Humboldt-University, Berlin
26th – 30th Mar 2012
Deadline: 6th Jan 2012
The Board of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics is pleased to
announce the 2012 edition of the EACL Spring School in Chinese Linguistics. The aim of the EACL Spring Schools in Chinese Linguistics is to provide a opportunity for MA and PhD-students affiliated to European universities to be exposed to areas in Chinese
linguistics to which they are not exposed in their home institution; and to make them aware of the expertise in Chinese linguistics present in Europe.
European Association of Chinese Linguistics
When will it be held?
26-30 March 2012
Where will it be held?
Humboldt-University Berlin, Department of Sinology, Department of Linguistics
Conference site:
Invalidenstrasse 118, 10115 Berlin, room 315
What courses will be offered?
Meisterernst, Barbara: “Classical Chinese Grammar: theoretical approaches and syntactic analysis”
Shapiro, Roman: “Non-canonical and foreign writing systems for Chinese”
Hole, Daniel: “Introduction to formal semantics”
Who can apply?
The EACL Spring school in Chinese Linguistics is organized for M.A. and Ph.D. students in Chinese linguistics affiliated to European universities.
How much is it to participate?
An attendance fee of 75-100 (pending budget approval). Accommodation and meals are free, pending budget approval. Participants have to pay for all their transportation fees. All participants, except for M.A. students, are required to be or to become members of the Association at the time of registration. (External Link: Membership). All participants are required to participate in all three courses.
How can the payment of fees be processed?
Student EACL membership fee: € 15.
Membership fees and attendance fees can be paid by check, money order, bank
transfer or at the beginning of the Spring School.
(i) Good command of spoken and written Chinese and English.
(ii) Proven interest in Chinese linguistics
Application procedure :
Ph.D. students send in an academic C.V. containing the following
1. Name and contact information (incl. M(ale)/F(emale) for the dorms).
2. Affiliated university and name plus full contact information of the advisor.
3. What year you started the PhD studies.
4. Main field of interest.
5. Short motivation: why do you want to take part? (The “motivation” is very important in the selection procedure).
6. Length limit : 10 lines for the motivation, one page for the academic C.V.
7. Format : .pdf only.
MA-students send in:
1. Name and contact information (incl. M/F for dorms).
2. Affiliated university plus the name and contact information of one of the teachers whom we may contact for reference.
3. List of courses attended (incl. ects-points) which are relevant to the Spring School.
4. Short motivation: why do you want to take part? (The “motivation” is very important in the selection procedure).
5. Length limit : 10 lines for the motivation, one page for the academic C.V.
6. Format : .pdf only.
Applications and questions should be sent to, with the subject line “EACL Springschool
2012”. Use the author’s name as the filename.
Or else write to: Dr. Barbara Meisterernst: Seminar für Sinologie, Institut Asien und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt-University, Invalidenstrasse 118, 10115 Berlin, Germany.
Applications must be sent before January 06, 2012. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Prospective participants will be notified by February 11, 2010.
The board of the EACL functions as admission committee.
Further details regarding the 7th EACL Spring School will be available at:
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External Link