Extended Deadline: 31th Mar 2013
Turku, Finland, 11th – 14th Jun 2013
As China develops rapidly it faces a number of challenges with/in its natural environment, social structure, governance system and ethnic policies just to name a few of the more salient fields. How can China’s policy makers, ordinary citizens, companies and popular organizations respond to their changing situations? Ultimately, would a richer and more developed China also require more responsible government towards its citizens, environment and region? At the same time, the world is facing a more powerful and self-confident China. With its might growing also its responsibilities to the rest of the world grow. How should and could the global community support China’s development into a responsible superpower, or is it even possible?
The 11th NACS conference organizers particularly welcome papers or panel proposals touching the theme of responsibility, but as a comprehensive conference bringing together China researchers in the Nordic area and beyond, also proposals on other China-related fields and topics such as, but not limited to, politics, economy, society, history, gender studies, cultural studies and humanities are welcome. The NACS conference organizers welcome individual paper and panel proposals also from non-members. NACS will support Nordic MA and PhD students’ travel costs to the conference.
Conference pages:http://www.nacsorg.com/Conference2013
Online submissions opened: 12th of December 2012.
For individual paper abstract: max 300 words (including spaces, excluding title, keywords and contact information of author/s)
For panel abstract: max 1000 words (including spaces, excluding title, keywords and contact information on chair and participants).
Deadline for submissions: 15th of March, 2013
Notification of acceptance: mid-April 2013.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the NACS 11th Conference Abstracts online.
Participants and attendees are advised to pay their NACS 2013 conference and membership fees before the conference.
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