Hanover, Germany
11th – 12th Dec 2014
Extended Deadline: Jul 31st 2014
Venue: Conference, Herrenhausen Castle, Hanover/Germany
The international conference China in the Global Academic Landscapes deals with the academic implications of the growing global significance of China in general and its university sector in particular. Among other subjects, we will reflect upon the massive transformations of China’s research and tertiary education sectors, as well as their international entanglements. Yet the conference will not solely deal with academic structures and policies: rather, it will pay due attention to important epistemological challenges and changes. For instance, focusing on the social sciences and humanities, we will debate whether the current transformations in the global academic landscapes (and their underlying sociologies of knowledge) will also have an impact on the future directions that research might take in single fields.
The conference will take place on December 11th and 12th 2014 in Herrenhausen Castle in Hanover/Germany. It will convene renowned researchers and academic policy-makers from Europe, East Asia, North America and other parts of the world. Confirmed participants include, for example, William Kirby (Harvard), Wang Hui (Tsinghua), Liu Kang (Duke), Prasenjit Duara (Singapore) and Jürgen Osterhammel (Konstanz).
Volkswagen Foundation, the sponsor of this conference, provides ten conference scholarships for doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars (respectively entry-level faculty) from all over the world. Scholarship recipients will be able to attend the regular conference, participate in seminar-style discussions and briefly present their work. We particularly encourage applications from graduate students and junior scholars working on some key issues related to the overarching conference topic, China in the Global Academic Landscapes. This includes the following research themes:
- China’s Changing Higher Education and Research System
- Situating Chinese Academia in its Global Contexts
- Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- The Place of China Within other Academic Systems
- Perspectives from Western and Non-Western societies
- Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- The Growing Visibility of Chinese Academia as well as its Epistemological Impacts
- New Disciplinary Cultures, Topics and Contents?
- Changing Global Sociologies of Knowledge?
For successful applicants, Volkswagen Foundation will cover all travel expenses (to Hanover/Germany) and accommodation expenses. To apply, please send a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae and a relevant sample publication to the main conference organizer:
Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier
Jacobs University
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen
Or via email to: ChinaConference@jacobs-university.de.
We prefer applications by email. All applications must be received by July 31st, 2014.
If you have any questions, please email ChinaConference@jacobs-university.de.