Abstract Deadline: 31st Jul 2015
We are glad to inform you that the new edition of Ming Qing Studies 2015 is going to be published by Aracne Publishers in Fall 2015.
Applicants are encouraged to submit abstracts for the next issue of Ming Qing Studies 2016. The contributions should concern Ming-Qing China in one or few of its most significant and multifaceted aspects, as well as on East Asian countries covering the same time period. All articles will be examined by our qualified peer reviewers. We welcome creative and fresh approaches to the field of Asian studies. Particularly appreciated will be the contributions on
anthropological and social history, collective imagery, and interdisciplinary approaches to the Asian cultural studies.
All submitted papers must be original and well written in British English according to our guidelines and editorial rules. Please email your abstract (300-500 words) in MS Word or pdf attachments along with your biographical information to the addresses listed below. Please mention your full name with academic title, university affiliation, department or home institution, title of paper and contact details in your email.
Deadline for the abstract and bibliographical notes: July 31 , 2015.
Deadline for the article: December 31 st, 2015.
MING QING STUDIES is a yearly publication, both on line and in printed form, which continues the positive experience of Ming Qing Yanjiu. Thanks to the cooperation of several scholars settled in Italy and abroad, it intends to widen the debate on the historical and cultural issues of late imperial China as well as pre-modern and modern East Asia. Although this publication focuses on late imperial China, its scope is broadened to the whole East Asia area, with its new
cultural and anthropological features which are manifested in this fundamental period of transition from local to global history.
Please find the editorial norms and more information on Ming Qing Studies past issues at
Prof. Paolo Santangelo (paolo.santangelo@uniroma1.it)
Dr. M.Paola Culeddu (paola.culeddu@uniroma1.it)
Dr. Tommaso Previato (tommaso.previato@icloud.com)
Lorenzo Andolfatto
Making Sense of Incompleteness: Approximations of Utopia in Liang Qichao’s Xin zhongguo weilai ji and Chen Tianhua’s Shizi hou.
Manuel Cadafaz de Matos
F. Melchior Nunes Barreto (c. 1520-1571) the First Active Missionary in Canton: Diaspora, Adventure and Faith between Lampacao, Kyushu and Macao. Brief Reflections on the Philosophy of Nature in the Sixteenth Century China.
Giorgio Casacchia
Travelling in a Thronged Desert.
Chen Yushu
The Tension between the Realistic and Imaginary Elements in Alexander’s Illustration.
Diego Cucinelli
Windows onto the Supernatural in the Second Half of the Edo Period: from the Gazu hyakki yagyō (1776) by Toriyama Sekien to the E-hon hyaku Monogatari (1841) by Takehara Shunsen
Donatella Failla
A Virtual Escape from the “Closed country” through Painting: Shiba Kōkan’s Seiyō mitate Mimeguri fūkei zu
Giulia Falato
Alfonso Vagnone SJ’s “Tongyou Jiaoyu (Child Education)” and its Contribution to the Introduction of Western Learning into late Ming China.
Gao Yunwen
Race, Language and Culture in the Construction of Nationalism in Late Qing Period: A Case Study of Liang Qichao’s Cantonese Opera “Ban Dingyuan Conquering the West.
Hu Xiujuan
The Spread of the Korean Manuscript of Zhu Zi yulei Huizhou Edition.
Marco Meccarelli
Chinese Painters in Nagasaki: Style and Artistic Contaminatio during the Tokugawa Period (1603-1868).
Tsui Winnie Wai
Literary Reactions to the Taiping 太平 Rebellion (1853-1864): A Study of the Poetry of Jiang Chunlin 蔣春霖
Turriziani Martina
A Historical Comparison between Italy and China emerging from Kang Youwei’s Yidali youji 意大利游记.
Barbara Witt
Child Imagery and the Representation of Li Nezha in the Fengshen yanyi.
Xie Mingguang
Translation, or Transliteration? Question of Chinese around the Catholic Liturgy in the Xi Ru Er Mu Zi (1626).
Xie Xin-zhe
Forensics and Politics in Qing China – Some Case Studies.
(REVIEW) Mark Gamsa
Anna Di Toro, La percezione della Russia in Cina tra XVII e XVIII sec. Roma: La Sapienza Orientale, 2012.
(REVIEW) Hang Lin
Jodi L. Weinstein. Empire and Identity in Guizhou: Local Resistance to Qing Expansion. Studies on Ethnic Groups in China Series. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014.
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