions, the conference will feature some concerts of instrumental music, including a Chinese Buddhist ritual ceremony.
Subsidiary themes for which we invite abstracts: – East Asian musicians’ biographies; Musical motives in Chinese literature and art; Ancient Chinese music and music archaeology.
Organiser/address: The meeting will be organised by Charles University, the CCK Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange and the Academy of Music in Prague, the Czech Republic, in co-operation with the Chime Foundation. Abstracts for paper contributions (approximately 15 lines) can be sent to Dr. Lucie Olivov or Sankya Fülle at the International Sinological Centre in Prague: International Sinological Centre, Celetn 20, 116 42 Praha 1, Czech Republic, E-mail:
For general information about Chime, or about the Chime journal, contact Frank Kouwenhoven or Antoinet Schimmelpenninck at the CHIME library in Leiden, Holland: CHIME, Post Box 11092, 2301 EB Leiden, The Netherlands. Phone +31-71-5133.974 or 5133.123. Fax: +31-71-5123.183. E-mail:
“The People’s Republic of China at Fifty: A Revolution so Changed.”
Call for papers.
The 5th Annual Conference of the David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies (LEWI) Hong Kong Baptist University to be held at Lund University, Sweden, October 18-20, 1999.
The focus of the 5th Annual Conference of the LEWI academic consortium will be the social, economic and political developments that have taken place in China over the past fifty years and on how – in the course of those developments – the content and meaning of China’s “revolution” have changed.
In the words of Mao Zedong, “the poorer people are, the more they desire revolution.” At the time of the founding of the PRC, such an understanding of revolution as the eradication of poverty was probably foremost in the minds of most members and supporters of the new government. As one member of the Central Committee put it in no uncertain terms: “For everybody to get rich, for everybody to lead a good life. That’s why there has to be a revolution.” Yet during the first ten years of the PRC, as the social, economic and political face of the country changed, so too did the meaning of “revolution.” Growing fear of a spectre called “revisionism” – shorthand for a negative development seen as having taken place in Eastern Europe, beginning in Yugoslavia – prompted Mao and other ideologically driven party leaders to posit a distinction between making genuine revolution and simply improving the lot of the great majority of Chinese, even in a state ruled by the Communist party. The eradication of poverty came to be regarded as a double-edged sword: it was precisely because they had grown used to leading a good life, Mao argued, that people in the capitalist West had ceased to be revolutionary.
By the time the PRC turned twenty, the idea that “revolution” in fact was something radically different from, and more important than, improving the social and economic lot of the majority had become a central theme of CCP propaganda. The absurd and possibly unintended political consequence of this was that if the victory of revolution could not be secured in any other way, it was better to leave the Chinese people in an impoverished state of ideological Redness than to risk their tasting the forbidden fruit of individual wealth and suffer “revisionist” poisoning as a result.
When Mao died, the future of China’s “revolution” was literally up for grabs. By 1979, a constituency led by Deng Xiaoping – who favoured a return to an earlier definition of revolution, one similar to that which had given the CCP popular support in 1949 – had come out on top. It took another ten years before a new dictum struck root: that to get rich is not only glorious but revolutionary as well! Now as the PRC turns fifty, the meaning of “revolution” is again close to what it had been in 1949: putting a premium on improving the lot of the many, on eradicating poverty and ignorance, and on making China wealthy and powerful – with the Communist party in power.
As a revolution thus redefined and re-launched more than once, the fifty-year histo
ry of the PRC prompts several questions, and not just from historians: Was this tortuous political development in any sense inevitable? If many of the twists and turns of the revolution are regarded, in retrospect, as mistakes, then what factors – objective, subjective, cultural, economic, international, domestic – prompted them? What, if any, are the positive legacies of the “revolution(s)” of the 1950s, 60s and 70s? Does the idea of a socialist “revolution” still carry any credibility, in view of domestic developments in recent years and international developments since 1989 – or is it merely understood, tacitly, to mean the development of capitalism under CCP leadership?
It is in order to consider and discuss these and other issues that scholars from Scandinavian universities as well as LEWI member universities are invited to the conference. The precise topics and structure of panels (by topic or by time period) will depend upon the paper proposals submitted. The hope is that scholars from a number of social science disciplines will attend, and stimulate the cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches.
Abstracts in 200 words of papers or pre-constituted panel proposals should be sent to Prof. Michael Schoenhals, conference chairman and Director of the Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund University, P. O. Box 792, SE-220 07 Lund, Sweden; fax +46 46 222 30 41; email: before 30 April 1999.
“Missing Chapter: The historiographical marginalization of East Asia”, Institut d’Asie Orientale
Lyon, 3-4 May, 1999
This conference aims to interrogate and illuminate the history of telling the history of East Asia in the “West” over the past century and in particular since the Second World War. Questions to be addressed would include: Why, and to what degree, is East Asian history still excluded from “mainstream” history syllabuses and departments? Why even in new fields such as postcolonial studies do China and Japan seem to be excluded or marginalized? How have we written the history (or histories) of East Asia in France and America over the past fifty years, and to what extent have such histories tended to challenge or reinforce the marginalized position of East Asia in the humanities and social sciences in the academy today?
Main speakers : Bruce Cumings, Alain Delissen, Arif Dirlik, Harry Harootounian, Maurice Meisner, Alain Roux, Francois Souyri.
Contact:; Christian HENRIOT Directeur Institut d’Asie Orientale MRASH 14, avenue Berthelot, 69363 Lyon cedex 07; Tel. 33 (0)4 72 72 65 40; Fax. 33 (0)4 72 72 64 90; E-mail:
“Translating Western Knowledge into Late Imperial China”, East Asian Department, University of Goettingen
6-9 December, 1999
Jointly organized by the East Asian Department of the University of Goettingen and the Study Group for the History and Philosophy of Chinese Science and Technology at the Technical University Berlin this conference continues a series of workshops initiated by the research project “Studies in the Formation of Modern Chinese Scientific Terminologies” (MCST). Furthering previous exchanges, the conference is intended to integrate preliminary results of the ongoing projectinto the broader context of historical and linguistic research on Late Imperial China and stimulate further discussion among scholars working in the field.
The MCST-Project which is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation attempts to systematically reconstruct the formation of the terms of modern Chinese scientific discourse, in particular the modes and historical conditions in which these terms were established – appropriated, imported or naturalized – in Late Imperial China. Focusing on selected areas within the natural and social sciences we have set up a database with a sample of approx. 88.000 simple and compound terms on the basis of general and specialized dictionaries, textbooks, articles in learned journals, diaries and other related materials dating from 1800-1930. In addition, we have compiled a bibliography on the transmission of Western knowledge into Late Imperial China which currently includes about 5.000 relevant monographs, essays and articles. (For a more detailed introduction to the project, please visit our web pages at
The process of naturalizing concepts from the Western sciences in China occured as a complex reciprocal exchange of meanings, ideas and interpretations. Due to the fact that every translation, as a process of cultural interpretation, involves the tradition of inherited knowledge and experience, systematic research into the translation process opens up a wide range of theoretical and practical questions. Choices in the translation of selected notions from alien systems of knowledge were influenced and restricted by factors as divergent as institutional frameworks, social positions, biographical horizons, fashions or market conditions, in addition to genres, linguistic rules of word-formation, language registers and traditional or customary vocabulary. They were also preconditioned by preconceived ideas and ideologies or more general (national) interests and indigenous exigencies. As Chinese and Western scientists and translators jointly participated in the then rather new effort to establish a global scientific discourse, the contemporary state of the art in the various sciences, the ways of classifying knowledge as well as ideological, religious and linguistic strategies and interests must all be taken into account as decisive factors shaping the creation and accumulation of a consistent lexicon.
Whereas our first larger workshop in October 1997 focused on the specific problems of the formation of scientific terminologies, the announced conference aims to highlight the many complementary aspects of the translation of Western knowledge into Late Imperial China. The meeting is planned to cover the following areas, separated into four sub-sessions:
1. Conceptual Framework: research on the history and theory of translation in China and the West, covering questions like the conceptual formation of terminologies, ideologies of knowledge, divergent strategies of specific social and professional groups like missionaries, diplomats, merchants etc.
2. Genres: research on the inner logic and status of specific text genres, on specific sources of translation and their specific vocabularies, high and low register texts, oral and written dissemination practices etc.
3. Terms: research on the formation of terminologies in the sciences and the humanities, e.g. case studies on the translation histories of contested notions, international travel-routes of terms, prominent conceptual shifts or misinterpretations etc.
4. Market: research on the socio-economic history of translation in the 19th century covering topics such as the print market, institutions, bestseller studies, research on the profession of translation and editing etc.
Scholars and students in the fields of linguistics, cultural history, history of science as well as the political and social history of Late Imperial China are warmly welcomed to join this endeavour and participate in the meeting. Conference languages will be English and Chinese.
For further information, please contact:
Natascha Vittinghoff or
Joachim Kurtz
tasiatisches Seminar der Universitaet Waldweg 26 D-37073 Goettingen, Germany; Tel: +49-551-399206 or +49-551-392298; Fax: +49-551-399324
Chinese Scholars on Chinese Philosophy, 19-23 October 1998, Leuven, Belgium.
The sinology department of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven organized a one-week seminar entitled “Contemporary Chinese Scholars on Chinese Philosophy” (October 19 to 23, 1998), together with the philosophy departments of Peking University and the K.U. Leuven. The morning sessions were mainly in English (or translated into English) and consisted of a lecture by a Beida scholar, followed by a response by a K.U.L scholar and discussion with the audience. During the afternoon sessions – mainly in Chinese – ten young doctoral and post-doctoral European scholars presented their research in the field of Chinese thought, followed by a response by the Chinese scholars and a discussion.
The central question of the seminar was the problem and possibility of translating, interpreting and communicating ancient Chinese thought to a contemporary audience, whether Western or Chinese. During the first morning session on “Way and Principle”, Chen Lai discussed the problem of translating Song-Ming discussions not only into Western languages but also into modern Chinese. He stressed the importance of careful translations based on a concrete textual context above fixed standard translations in a one-to-one relation between the ancient Chinese and contemporary term. On Tuesday morning, Wang Bo argued for ‘daoshu‘ as a possible alternative for ‘zhexue‘ (philosophy) for categorizing ancient Chinese discussions. On the basis of the chapter “The Human World” of the Zhuangzi, he not only stressed the techniques for staying alive in politics, but also the training of an attitude that surpasses an exclusively political realm. On Wednesday, Zhang Xianglong analysed a dominant ancient Chinese notion of time as a sagely intuition for Heaven’s best moment or the right time to act in concrete situations. He focused on the Book of Changes and saw similarities with phenomenological views on time. On Thursday morning Wang Shouchang discussed the problem of modernity in Chinese early 20th-century discussions: its introduction from the West and the various Chinese responses and interpretations of the concept. And on Friday Guo Jianning gave an outline of the three dominant evolutions in contemporary Chinese thought since 1978: from an emphasis on practice to practical materialism, from humanism to a study of man, and from “culture mania” (wenhua re) to “traditional heritage mania” (guoxue re).
The participants in the afternoon sessions came from Germany (Göttingen, Tübingen, München, Heidelberg), the Netherlands (Leiden), France (Paris), Italy (Venice) and Belgium (Leuven). They discussed topics ranging from Huang-Lao, Zhang Zai, Jin Yuelin to the introduction of Popper in China. The discussions revealed various expectations towards the interpretation and understanding of others, as well as different approaches towards texts (e.g. philosophy versus history of ideas). The five major papers and responses are planned for publication in the translation journal Contemporary Chinese Thought by the end of 1999.
IX International scientific conference “China, Chinese Civilization and the World”, September 29-October 1 1998, Moscow, Russia. The IX International scientific conference “China, Chinese civilization and the World: History, Present and Future Prospects” took place at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS (Moscow, Russia). It was organized by the Russian Academic Council for Comprehensive studies of Contemporary China, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Association of Sinologists. The main topic of the IX conference was “China and APR towards the 21st century”. More than 100 scholars from PRC, Taiwan, Great Britain, South Korea and Russia took part in its work. The majority of the participants were from the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, the Institute of Oriental Studies (RAS), the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University, the Oriental Department of Saint Petersburg State University. Many invited foreign guests were unable to participate due to the financial crisis in Russia.
At the first Plenary Session welcome addresses were made by Director of IFES RAS, RAS Corr. Member M. L. Titarenko and PRC Ambassador to Russia Wu Tao. Then the papers were presented. Prof. M.L. Titarenko analysed Asiatic values and the Asiatic crisis. Dr. E. P. Pivovarova (IFES RAS) showed the role of economic science in the PRC according to the recent situation. Prof. Liu Qincai (Jilin University, PRC) addressed Chinese-Russian relations at the turn of the century. He stressed the importance of confidence in cooperation. Dr. L.S. Perelomov (IFES RAS) examined the interpretation of Confucian ideas in Russia. Chen Peizhao (Institute of International studies, Shanghai, PRC) gave a comprehensive survey of the crisis in East Asia and its links with the Chinese economy.
The conference was divided into four panel sessions: 1. Socio-economic problems in East Asian countries and possibility of integration in the APR; 2. International relations in the APR; strategic partnership of Russia and the PRC at the turn of the century; 3. Particularities of political processes in the East Asian states at the dawn of the 21st century. History and historiography; 4. Problems and prospects of inter-civilization relations under multipolarity. Philosophy,culture and religion of the East Asian countries.
The conference paid much attention to the discussion of “the Chinese development model in the late 1990s”. For this purpose a round table was organized. Some concrete issues for this discussion were: the threat of fall in growth rates; the threat of decline in exports in connection with the crisis in East Asia; the impressive share of the shadow economy; the demographic and ecological situation; difficulties of the state, connected with growing social payments; changes in the highest echelon of leadership in Post-Deng China.
At the second Plenary Session four papers were presented. Academician RAS V.S. Myasnikov (IFES RAS) gave a prognosis of the main tendencies of Russian-Chinese relations in the future. Dr. O. N. Borokh (IFES RAS) informed about Chinese and Western scholars’ estimates of the East Asian crisis in respect of its lessons for the PRC. Prof. Xia Yishen (Institute of East European, Russian and Central Asian Studies PRC) analysed particularities, problems and prospects of Chinese-Russian relations. Dr. N.L. Mamaeva (IFES RAS) described Chinese Communist Party Policy towards the 21st century.
All papers presented at plenary and panel sessions are published in two volumes (in Russian).
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation: Tenth Anniversary Celebration
The European event took place from 22 to 28 February 1999 in Charles University, Prague. It was marked by an exhibition of publications subsidized by the Foundation, together with printed materials representing the Prague School of Sinology.
On 26 February two major lectures (summarized below) were presented at the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Sinological Centre, Charles University. The speakers were Professor Yih-yuan Li and Professor N. Göran D. Malmqvist. The day’s events concluded with a Reception in the Rector’s Club, Charles University.
“The folk cultural foundation of Chinese civilization”
By Professor Yih-yuan Li
Member, Academia Sinica; President, CCK Foundation;
Yu Kuo-hwa Chair Professor, National Tsinghua University.
The lecture adopted Robert Redfield’s concepts of great and little traditions to shape its analysis o
f Chinese civilization. Fieldwork in rural Taiwan, South-East Asia and Quan-zhou, Fujian, provided data to serve a three-tiered scheme of cosmological ideas, from which emerged the supreme concept “harmonious unity of heaven and mankind”.
In the first tier the harmony of the natural order found its folk expression in the eight characters/ba zi of personal horoscopes, through which individuals manipulated their fate through time, and in geomancy/fengshui, through which human constructions achieved harmony in space.
The second tier, the level of individual human organisms, established both internal harmony through balance in classes of food and the circulation of qi, and external harmony in the scribal manipulation of personal names.
The third and final tier in the harmonious universe comprised human relations, extending their balance among kinsfolk both in this world and the other world.
Throughout the system ran a link between great and little traditions. But a recent interdisciplinary project entitled “Chinese culture, qi and traditional medicine” had found the second level emerging as crucial, with the human body perceived as a microcosm and qi as the active energy in cultivating a total homeostatis.
The closing section of the lecture developed a fuller vision of the body as dynamic source of universal harmony: embedded in the ecological environment, it exchanged energy with the macrocosm; involved in interpersonal relationships, it generated harmony in society; expressing the flow of qi in music, dance, and visual art, it created the condition of communitas.
“The development of modern poetry in Taiwan”
By Professor N. Göran D. Malqvist
Member, Swedish Academy of Sciences; Professor Emeritus,
University of Stockholm; Honorary Doctor of Charles University
The background to this lecture was a translation project in progress under Professor Malmqvist as joint editor with Prof. Michelle Yeh (U.C. Davis): an anthology of fifty Taiwan poets to be published in 2000.
For five decades, between 1895 and 1945, the poets of Taiwan were politically isolated from literary debates and developments on the mainland. Instead they passed through other distinctive experiences. Four languages contended for their attention – Japanese, traditional Chinese, modern baihua, and Taiwanese. Although many remained anchored in the traditional Chinese idiom, the language was banned in 1937 and the requirement to write in Japanese took students to Japan, where they encountered Western modernist movements. The absence of a bond with the Chinese motherland and the diversity of language media fostered a rich and lively poetic culture, despite a regime of censorship in place from 1942.
The period from 1945 to 1987 subjected writers to the rigours of a military regime and martial law. While the Guomindang steered literature into required political directions, the writers and poets of Taiwan, whether refugees with backgrounds of literary activity in the mainland or American-trained scholars in high academic positions, created an alternative discourse. Metaphorical and symbolic language eluded the censors’ vigilance. Modernism appeared in many forms, sharing a common resistance to tradition.
The latter section of this lecture surveyed the careers and sampled the work of certain key poets – the Taiwanese Yang Hua, the Sichuanese Yang Jifu; also Luo Fu, Ji Xian, Ya Xian, and Shang Qin.
EACS – Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation LIBRARY TRAVEL GRANTS
The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation has generously provided the EACS with a grant of US$30,000.00 in order to support further short visits (of not more than one week) for specialized research in sinological libraries in Cambridge, Heidelberg, Leiden, London, Oxford or Paris in 1999-2000.
Applicants should be European sinologists or sinologists based permanently in Europe, who are paid-up members of the EACS. Applications from non-members will be considered, however, especially in the case of young scholars, if accompanied by a recommendation from an EACS member.
APPLICATIONS must include:
1) a letter stating the library to be visited and intended dates of travel.
2) a statement of purpose, to include a short description of the research project, including precise indication of the sources and material to be used.
3) a written statement obtained from the Librarian of the institute where the proposed visit is to take place confirming that the research materials that are required are available for consultation.
4) a one-page curriculum vitae with a list of main publications.
5) a statement of the travelling expenses (Apex economy airfare or 2nd class rail fare), including a note of other sources of funding.
6) In the case of Ph.D. students, a letter of recommendation from their supervisor.
7) In the case of non-members, a letter of recommendation from an EACS member.
8) Address for correspondence, including fax and email where possible.
APPLICATIONS should be sent by mail or fax to one of the following:
1) For research on pre-modern China (i.e. before 1840), to Prof. Roderick Whitfield, Department of Art and Archaeology, SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG, United Kingdom.
Fax: +44-171 436 38 44. email:
2) For research on modern China (i.e. from 1840), to Prof. Marianne Bastid-Bruguière, 92 Boulevard de Port Royal, 75005 Paris, France.
Fax: +33-1 43 54 72 02. email:
3) For research which straddles the 1840 limit: either to Prof. Whitfield or to Prof. Bastid-Bruguière.
Every effort will be made by Prof. Whitfield and Prof. Bastid-Bruguière to reply to applications as quickly as possible. To preclude difficulties should either of them be temporarily away, it is advisable to apply at least two months before the visit is planned to take place.
1) If applications are approved, grants will be made to include travelling expenses and a per diem allowance, which will vary from place to place.
2) With the exception of scholars from Eastern Europe, grants will be paid on completion of the visit.
3) For scholars from Eastern Europe, the grant will be available on arrival at the centre where the research is undertaken. To avoid difficulty, applicants should give advance warning of their date and time of arrival to Prof. Bastid-Bruguière, if they are to visit France; to Dr Hans van Ess, if they are to visit Germany; to Prof. Idema, if they are to visit the Netherlands; and to Prof. Whitfield if they are to visit the United Kingdom.
4) On completion of their visit, all scholars should obtain a letter signed by the Librarian, certifying that the visit has been made and specifying the dates when it began and ended. The relevant Librarians have already been asked for their cooperation.
5) All scholars should send the Librarian’s letter directly to the treasurer:
Hans van Ess, Ostasiatisches Seminar, Universität München, Kaulbachstr. 51a, D-80539 München, Germany. E-mail: van
6) In all cases recipients are requested to send within two weeks after completion of their trip a one-page account of the work done, reporting any practical problems they may have met with. Suggestions to improve the programme will be welcomed. The report should be addressed to Prof. Whitfield or Prof. Bastid-Bruguière, according to who received the original application.
Names and addresses of the Librarians follow:
ame Resch, Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, 52 rue du Cardinal
Lemoine, 75005 Paris, France. Fax: +33-1-44 27 11 09.
GERMANY: Herr Hanno Lecher, Sinologisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg,
Akademiestrasse 4-8, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany. Fax: +49-6221-54 24 39.
NETHERLANDS: Professor Idema, Sinologisch Instituut, Arsenaalstraat 1, PO Box
9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-71-27 26 15.
Mr Charles Aylmer, Chinese Section, University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR, United Kingdom. Fax: +44-1223-333 160.
Mrs Sue Small, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London,
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG, United Kingdom. Fax:
+44-171-436 38 44.
Dr Frances Wood, British Library, Chinese Section, Oriental & India Office
Collections, Orbit House, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NN, United Kingdom.
Fax: +44-171-412 78 58.
Mr David Helliwell, Bodleian Library, Oxford, OX1 3BG, United Kingdom.
Fax: +44 1865 277132.
Marianne Bastid-Bruguière
Chinawissenschaften – Deutschsprachige Entwicklungen. Geschichte, Personen, Perspektiven. Hrsgb. Helmut Martin und Christian Hammer, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Nr. 303, Hamburg 1999, ISBN 3-88910214-X, 688 pp, DM 118 (Email order: ; Fax: +49-40-410.7945)
Chinese Gardens. Stanislaus Fung and John Makeham, eds. Special issue of Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, Volume 18, number 3 (July-September 1998). ii+116 pp. ISSN 1460-1176. In honour of Professor Chen Congzhou of Shanghai. This special issue includes the following contributions: “Foreword” by Stanislaus Fung; “The Cosmological Setting of Chinese Gardens” by David L. Hall (University of Texas at El Paso) and Roger T. Ames (University of Hawai’i); “The Confucian Role of Names in Traditional Chinese Gardens” by John Makeham (The University of Adelaide, Australia); “The Interdisciplinary Prospects of Reading ‘Yuan Ye'” by Stanislaus Fung (The University of Adelaide, Australia); “Interior Display & its Relation to External Spaces in Traditional Chinese Gardens” by WANG Yi (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing); “Some Hints on ‘Scholars Gardens’ and Plants in Traditional China” by Georges Métaili‚ (CNRS–Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris); “The Chinese Garden: Death of a Symbol” by John Minford (Hong Kong Polytechnic University); “Guide to Secondary Sources on Chinese Gardens” by Stanislaus Fung (The University of Adelaide, Australia).
Diller, Stephan, Die Dänen in Indien, Südostasien und China (1620-1845), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999.
Doctoral Dissertations on China and on Inner Asia, 1976-1990: An Annotated Bibliography of Studies in Western Languages. Compiled and edited by Frank Joseph Shulman, with contributions by Patricia Polansky and Anna Leon Shulman. Westport, Conn., and London: Greenwood Press [distributed in Europe by Westport Publications Ltd. of London], October 1998. xxviii, 1055p. (Bibliographies and indexes in Asian studies, no.2) ISBN 0-313-29111-X. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 98-29664. Hardcover only: $245.00
Filosofiya vostochno-aziatskogo regiona i sovremennaya civilizaciya [Philosophy of East-Asian Region and Modern Civilization]. Conference abstracts, Moscow, May 27-28,1998, 123 p.
From the Mediterranean to the China Sea, Miscellaneous Notes ed. by Claude Guillot, Denys Lombard and Roderick Ptak, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998.
HARVARD CHINA REVIEW (HCR), a newly founded magazine based in Cambridge, Mass., USA that offers in-depth and timely analysis of the dynamic changes under way in, and around, China. The magazine features regular sections on: economy, international relations, high-tech industry, investment, law, environment, education, culture, society, and people. For additional information on HCR publications and events please view journal’s web-site:
Or contact the editors by post or telephone/fax: P. O. Box 380219, Cambridge, MA 02238-0219, Tel: (617) 354-1418, Fax: (617) 441-8982
KAMPEN, Thomas. Die Führung der KP Chinas und der Aufstieg Mao Zedongs (1931-1945). Berlin: Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz, 1998.
LODÉN, Torbjörn, Från Mao till Mammon, politik och kultur i det moderna Kina, Stockholm: ordfront, 1998. In Swedish.
LODÉN, Torbjörn, Swedish China Studies on the Threshold of the 21st Century. Working Paper 50, 1999, Stockholm: Center for Pacific Asia Studies at Stockholm University, 23 pp.
NIEDERER, Barbara, Les langues Hmong-Mjen (Miao-Yao). Phonologie historique. München/Newcastle: Lincom Europa, 1998 – ISBN : 3-89586-211-8.
PERELOMOV, Loonard. Confucius. Lun Yu (in Russian). Moscow, 1998, 589 p. ISBN 5-02-0111824-6
PORTYAKOV, Vladimir. Kitayskaya ekonomicheskaya politika [China Economic Policy under Deng Xiaoping], Moscow, 1998, 238 p. ISBN 55-02-018028-9.
Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie 1998 [Review of Bibliography in Sinology 1998]. Editors : Michel Cartier, Danielle Elisseeff, Jacqueline Nivard. The Review of Bibliography in Sinology presents analyses of the most recently published books and articles in Chinese, Japanese and in European languages on all aspects of sinology: history, archaeology and the arts, music, linguistics, literature, philosophy, religion, and the history of science and technology. In addition there are bibliographical surveys on particular subjects that take into account works published over longer periods of time : Michela Bussotti, “General Survey of the Latest Studies in Western Languages on the History of Publishing in China”; Michel Cartier, “Quantitative History in China” (in French); Danielle Elisseeff, “Anthropozoology: a New Theme in Some Chinese Periodicals” (in French); Vincent Durand-Dastes, “Recent Controversies About the Nature and Future of Chinese Characters” (in French); Anne-Marie Brady, “Frienlit, or, How to Become a Friend of China.” 1998 / XVI, 550 pages / 210 F (ca. 32 euros). For further information, please contact:
SUAREZ, Anne-Hélène, “Libro del curso y de la virtud” de Lao zi. Madrid: Siruela, 1998. 194 p. ISBN 84-7844-427-0. Spanish translation of the Lao zi Dao de jing, with preliminaries, notes and bibliography. Introduction by François Jullien.
TITARENKO, Michail. Rossiya Litzom k Azii. [Russia Towards Asia]. Moscow, 1998, 318p. ISBN 5-250-02690-7
– Baguazhang, TASC, Antwerp, Belgium, 1998, 112 pp., ISBN 90-74191-07-X, 1495. The author’s investigation of the history of baguazhang and the world’s first translation (originally translated in 1989) of its textual tradition. With many notes and a bibliography. In Dutch. Available from: TASC, Ballaerstraat 114, B-2018 Antwerp, Belgium.
– Chinese traditionele geneeskunde TASC, Antwerp, Belgium, 1998, 89 pp., ISBN 90-74191-06-1, 1495 BEF. An authoritative account of Chinese traditional medicine, that eradicates many of the common errors presented by the multitude of books on this subject. In Dutch. The text is based upon an English original article published in Oriental Medicine (Serindia Publications, London, 1995). Available from TASC.
– Taoisme, Deel I
I> TASC, Antwerp, Belgium, 1998, 40 pp., ISBN 90-74191-03-7, 590 BEF. This volume presents a brief overview of the history of Taoism from the predecessors up to some of the main streams and famous Taoists. Illustrated. Available from TASC.
– Taoisme, Deel II TASC, Antwerp, Belgium, 1998, 25 pp., ISBN 90-74191-05-3, 590 BEF. The second volume offers the reader original translations of some important Taoist texts (Daodejing, Qingjingjing). In Dutch. Available from TASC.
– Taoism and Health, A Selection of Articles on Taoist Principles and Practices of Health Preservation. TASC, Antwerp, Belgium, 1998, 46 pp., ISBN 90-74191-08-8, 995 BEF. Contains articles on qi, neidan and the Yuanqi Lun (a Tang text on the primary qi). In English. Available from TASC.
VERELLEN, Franciscus, guest editor, Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 10, 1998: Culte des sites et culte des saints en Chine. Sommaire/Contents: Franciscus Verellen, “A nos lecteurs” [To our readers].
Rituel territorial [Territorial ritual]: Fiorella Allio, “Procession et identité: mise en scène rituelle de l’histoire locale; Kenneth Dean, “Transformations of the she (altars of the soil) in Fujian”; John Lagerwey, “Dingguang Gufo: Oral and written sources in the study of a saint”.
Communautés de mémoire [Communities of memory]: Marianne Bujard, “Le culte du Joyau de Chen : culte historique et culte vivant”; Susan Naquin, “Sites, saints, and sights at the Tanzhe Monastery”; Franciscus Verellen, “Shu as a hallowed land: Du Guangting’s Record of Marvels”; Delphine Ziegler, “The cult of the Wuyi mountains and its cultivation of the past: A topo-cultural perspective”. De la localité à la région [From place to region]: Sandrine Chenivesse, “Fengdu: cité de l’abondance, cité de la male mort”; Terry Kleeman, “Sources for religious practice in Zitong: The local side of a national cult”; Lin Fu-shih, “The cult of Jiang Ziwen in medieval China”.
Effigies et culture matérielle [Effigies and material culture]: Glen Dudbridge, “Buddhist images in action: Five stories from the Tang”; Xu Pingfang, “Les découvertes récentes de statues de Sengqie et le culte de Sengqie”; Lothar von Falkenhausen, “Archaeology and the study of Chinese local religion: A discussant’s remarks”.
This volume (published in December 1998, 230FF plus 30FF postage) is the first part of a two-tiered publication of studies in local religion drawn from an international conference on the cult of saints and the cult of sites in Chinese communities on the mainland, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, held in Paris in 1995. It can be ordered from: Service des Publications, Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient 22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, France or from Librairie Le Phénix 72, boulevard Sébastopol, 75003 Paris, France.
The companion volume, in Chinese, is expected from the Yunchen Press in Taipei at the end of April 1991: Yiji chongbai yu shengzhe chongbai, edited by Fu Feilan (Franciscus Verellen) and Lin Fushi with contributions by Chuang Chi-fa, Fu Feilan (F. Verellen), Jing Anning, Kang Bao (P. Katz), Li Feng-mao, Li Yuanguo, Lin Fu-shih, Lü Min (M. Bujard), Ren Xinjian, Shi Zhouren (K. Schipper), Tan Chee-Beng, and Yang Xuezheng.
China Handbook – Call for Contributions
Dear Colleagues,
Most of you will have heard about the ongoing project at the Institute of Asian Affairs in Hamburg to publish a new edition of the China Handbook. We are very happy about the active support we already received from EACS members for this project. Up to now more than 200 authors have submitted or are writing articles for the Handbook, about 75% of them coming from European countries. Nonetheless there are still some entries – out of more than 460 – which are not yet commissioned. We are sure that within the EACS there is enough expertise to cover all the remaining aspects. Thus, in order to broaden the range of possible authors, we invite you to have a look at the list of articles below and to make suggestions for well qualified authors (this may, of course, include yourself). In this way, we hope that also for the remaining articles it will be possible to keep the high standard of scholarly research in the Handbook which we were able to attain up to now. Please note, that a special aim of the project is to make clear the relationship between traditional and modern China. Hence the authors should write their articles – if possible – from a historical perspective. Suggestions may be sent to the postal address or the e-mail address given below. The decision to commission an article, of course, remains with the editors.
With many thanks for your co-operation.
Dr. Brunhild Staiger Stefan Friedrich, M.A.
Postal address:
Redaktion China-Handbuch, Institut für Asienkunde, Rothenbaumchaussee 32,
D-20148 Hamburg, Germany
Fax: +49-(0)40- 410 79 45
List of entries not yet commissioned (The number in brackets refers to the length of the article in columns; one column equals 450 words in English):
I Geographie
Fauna und Flora Animals and Plants (2)
II Geschichte
Mandschukuo / Manchukuo / Manzhouguo (3)
Manzhouguo (März 1932 – Aug. 1945)
III Gesellschaft
Soldaten Soldiers (2)
IV Staat, Politik, Recht
Kontrolle (Politische) Control (Political) (7)
Militärwesen Military Affairs (8)
Geheimdienst (inkl. Taiwan) Secret Service (3)
Militär und Politik (inkl. Army and Politics Taiwan) (4)
VI Wirtschaft
High-Tech-Industrie (inkl. High-Tech Industry (5)
Chemische Industrie Chemical Industry (2)
VII Erziehung und Bildung, Wissenschaft
und Technologie
Vorschulerziehung Pre-School Education (2)
Curriculum Curriculum (2)
Erwachsenenbildung Adult Education (2)
Wissenschaftsgeschichte History of Science (2)
Forschungsförderung Research Funding (2)
Erziehungswissenschaft Educational Science (1)
Astronomie Astronomy (2)
Biologie Biology (5)
Chemie Chemistry (2)
Geologie (inkl. Meteorologie, Geology (incl. Meteorology, (2)
Mineralogie, Mineralogy)
Ingenieurwissenschaften Engineering Studies (3)
VIII Informationswesen
Informationstechnologie Information Technology (3)
XI Literatur
Erzählungen (zhongpian - Narrative Literature (6)
duanpian xiaoshuo)
XII Kunst
Tanz Dance (2)
Plastik (inkl. Kleinplastik) Sculpture (2)
Kunsthandwerk Handicraft ( 3)
Volkskunst Popular Art (3)
Association européenne d’études chinoises
European Association of Chinese Studies
Surname: Other names:
Date of birth: Nationality:
Institutional mailing address:
Tel.: Fax: Email:
Home address:
Tel.: Fax: Email:
In what capacity are you engaged in Chinese studies (if any)?
What is your field within Chinese studies?
Please add, on a separate sheet if applicable, a list of publications which will be included in
the EACS Bibliography.
Please contact two members of the EACS to sponsor your application with their signature. (Sponsors, please print your name clearly and sign.)
“I sponsor the application of the above-named for membership in the EACS.”
First sponsor’s signature:
Second sponsor’s signature:
Candidate’s signature:
Membership fee is at present still DM 30 (15,34 Euro) per annum (DM 35 for Eurocheques). It includes the EACS Newsletter. Please SEND PAYMENT to: Treasurer EACS Hans van Ess, Ostasiatisches Seminar, Universität München, Kaulbachstraße 51a, D-80539 München, Germany. Bank account: Dresdner Bank, München, account number 4704606 061 00, bank code 700 800 00. Fee payment for two or three years is recommended to save transfer costs.
Please SEND THIS APPLICATION to: Secretary General EACS Christian Henriot, Institut d’Asie Orientale – MRASH – 14, avenue Berthelot, F-69363 Lyon cedex 07, France.
Dear Members,
In order to facilitate the payment of membership fees we have established an EURO-account with the Dresdner Bank, München. The new account number is 4704606 061 00, bank code 700 800 00. At the moment you can pay either in EURO (15,34) or in DM (30,-). If you are using conventional ways of payment (money order, cheque), please make sure that your own bank pays the fees! We have made efforts to reach agreements with the major credit card companies in order to facilitate the payment and to lower the high costs of conventional payment which, unfortunately, the banks have not lowered or abolished with the introduction of the EURO. To date a contract has been signed with MasterCard/Eurocard. Another one with American Express is expected to come within the next weeks. We are still waiting for a positive response from Visa.
If you want to pay your fees by credit card, please fill in the form below:
American Express, Mastercard/Eurocard
(please add a cross)
Change of address information and all membership payments should be sent to Hans van Ess in Munich. New members in addition should send application forms to Christian Henriot in Lyon. Other EACS business should be sent either to Christian Henriot in Lyon or to Glen Dudbridge in Oxford.
PLEASE NOTE: Contributions for the Newsletter should be sent to Torbjörn Loden in Stockholm. ALL RELEVANT ADDRESSES – SEE BELOW.
Anyone who wants more information about any of the items in this EACS Newsletter should contact the relevant person/organization directly whenever possible in order to be sure of getting the fullest information.
Contributions to the Newsletter are welcomed in any roman-script language although English and French are preferred. Please remember to check your copy carefully before sending it, particularly telephone etc. numbers. Every effort is made to include all relevant news. However, we must reserve the right to omit contributions if there is a shortage of space.
The mailing address for contributions is below. Please fax your information or email!
Glen Dudbridge, Institute for Chinese Studies, Oxford University, Walton Street,
Oxford OX1 2HG, U.K. Tel. +44 1865-280389 (office); +44 1865-280387 (secretary);
+44 1865-862816 (home). E-mail:
Christian Henriot, Institut d’Asie Orientale – MRASH – 14, avenue Berthelot,
F-69363 Lyon cedex 07, France. Tel. +33 4 72 65 40; fax +33 4 72 72 64 90.
E-mail: Home page:
Hans van Ess, Ostasiatisches Seminar, Universität München, Kaulbachstraße 51a, D-80539 München, Germany. Tel. +49 89 2180 2349.
Newsletter Editor
Torbjörn Lodén, Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel. +46 8 164356 (office); +46 8 16 28 97 (secretary); +46 8 718 15 61 (home);
fax +46 168810. E-mail