Paris, September 5th – 8th 2012
Organizing committee: Gilles Guiheux (Univ. Paris Diderot), Christine Lamarre (INALCO), Soline Suchet (BULAC)
-:¦:- The Venue, Call for Papers, Deadlines, Keynote Speakers -:¦:-
The Venue
The conference is jointly organized by the Université Paris Diderot, the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) and the Bibliothèque des Langues et Civilisations (BULAC). The EACS Conference will take place simultaneously with the European Association of Sinological Librarians (EASL)’conference, enhancing exchange between sinologists and sinological librarians.
INALCO and BULAC are located in a common building at a 5’ walking distance to the main campus of Paris Diderot. The Paris Rive Gauche district is on the left bank of the city and easy to reach by public transportation.
The conference website ( will provide you with all basic informations to prepare your travelling to and accomodiation in Paris.
Call for Papers (Submission are closed)
Scholars of Chinese studies from Europe and beyond are invited to sumbit proposals for individual lectures or for panels, or to attend the conference as listeners. The ECAS board decided to subsume the thematic variety according to the following sections:
1. Linguistics & Languages
2. Religion & Philosophy
3. Art & Archaeology
4. Premodern Literature
5. Modern Literature
6. Premodern History
7. Modern History
8. Politics and International Rel-ations
9. Economics and Society
10. Law
11. Anthropology & Sociology
12. Gender
13. Environment
14. Media and Performing Arts
15. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
16. Translation Studies
17. Other
Please note the following deadlines and dates:
November 15th: Opening of the conference website
March 10: Deadline for submission of abstracts and panel proposals
May 1: Notification about the acceptance of paper proposals and panels
June 30: Deadline for registration for participants
September 4th afternoon: Registration at the conference venue
September 5th-8th: Conference
September 8th evening: final Banquet at La Sorbonne
Keynote Speakers
The keynote speech on Sept. 5th will be given by Professor Anne Cheng, Collège de France.
The speaker at the final reception on Saturday 8th, will be the eminent scholar Professor Léon Van-dermeersch.
Conference fees
The organizers and the EACS Board agreed on the following fees:
EACS members: 70
EACS student members: 35
Non-members: 120