Trento, Italia
15 – 17th Oct 2014
In occasion of the 400th anniversary of the birth of the Jesuit China missionary Martino Martini (1614-1661), the Centro Studi Martino Martini of Trento and the Stiftungslehrstuhl für Missionswissenschaft of Würzburg University are pleased to announce the upcoming conference:
Venue: Palazzo Geremia (Sala Falconetto) – via Belenzani, Trento
Dipartimento di Lettere (Aula 1)- v. T. Gar, Trento
Day 1 – October, 15 Palazzo Geremia (Sala Falconetto)
Chair: Riccardo Scartezzini
16:30-17:00 Registration and welcome coffee
17:00-17:30 Welcome of the organizers and the authorities
17:30-18:00 Federico Masini, Sapienza University of Rome
Keynote Speech 1
18:00-18:30 Noël Golvers, KU Leuven
Keynote Speech 2
19.30 Welcome dinner
Day 2 – October, 16 Dipartimento di Lettere (Aula 1)
Panel 1: Martini and the China Mission, session 1
Chair: Isaia Iannaccone
09:30-10:00 Claudia von Collani:
Two Astronomers: Martino Martini and Johann Adam Schall von Bell
10:00-10.30 Riccardo Scartezzini e Piergiorgio Cattani
The century of the Jesuits in Trento: Martino Martini and the city of the Council between the Italian and the
German world.
10:30-11.00 Orlando Lentini:
Martino Martini between two virtual realities
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
Panel 2: Martini and the History of China
Chair: Federico Masini
11:30-12:00 Davor Antonucci
An unknown work of Martino Martini? Working hypotheses
12:00-12:30 Luisa M. Paternicò
The Manuscript of the Sinicae Historie Decas Prima in the Vatican Library
12:30-14:30 Lunch
Panel 3: Martini and the Geography of China, session 1
Chair: Daniela Dumbrava
14:30-15:00 Uta Lindgren
Martini’s Atlas of China and the oversea interests of the Netherlands
15:00-15:30 Evelyn Gottschlich
The influence of Martini’s Atlas Sinensis on the European cartography of Tibet and China
17:00-17:30 Michele Castelnovi
Novus Atlas Sinensis: Martino Martini versus Marco Polo
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
Panel 3: Martini and the Geography of China, session 2
Chair: Uta Lindgren
16:30-17:00 Daniela Dumbrava
Northern Asian cartographical knowledge in the XVIIth century: from narrative elements to exploratory ones.
Nicolae Milescu “meets” Martino Martini
17:00-17:30 Stefano Piastra
Francesco Brancati, Martino Martini and Shanghai’s Lao Tang (‘Old Church’). Mapping, Perception and Cultural
Implications of a Place
19.30 Dinner
Day 3 – October, 17 Dipartimento di Lettere (Aula 1)
Panel 4: Martini and the Rites Controversy
Chair: Claudia von Collani
09:30-10:00 Rita Widmaier
Modal Logic versus Probabilistic Logic: Martino Martini and the Question of Truth in the Chinese Rites Controversy
10:00-10:30 Gianni Criveller
Linguistic and strategic conflicts in the Chinese RitesControversyThe role of Martino Martini
10:30-11:00 Ilaria Morali
Theological Aspects of the Rites Controversy and their Modernity 50 Years after the Second Vatican Council:
contribution to an authentically Catholic Theology of Religions.
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
Panel 1: Martini and the China Mission, session 2
Chair: Noël Golvers
11:30-12:00 Maria Grazia Russo
Martino Martini and his Protuguese Letters
12:00-12:30 Wang Liangming
The construction of Sacred Space during the time of Martino Martini
12:30-14:30 Lunch
Panel 5: Martini and the Chinese Language
Chair: Luisa M. Paternicò
14:30-15:00 Xie Mingguang
Martini Martino and the traveling of the Xi Ru Er Mu Zi (1626) in Europe
15:00-15:30 Yuan Xi
A Terminological Research on the Theological Chinese Work of Martini
15:30-16:00 Luo Ying
The Jesuits’ Latin Translation of Four Books in the17th Century: with focus on Prospero Intorcetta’s Zhong Yong
16:30 Guided Tour of ‘Martini’s Places’ in Trento
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