International Conference: “Usages du Livre du Changement (Zhouyi) sous les Song” / “On the Various Usages of the Yijing by Song Literati”

Paris, France
21st – 22nd Nov 2013


The International Consortium for Research in the Humanities “Fate, Freedom and Prognostication. Strategies of Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe” of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg is delighted to announce this international joint conference together with the Collège de France, Paris


Prof. Dr. Anne Cheng (Collège de France),
Prof. Dr. Stéphane Feuillas (Univ. Paris Diderot, Former IKGF Visiting Fellow),
Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner (IKGF Director)

to be held on November 21-22, 2013 in Paris  at the Collège de France (Salle Claude Lévi-Strauss 52, rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris)



Jeudi 21 novembre 2013, 09h 00 – 15h 00
9h 00    Ouverture
Anne Cheng, Stéphane Feuillas et Michael Lackner


Panel 1:     The Song Context and the Yijing

Chair:     Frédéric Wang (INALCO, Centre Chine)

9h30    Research on the Zhouyi under the Song Dynasty and the Hexagrams of the Change
Liu Hsiang-kwang 劉祥光 (Department of History, Chengchih University, Taipei)

10h30    Pause


Panel 2:    Northern Song Hermeneutics I

Chair:     Frédéric Wang (INALCO, Centre Chine)

10h45    Diagrams and the Yijing: Liu Mu and his Yishu gouyin tu
Stéphane Feuillas (Université Paris Diderot, CRCAO)

11h45    Lunch Break


Panel 3:    Northern Song Hermeneutics II

Chair:     Frédéric Wang (INALCO, Centre Chine)

14h00    A Fundamental Resource: Uses and Functions of the Zhouyi in Zhou Dunyi’s Works
Maud M’Bondjo (CRCAO)

15h00    Some Remarks on the Chapter on the Great Changes (Da Yi pian) in Zhang Zai’s Discipline for Beginners
Michael Lackner (International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)

15h00    Coffee Break

Vendredi 22 novembre 2013, 09h00 – 16h15


Panel 4:     The Zhouyi and the Lixue

Chair:    Peter K. Bol (Harvard University)

9h00    On the “Quality of Hexagrams” in Cheng Yi’s Studies on the Zhouyi
Zhang Kebin 张克宾 (Center for Zhouyi & Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Shandong University, Jinan, China)

10h00    Pause

10h15    L’interprétation selon Zhu Xi de la phrase du « Xici » : « Un Yin, un Yang, c’est ce qu’on appelle le Dao. Ce qui suit, c’est le bien ; ce qu’il constitue, c’est la nature »
Roger Darrobers (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, CRCAO)

11h15    Zhen Dexiu’s Uses of the Zhouyi in Political, Social and Religious Spheres
Liao Hsien-huei 廖咸惠 (Institute of History, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

12h15    Lunch Break


Panel 5:     Divination and the Zhouyi

Chair:     Michael Lackner (IKGF, Friedrich-Alexander University)

14h00    How the Scholar Shao Yong (1012-1077) Became a Diviner (in Spite of Himself?)
Alain Arrault (EFEO, Centre d’étude sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS)

15h00    The Principle and Significance of Divination in the Zhouyi and its Popular Application in Contemporary China
Zhang Wenzhi 张文智 (Center for Zhouyi & Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Shandong University, Jinan, China)

16h00    Pause

16h15    General discussion and further topics

There is no registration needed in case of attendance, but a good knowledge of Classical and Modern Chinese is recommended. Further information can be found at our website at or at the Website of the Collège de France at



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