Call for Papers: Sinología Hispanica

Sinología Hispanica is a premier interdisciplinary journal on Chinese language and culture studies which aims to enhance international cultural communication, disseminate Chinese language, and culture studies, prosperity in Chinese social life as well as in scholarship. Its interdisciplinary approach covers a range of subjects including sinology, linguistics, culture communication, sociology; international affairs, economics and politics. It keeps readers up to date with the events in China and provides readers with historical perspectives, in-depth analyses, and a deeper understanding of Chinese language and Chinese culture. In addition to major articles and research reports, each issue contains academic trend and book review section.   The journal welcomes academic manuscripts especially, though not exclusively, on the following subject matters:

(Paper submitted is supposed be around March and September every year for being published in June and December)
Journal Information:
Title: Sinología Hispanica
Published for Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban), China; Confucius Institute, University of Leon, Spain
Chief-Editor: Juan José Lanero, University of Leon, Spain
Languages: Chinese, English and Spanish
Publication Frequency: 2 issues per year (in June and December)
ISSN: 2444-832X

1. Subjects Covered by this Journal:

1.1Confucius Institute (Comparative study of Confucius Institute and other language and culture promotion institutions; Strength analysis, database building and operation model study of outstanding Confucius Institutes; Cross-nation study of Confucius Institutes’ Sustainable development strategy; Objectives and implementation methods of Confucius Institutes).
1.2 Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages and Internation Promotion of Chinese Language
1.3 Study of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Based on the latest second language acquisition theory and cognitive theory; Contrastive Study of Chinese and Spanish language; Local Chinese teaching training study in the world; Local textbooks development in the world).
1.4 Multi-Culture and Chinese Discourse Study (Discourse study of important Chinese social problems and phenomena; Discourse study of China towards world problems; China image in the perspective of globalization).
1.5 Integration of Immigrants and Overseas Students’ Language and Culture into Spanish Society.
1.6 Study of Translation and Communication of Chinese Cultural Heritage in Spain.
1.7 Academic Trends and Book Reviews Related to the above Topics.


2. Academic Publishing Ethics

It is assumed that the manuscript has not been submitted to elsewhere but for the consideration of Sinología Hispanica only. If authors prefer to submit their papers to other publication later after their SH submissions, they must send a notice to SH to withdraw the manuscripts.


3. Presentation

3.1 Language Requirement
Sinología Hispanica requires research papers being presented in English, Chinese or Spanish.


3.2 Format

Manuscripts of research paper should be about 10,000 in Chinese, or 25 pages in English or Spanish in length; book review should be less than 5,000 words, including references, appendices, footnotes, tables and figures. Submissions should contain an abstract approximately 200 words. English and Chinese title, abstract and keywords are required for the manuscript written in Chinese or English; Spanish, English and Chinese title, abstract and keywords are required for the manuscript written in Spanish. It is recommended to follow the format of Sinología Hispanica manuscript and its documentation. Sinología Hispanica uses footnotes rather than end-notes and simplified Chinese characters in Song font. If special fonts are used, please send them along with your manuscript in electronic format. Authors will be specifically guided by Sinología Hispanica style guidelines (see 3.4) if a manuscript is accepted.


3.3 Cover Letter

Each contributor is requested to provide a short cover letter (the author(s)’ academic qualification, research interest, affiliation, postal addresses, telephone numbers, acknowledgements, etc.) of 50 to 60 words. All of this information should be on a separated page from the manuscript.


3.4 Style Guideline

Description of the Journal’s general layout and reference style.

4. Submission

While you may submit your electronic manuscript to Synología Hispanica by email attachments, please email your manuscript in both WORD and PDF to The title of these two documents should be: “Author’s Name-Chinese Article Title-University-Date”, for example, “ Wang Fang-The Development of Spanish Sinology-School of International Education, Beijing University, China-2015/01/01”.




《西班牙新汉学》(ISSN: 2444-832X),由中国国家汉办资助,西班牙莱昂大学孔子学院承办,西班牙莱昂大学出版社出版,每年两期。该刊以语言文化研究为依托,旨在向读者展示丰富全面的中国社会语言文化面貌,向世界推广中国汉语言文化,介绍孔子学院建设,进一步加深读者对中国历史、社会、政治、经济等方面的了解。本刊物欢迎跨学科学术研究论文、相关学术动态和最新论著书评。本刊拟于2015年12月正式创刊,诚挚欢迎海内外专家、学者赐稿!



1. 孔子学院研究(包括孔子学院与其它语言文化传播机构的比较研究;先进孔子学院特色分析、数据库建设、经营模式研究;孔子学院国别可持续发展战略研究;孔子学院的目标和目标实施方法)。
2. 汉语国际教育和汉语国际传播。
3. 对外汉语研究(包括依据最新二语习得理论和认知理论开展的研究;汉西语言对比研究;各国汉语本土教师培训研究;各国本土化教材的开发研究。
4. 多元文化与中国话语研究(包括中国重大社会问题或现象的话语研究;民族话语研究;中国面对世界问题的话语研究;全球化视野中的中国形象研究)。
5. 中国文化遗产在西班牙的翻译及传播研究。
6. 西班牙华人移民、留学生语言文化融入当地社会情况研究。
7. 以上相关话题的学术动态与书评。



1. 语言: 汉语、英语、西班牙语。
2. 字数:汉语研究性论文10000字左右,英语和西班牙语论文25页左右;书评5000字/单词以内。
3. 以电子文件形式投稿,投稿邮箱 ,责任编辑:李秋杨。
4. 文件类型:WORD(DOC、DOCX)格式和PDF格式各一份,请勿压缩。
5. 中英文摘要及关键词:中文或英文撰写的论文,请提供英文和中文标题、摘要和关键词;西班牙文撰写的论文,请提同时供西班牙文、英文和中文标题、摘要和关键词。摘要字数为200字/词。关键词建议在6个左右。
5. 文件名格式:“姓名-文章名-单位名称-日期”,例如:“王方-西班牙汉学发展概况 –湘潭大学国际教育学院-2015-01-01投稿”。
6. 稿件组成及体例格式见附件《<西班牙新汉学>文章规范》。稿件正文请勿署名,作者姓名、作者简介、基金项目、通信地址、电话及电子邮件地址等请另页给出。正文中应注意避免出现与作者身份有关的信息。


1. 文稿结构:a. 中文题目、中文摘要(200字左右)、中文关键词(6个以内);英文题目、英文摘要(200单词左右)。提要应是全文的要点,力求客观,应避免自我评价性语言。b. 正文。c. 参考文献。d.(附录)。
2. 2. 正文格式:
    a. 正文章节标题或小标题独占一行,且一律用阿拉伯数字(从1开始)表示,形式为:
    1. 1.1 1.2 …… 2. 2.1 2.2 ……
    b. 正文一律采用脚注(脚注宋体6号);
    c. 正文行文中非汉语姓氏一律使用外文原文;
    d. 例句编号用(1)或(1)a的形式;
    e. 重要术语如果首次在国内语言学期刊上出现,请随后附上外文原文。
    3. 文内引用文献和文尾参考文献格式要求:
    a. 文内夹注的文献放在括号内,作者名与年份之间空一格、不加逗号,如(Chomsky 1991)、(Wilson 1991: 28-80)、(Adams 1990; Bates & MacWhinney 1982, 1989; Miao, Chen & Ying 1984)、(王力 1982,赵元任 1979);三个作者的,第一次出现全部列出,第二次则用et al.,如(Miao et al. 1984);三个以上作者的,全部用et al.,如(Caselli et al. 1995)。
    b. 文尾参考文献部分不要包括文中没有引用到的文献,但应将引用到的文献全部列出,不要遗漏。
    c. 文献类型的字母标识:[M]为专著,[C]为论文集,[N]为报刊文章,[J]为期刊文章,[P]为未出版之会议论文,[D]为博士学位论文,[R]为报告,[CP]为计算机程序,其中论文集中的文章类型标识为[A]。外文文献在前,以作者姓氏的字母为序,书名采用斜体;中文在后,以作者姓氏的汉语拼音为序。
    d. 参考文献样例:
    Adams, M. J. 1990. Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print [M]. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    王艾录、司富珍,2002,语言理据研究[M]。北京: 中国社会科学出版社。
    Juel, C., P. Griffith & P. Gough. 1986. Acquisition of literacy: A longitudinal study of children in first and second grade [J]. Journal of Educational Psychology 78: 243-255.
    邓思颖,2002,经济原则和汉语没有动词的句子[J]。现代外语(3): 1-13。
Bryant, P. E. & U. Goswami. 1987. Phonological awareness and learning to read
[A]. In J. R. Beech & A. M. Colley (eds.), Cognitive Approach to Reading [C]. New York: Wiley,213-243.
    伍铁平,1990,术语的模糊性和语言规律[A]。杨自俭、李瑞华(编),英汉对比研究论文集[C]。上海: 上海外语教育出版社,179-188。


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