Call for Papers: International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL)

Newcastle University, UK
10 – 12th Dec 2015
Deadline: 25th May 2015

The Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences (CRiLLS), Newcastle University, UK is delighted to announce a forthcoming conference— the International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL) on 10th – 12th December, 2015. The Symposium aims to promote worldwide collaboration on Chinese theoretical and applied linguistics by giving researchers an opportunity to share their work. Confirmed speakers for the conference are:

Professor James C.-T. Huang from Harvard University

Dr Boping Yuan from Cambridge University

Professor Martha Young-Scholten from Newcastle University

Dr Clare Wright from Reading University

Professor Xinsheng Zhang from Richmond University

Professor Yi Xu from University College London

Presentations are invited on topics including but not limited to the following aspects of the Chinese language – understood broadly as Sinitic languages (e.g. Mandarin, Cantonese and all regional varieties):

  • Syntax
  • Morphology
  • Phonetics and phonology
  • Semantics
  • Language variation and sociolinguistic studies
  • Diachronic change
  • Language contact
  • Typology and comparative studies
  • Child language acquisition
  • Second language acquisition and teaching
  • Applications of translation and code-switching to pedagogy


Talks will be 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for discussion and questions. Poster presentations are also welcome (if you wish to present a poster rather than an oral presentation, you must specify this on the abstract).

Two copies of the abstract should be submitted: one anonymous and one named (maximum of 450 words, not including references). The named version should contain the author’s name, affiliation and email.

Abstracts should use 12pt Times New Roman font and be single-spaced. Abstracts must be written in English, with examples fully glossed (particularly if containing Chinese characters) and provide 2-4 keywords indicating the general topic (e.g. syntax, Chinese language teaching).

The conference will include a WiP Forum (Work in Progress Forum), where issues pertaining to the study of Chinese linguistics will be discussed. For this, we welcome submissions (length: 450 words) introducing issues/challenges encountered by current PhD students in their studies. Accepted submissions will be the subject of open discussion at the Forum, which aims to provide quality input to aspects of ongoing projects. This discussion will be chaired by our keynote speakers and experts in Newcastle University.

The filename of the abstract should be the first four words of the title, followed by ANON for the anonymous version and NAMED for the version that includes author details. Abstracts must be submitted electronically in both WORD and pdf format to The deadline for the submission of all abstracts is 25th May, 2015. Authors will be notified of acceptance by 25th June, 2015.

If you have any further inquiries, please contact Dongyan Chen at


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