Torino, 25th Jun – 6th Jul 2012
Deadline: 21st May 2012
The TOChina Summer School is delighted to announce that applications for the 2012 TOChina Summer School on the politics, foreign policy and political economy of contemporary China are accepted as of now.
True to its tradition, the School tackles the complexity of today’s global China through a 2-week, super-intensive program featuring leading China experts from around the world, a vibrant international class, and an informal environment designed to encourage in-depth discussions and first-rate networking.
Training runs Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 5 pm. Lectures address both China’s long-term, structural transformations, and the most topical trends informing current international debate. The TOChina faculty is selected to provide timely, cutting-edge insights, engage in extensive Q&A sessions, and devise case-studies and role-games for maximum impact. Working language is English.
Please see the attached flyer for info on the 2012 TOChina faculty. The School is held in Torino, in the north-west of Italy, between June 25th and July 6th 2012.
All information, including on sessions titles and profiles, are available at Applications too may be submitted online (only) through the same website.
Competition for a place at the School tends to be intense, and early application is highly recommended. Several scholarships are available, covering tuition fees (“Zerotasse” scholarships) and tuition + accommodation (“Freetorino” scholarships).
Applications are invited from professionals, postgraduate students who have achieved a Bachelor honours degree at 1st or 2:1 level, and undergraduate students enrolled in a China/Asia-related course having completed at least one year of course. A small number of ad-hoc auditors interested in some sessions will be admitted.
Dr. Giovanni Andornino (安东)
Assistant Professor of International Relations of East Asia
Scientific Director, TOChina Summer School
Department of Political Studies, University of Torino
Via Giolitti 33, 10123 Torino (IT)
Tel: (+39) 011 670 4156
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