Heidelberg University, Germany
Deadline: 15th Sep 2012
The Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context. The Dynamics of Transculturality” at Heidelberg University invites applications for four Independent Research Group Leaders. An Independent Research Group (IRG) / Junior Research Group (JRG) will be established in each of the four cluster research areas. Their role will be to further develop the transcultural
and transdisciplinary research potential of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”; to strengthen its capabilities to handle transcultural issues that cross cultural, geographic, linguistic and media borders, and to open career paths in transcultural studies for promising PhD and post-doctoral researchers. The project duration is three years with an option of a two year extension depending on outstanding results and a high-quality follow-up project.
Each group consists of three to four members and is led by a Group Leader who is responsible for designing the group’s project; helping to recruit first-class Ph.D. candidates for the group; supervising the group’s Ph.D. candidates, and managing and monitoring the group’s research activities as well as its interactions with other Cluster research. The performance of the IRG will be regularly evaluated.
Applicants are expected to have completed their Ph.D.; have a strong publication record of high scholarly standard including a monograph with elements connected to the Cluster’s research agenda; achieved international visibility within their field; and a proven track record of pursuing transcultural and transdisciplinary approaches. The Cluster’s language of communication is English.
To analyze religious aspects of exchanges across cultural, geographic, linguistic and media borders, the Cluster will establish one of the four IRG in “Islamic Studies”. We are looking for a scholar with a research focus in Islam beyond the Arabic-speaking countries. The candidate should be able to read and write one modern language used by Muslims. Competence in a classical language (Arabic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish) would be desirable.
To apply as an Independent Research Group Leader, please send a project outline (5 pages) for the Research Group (Download of form: www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de/en/application-JRGL) and provide a CV, a list and digital versions of your publications, a list of courses taught, and the names and contact data of two scholars who are familiar with your work.
The Cluster is an equal opportunities employer and encourages applications from qualified women and men without discrimination.
Applications are to be submitted online at: application-JRGL@asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de
The deadline for application is September 15, 2012.
Applicants are advised to acquaint themselves with the Cluster’s research aims and framework at www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de/en/research.html. For further information please send an e-mail to the Cluster at application-JRGL@asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de.
Search Committee:
Steering Committee of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe” Prof. Dr. Madeleine Herren-Oesch
Karl Jaspers Centre Building 4400
Voßstraße 2
69115 Heidelberg
phone: ++49-6221-54 40 05
Fax: ++49-6221-54 40 12