27th – 28th Mar 2014
Rome, Italy
Deadline: 30th Nov 2013
Jointly organized by Dr. Luigi Moccia (Rome, Italy) and Dr. Martin Woesler (Bochum, Germany)
Europe and China do not only share the same continent Eurasia, but grow closer together also economically. Although their cultures and traditions differ, both sides can profit from each other through mutual understanding on
different levels. The conference opens a forum on the levels culture, society, economy.
Key questions are: How to balance economical development and environmental protection? Is the 3rd way of China (the so-called “Beijing Consensus”) more successful than the 1st way of Europe? What can China learn from Europe, what can Europe learn from China?
Scholars without travel support from their institutions can apply for a limited number of travel stipends.
Deadline for the submission of abstracts (up to 200 words): November 30, 2013.
Please submit to:
Ruhr University Bochum,
P. O. Box “The University Press Bochum”,
China & Europe Organizing Committee,
Universitaetsst. 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany,
email: journal@china-studies.com