Nottingham, UK
18th – 19th Jul 2014
Deadline: 20th Mar 2014
The conference explores China’s global linkages from a multidisciplinary perspective. We welcome presentations on economics, international relations, politics, people-to-people relations, media, and historical and cultural linkages. Presenters are also greatly encouraged to share their methodological approaches and theoretical frameworks. The conference aims to promote international co-operation between early career academics, creating opportunities for networking and future academic exchange.
Panel sessions will include, but are not restricted to:
business and finance
international relations
Registration details and schedule:
(1) A paper title, abstract (maximum 300 words in English) and short bio to be sent by 20th March 2014 to
(2) The selected participants will be notified by 20th April 2014.
Who can apply?
We invite current and recent PhD students working on China at academic institutions in the UK and abroad.
Organisers: School of Contemporary Chinese Studies PhD Student Conference Committee, University of Nottingham.
If you have any queries please contact Rebecca Scott via the above address.