Call for Papers: Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art (TSLA)

Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art (TSLA), which was initiated in 1980 and published bimonthly, is one of the most highly ranked academic journals in China that publish original research articles in arts and humanities, especially in literary theory. From 2012 year onwards, TSLA will publish original academic articles that are written in English. Articles that deal with any issues in literary theory, critical theory, aesthetics, philosophy of art, cultural studies will be welcome. Discussions of Asian issues, particularly issues concerning China are encouraged but not required.
The length of papers should be about 6000-12000 words and in MLA format. The papers will be peer-reviewed, and the final decision about publication will be notified in four months. Authors can send emails to inquire the status if they receive no feedback in two months.
Queries and contributions can be sent to Contributions must be sent as attachments in either rtf(s) or word 97-2003 file(s) with “contribution from xxx (i.e. your name) as the subject heading.

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