Erlangen, Germany
14th May – 16th July 2013
International Consortium for Research in the Humanities IKGF –
Tue 14.05. The Eschatological Meaning of the Templum Domini in Jerusalem (Dome of the Rock)
Dr. Michelina Di Cesare (IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 2.012
Tue 28.05. Astromania, Astrophobia, Futuroscopia, and the Last Death of the Astrologer-Doctor in Golden Age Spain
Prof. Dr. Elena del Río Parra (Georgia State University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 2.012
Tue 04.06. The Sultan and the Stars. Divinatory Practices in 13th Century Yemen
Dr. Petra Schmidl (Universität Bonn; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 2.012
Wed 05.06. Traditional Beliefs and Colonial Modernity in 20th Century East Asia
Prof. Dr. Faye Kleeman (University of Colorado, Boulder; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 0.023
Tue 11.06. The Doctrine of the 3rd, 7th and 40th Days of the Moon in Ancient Astrology
Prof. Dr. Stephan Heilen (Universität Osnabrück) Kollegienhaus, KH 0.023
Wed 12.06. Against the Specter of Time: Critique of Progressivism in Modern China
Prof. Dr. Axel Schneider (Universität Göttingen; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 0.023
Tue 18.06. Fortuna and Christian Monotheism
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kablitz (Universität zu Köln; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 2.012
Tue 25.06. Universal and Political Crises in 'End of the World' Prognostications: Reflections on Armenian Texts and Traditions
Dr. Zara Pogossian (John Cabot University, Rome; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 2.012
Wed 26.06. Interdependence of Science and Religion in Modern Japan: The Background of Fukushima
Prof. Dr. Takahiro Nakajima (University of Tokyo; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 0.023
Mo 01.07. Fate, Death, and Material Culture in Early China
Prof. Dr. Lillian Tseng (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University; IKGF Visiting Fellow)
Tue 09.07. Narrating the National Fate: Time, Historical Consciousness, and Cultural Trauma in the Study of 'Chinese Modernization' in Postwar Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Hsiau A-chin (Academia Sinica, Taipeh; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 2.012
Tue 16.07. Confucian Divination and the Contingency of Community: On Two Types of Ursprungsdenken in Mou Zongsan 牟宗三 and Wang Hui 汪晖
Prof. Dr. Kai Marchal (Soochow University, Taipeh; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 2.012
Venue: Kollegienhaus, Universitätsstraße 15, 91054 Erlangen