Tsinghua University Beijing, China
May 11th 2013
The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) and the Centre Franco Chinois cordially invite you to attend the following workshop: 法國現代中國研究中心及中法中心誠邀閣下參加以下研討會:WORKSHOP “CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH ON CHINESE WOMEN” 當代中國女性研究研討會
Venue: Wenbei Building, Room 206 05 月11 日 清華大學文北樓 206 室
SESSION 1: Property Ownership and Gender Inequality Speakers: Tang Can (Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Sally Sargeson (Research Fellow, Australian National University), and Leta Hong Fincher (Ph.D. Candidate, Tsinghua University) Discussant: Aurore Merle (Assistant Professor, Sociology Department of Tsinghua University) 论坛1: 物产与性别不平等 主講:唐灿(中国社会科学院社会学研究所家庭与性别研究室研究员),Sally Sargeson (澳大利亚国立大学研究员) ,及洪理达 (清华大学社会学系博士生) 评论: Aurore Merle 梅晓红 (清华大学社会学系讲师)
SESSION 2: Feminism and Gender studies in contemporary China Speakers: Feng Yuan (Independent Scholar) and Guo Yuhua (Professor, Sociology Department of Tsinghua University) Discussant: Jean-Philippe Béja (Researcher,CNRS, SciencePo Paris) 论坛2: 当代中国的女权主义和女性研究 主講:冯媛(独立学者)和郭于华(清华大学社会学系教授) 评论: Jean-Philippe Béja 白夏 (巴黎政治学院教授,法国国家科研中心研究员)
For registration, please contact: contact@beijing-cfc.org
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