Aarhus University, Denmark
Deadline: 1st Sep 2012
Aarhus University Faculty of Arts, is advertising 1-2 PhD scholarships in the field of Foreign Language Teaching and Acquisition with Chinese as one of the focus languages.
“In response to a joint report on a national language strategy issued by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Danish Ministry of Education, ’Language is the key to the world’, the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University is offering 1-2 scholarships in the field of
foreign language teaching and acquisition. The report focusses on the need for better and more coherent foreign language teaching in the Danish educational system, as well as the necessity of drawing on new learning methods and technologies (for example, see recommendations number 11, 38 and 39). With these scholarships, as a natural extension of its strong engagement in linguistic and educational research, the Faculty of Arts wishes to contribute to reaching the goals outlined in the report and to strengthen the faculty’s research efforts in foreign languages.”
External Link
Best wishes,
Stig Thøgersen
Stig Thøgersen, Professor, Dr.phil.
China Studies, Institute of Culture and Society
Aarhus University
Ndr. Ringgade 1, DK 8000 Aarhus C
direct phone: +45 8716 2332