Stuttgart, Germany
24 – 25th Sep 2015
We invite anonymous abstracts for 30-‐minute talks (20+10) presenting new research into argument alternations in Chinese. Submissions may not exceed 2 pages (A4/letter) and must be written in English. The first line of the submission must be “Submission for the workshop on argument alternations in Chinese”. No more than one single-‐authored and one co-‐authored abstract per person will be considered.
Submission of abstracts is via Easychair only (
Deadline: 15th May 2015
Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2015
All presenters must be members of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, as the workshop is embedded in EACL-‐9, which will be held September 24-‐26 at the same venue as the workshop (cf. the Membership page; on-‐site registration will be possible atthe conference).
Papers that are included in the program must be presented by the author(s) and cannot be presented by proxies.
Registration fees: € 35 for students, € 70 for non-‐students
Please direct any inquiries to:
Organizers: EACL & Daniel Hole (local organization)