Deadline: 15th Jan 2012
The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions.
We very much welcome submissions from candidates world-wide.The Young Scholar Award is made possible through generous support by the ChiangChing-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange.It was first awarded during the 2004 biennial conference in Heidelberg. Almost all papers submitted by shortlisted candidates in previous competitions have now appeared as peer-reviewed publications. The next YSA will be announced at the XIXth biennial conference in Paris, France, in the summer of 2012.
Candidates for the YSA should be 35 years of age or below AND their rank of academic employment should be below that of Associate Professor or Senior Lecturer or the equivalent ranks in other systems. The jury welcomes papers of high scholarly promise engaging primary sources, secondary scholarship, and innovative research methodologies relevant to the field. Papers should be written in English; only single-authored papers will be accepted. Papers should preferably be unpublished; however, candidates may submit papers that are under review for publication in a scholarly journal at the time of the 2012 Paris conference. Each applicant may submit only one paper of a maximum of 8000 to 8500 words (approximately 50.000 characters), with a one-page abstract. The copy should include the author’s full name, institution, and address.
The YSA jury hopes to nominate 3 finalists. Nominees will be invited to Paris to attend the 2012 EACS conference where their papers will be presented during a special session. EACS will sponsor travel costs, per diem expenses as well as the conference registration fee of all shortlisted candidates. The winner of the YSA will be announced during the conference and honoured with the award of a certificate. It is expected that candidates submitting papers for the Young Scholar Award are or will be registered as EACS members by the time of the biennial EACS conference.
The deadline for submission of both abstracts and papers is 15 January, 2012. Proof of age and rank should be provided at the time of submission. Please send papers and abstracts by e-mail AND in hard-copy to the EACS Secretary Prof Roel Sterckx, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA, United Kingdom,
Applicants who encounter difficulties in mailing the copy of their work should contact the EACS Secretary. We very much hope you will consider submitting your work!