Moscow, Russia
16th – 18th Oct 2013
Deadline: 15th May 2013.
Hereby we cordially invite you to take part in the 20th International Conference on China, Chinese Civilization and the World: History, Modernity and Future Prospects which will take place at the RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Moscow, on October 16-18, 2013. The main theme of the Conference shall be “China in the Epicenter of Global Problems Facing the Asia-PacificRegion”.
The Conference shall be organized by the RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies,together with RAS Academic Council on Comprehensive Studies of Modern China,Russia-China Friendship Association and Russia-China Committee for Friendship,Peace and Development.
Apart from two Plenary Sessions, the conference proceedings shall include theround-table discussion on Prospects for Sino-Russian Interaction in the Asia-Pacific Region (Moderator: Academician Mikhail L. Titarenko) as well as thefollowing panels:
- China in the Global Policy and Economy Today (Moderator: Prof. Dr. VladimirYa. Portyakov)
- RF and PRC : Interaction at the Global and Regional Levels (Moderator: Prof. Dr. Sergey G. Luzyanin)
- Experience of China’s Socio-Economic Development (Moderator: Prof. Dr.Andrey V. Ostrovskiy)
- Specifics of Socio-Political Processes in Contemporary China (Moderator: Prof.Dr. Andrey V. Vinogradov)
- Historical Roads of China, Russia and Asia-Pacific Region Countries (Moderator: Prof. Dr. Natalia L. Mamaeva)
- China in the Dialogue of Cultures (Philosophy, Religion, Literature and Arts (Moderator: Prof. Dr. Anatoly E. Lukyanov)
- Chinese Language, Linguistics and Education in the Era of Globalization (Moderator: Prof. Dr. Olga I. Zavyalova)
We invite Russian and foreign scholars to take part in the conference. For moredetails, please, visit our website:
For timely issue of visa-support invitations, hotel bookings and abstract publication,the Organizing Committee requests to fill-in and send the attached application formplus your presentation abstracts by May 15, 2013 by e-mail to or, Re: October Conference. Abstracts can bewritten in Russian, Chinese or English, without footnotes and/or endnotes, in RTFformat, and should not exceed 4 000 characters, spaces included (in Russian orEnglish), Font Times New Roman, size 14, or 2000 characters, spaces included (in Chinese).
Participants are expected to take care of all costs pertaining to participation in theconference (international air-tickets, room & board in Russia, in-country travel ifany, and registration fee).
Chairman of the Conference: Academician Mikhail L. Titarenko,
Chairman of RASAcademic Council on Comprehensive Studies of Modern China, E-Mail: Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Prof. Dr. Andrey Ostrovskiy, DeputyDirector, RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies, E-Mail:
Looking forward to having the pleasure of your participation in our conference!
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