9th Łódź East Asia Meeting “Central Europe and East Asia”

lodz sUniversity of Łódź, Poland

6th – 7th Jun 2013.


The conference is an annual gathering of scholars interested in Asian affairs, especially their political and economic aspects. After the 2012 edition’s success, when over 30 foreign guests participated (among others, from Japan, China, Taiwan, USA, Russia, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic) we wish to continue the Lodz East Asia Meeting as an international event. This way it gives a valuable opportunity for the exchange of ideas between scholars from different countries. This is of significant importance to young researchers, who always make up a significant number of the participants. For them, it represents a chance to develop international contacts and become more familiar with different methodological approaches.

The phenomenon that is the dynamic change of Asia’s position in international relations and its rising political and economic significance require proper analysis. The aim of the conference is to determine the nature and importance of the changing role of Asia in world affairs. The organizing committee has decided to put an emphasis on the Central Europe – East Asia relationship. The growing role of regionalism has became more than evident and we do hope to debate over the issue of cross-region cooperation. Moreover we hope to discuss the role of China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia as well as the United States in the Central European countries.
Topics that will be considered for inclusion are divided into two thematic platforms, the first one being East Asia in Global Affairs and the second, Central Europe and East Asia.

East Asia in Global Affairs

1. Regionalism and security issues in East Asia region
2. US Foreign Policy’s Asian Pivot – Causes and Effects
3. Consequences of the Changing Role of Asia for the European Union
4. China’s foreign policy strategy
5. South China Sea disputes and its impact
6. G20 – new formula for the global governance
7. China, Russia, Japan and Korea in East Asia security complex
8. Social and Economic Problems of China’s and India’s Rise
Central Europe and East Asia
1. Regional interdependence and the relationship between Central Europe and East Asia
2. Japan’s investments in Central Europe
3. The role of Central Europe in Japanese foreign policy
4. The central European perspective of the growing role of East Asia
5. Cultural and social interactions between Central Europe and East Asia
6. The Impact of CEE states to the European Policy Towards China
7. China’s “pivot” to Central Europe and Chinese involvement in the region
8. Korean investment in the CCE countries
Please submit a 250 words abstract by 15 March 2013 at www.leam.uni.lodz.pl
The Organizing Committee will announce the accepted abstracts on 27 March 2013.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact organizers at leam@uni.lodz.pl


Venue: University of Lodz, Poland
Language: English
Date: June 6-7, 2013
Proposal Submission Deadline: March 15, 2013
Announcement of Accepted Abstracts: March 27, 2013
Conference Fee: 80 EURO (graduate students 45 EURO)
Conference participants are to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.


Download this Conference Announcement (PDF), Call For Paper (PDF) 

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