Deadline: 1st Sep 2015
The first issue in 2016 will be dedicated to the Buddhist studies. It will explore the role of Buddhism in contemporary global, especially European societies. The call for papers is especially directed towards (but not limited to) the participants of the Symposium dedicated to the same topic, which took place at the Faculty of Art in Ljubljana from March 12th to 14th 2015.
The main purpose of the issue is to explore the role of this ancient thought in modern life, to investigate and analyze the current prevailing attitudes towards Buddhism, to enable new insights into its theoretical contents, and to introduce its new methods and practices. Themes to be addressed may include contemporary Buddhist ritual customs; Buddhist social practices; the relationship between Buddhism and other religious traditions; the relationship between Buddhist institutions and the state; Buddhist monasticism and its relationship to the laity; Buddhist ethics; Buddhist “modernism,” the concept of mindfulness, the relationship between Buddhism and psychology, neurology and cognitive sciences, and so on.
We welcome papers from scholars, researchers, PhD students and others who have expertise in the above mentioned topic.
Previous not published articles are to be submitted online ( by September 1st 2015.
Asian Studies/Azijske študije
The academic journal Asian Studies (until 2013 Asian and African Studies) has been published by the Department of Asian and African Studies, at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) since 1997. It is a distinctive, interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of Asian societies and cultures. Twice a year, it publishes thoroughly researched and strictly peer-reviewed academic articles, which represent the highest level of scholarly excellence.
Information for Authors
– The manuscript should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal.
– Manuscripts may be 7000-9000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. The title should be on page 1 and not exceed 15 words, and should be followed by an abstract of 100 words. 5 keywords or key phrases are required.
– The following information should be filled out when registering on the web page: name of the author(s), academic title or position, institution, mailing address, e-mail
– The manuscript should be in English and in MS Word format, submitted online on The submitted paper should be already proof-read before submitted.
– The referencing system should comply with the Chicago Manual of Style – author- date system. (see the attached Notes for Authors)
Editorial Procedures
Asian Studies a refereed journal. Papers are peer-reviewed by two experts of the similar academic field and assessed by the journal’s international editorial board.
The journal has been listed in the following databases/resources:
– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
– Google Scholar
– Erich Plus
Welcome visit our website at:
Editorial Board of Asian Studies
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