University of Parma, Italy
28th – 30th Aug 2014
Deadline: 1st Mar 2014
CASLAR is a biennial conference with the goal to bring together scholars from all over the world whose research focuses on
the acquisition, development and use of Chinese as a second language to survey available knowledge in the field, exchange
ideas and initiate research projects. The conference is a part of the CASLAR movement
that aims to transform a field from a
primarily experienced-and practice-based discipline into a discipline based on and supported by research and theory. The first
CASLAR conference was held at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou in 2010, the second one was in Taipei, Taiwan in 2012
Another means supporting this endeavor is a new bilingual journal Chinese as a Second Language Research
語言研究漢語作為第二 published by De Gruyter Mouton; Berlin/New York. Website of the journal:
Location: Department of Arts and Literature, History and Social Studies of the University of Parma, Italy
Conference website:
Meeting Email:
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Teaching Methodology, Discourse Analysis; General Linguistics;
Language Acquisition; Pragmatics
Subject Language(s): Chinese, English
Important Dates:
– Abstract Submissions Due: March 1, 2014
– Acceptance Notification (by email): April 15, 2014
– Early Birds Registration: up to May 15, 2014
– Conference Dates: August 28-30, 2014
Department of Arts and Literature, History and Social Studies, University of Parma
Department of Science of the Antiquity and Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Parma
Department of Economics, University of Parma
Conference Co-Chairs:
Professor Istvan Kecskes, Chairman of CASLAR, Editor-in-Chief of Intercultural Pragmatics and CASLAR journal, State
University of New York, Albany, USA.
Professor Marco Mezzadri, Director of the Laboratory on Teaching Methodology, Department of Arts and Literature, History
and Social Studies, University of Parma, ITALY.
Professor Carlotta Sparvoli, Department of Science of the Antiquity and Foreign Languages and Literature, University of
Parma, ITALY.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers
Federico Masini, University of Rome
Zeng’an Peng, Fudan University
Chaofen Sun, Stanford University
CASLAR 2014 invites proposals for presentations that are related to research, and theory in any area of Chinese as a Second
Language (CSL). Those wishing to participate should prepare abstracts for 20 minute presentations (15 minutes plus 5 minute
Q & A). Below there are some suggested categories for topics, though submissions need not be limited to these areas.
Suggested Topic Areas:
– Acquisition and development of CSL (Chinese as a Second Language),
– Role of culture in the acquisition of CSL,
– Language Teaching Methodology for Chinese as a second / foreign language
– Pragmatics of using Chinese as a second language,
– Cognitive aspects of CSL acquisition,
– Distance Learning in CSL
– Technology and CSL,
– Computer-mediated communication in CSL,
– Acquisition of Chinese grammar, vocabulary.
– Chinese character acquisition and recognition,
– Discourse in CSL,
– Designing materials for CSL instruction,
– Conceptual socialization in the process of developing CSL
– Application of linguistic theories to Chinese L2 data,
– Motivation to learn Chinese,
– Effect of CSL on L1,
– Assessment of proficiency in CSL,
Abstract submission Deadline: March 1, 2014
Submissions are to be made by email (see below) as an email attachment to:
In the subject line of the e-mail, please write: CASLAR abstract +Your Name, and should include the following:
Attendee’s Information: Name of author(s)/presenter(s), Gender, Affiliation and title, Nationality,
Email, Postal address, and Phone & fax numbers.
Abstracts should be written in English or Chinese. Abstract length: maximum 350 words (or about 600 Chinese characters)
with title and keywords (A4 or Letter size, 12 points in single space). The abstract should summarize the purpose of the study,
methods, main results, and implications (if relevant).
Registration fees:
Early bird (up to May 15): 110 euro (80 euro for participant belonging to Institution from developing countries).
Non early bird registration: 130 euro (100 euros for participant belonging to Institution from developing countries).
How to pay the fee?
Payment by credit card or by bank transfer. The online payment page will be available at the Conference website.
Information about Accommodation, Registration, Transport, Post-conference events will be subsequently released on the
Conference website:
Contacts: Chen Yahui, University of Parma,
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