Leiden, The Netherlands
Deadline: 31st Aug 2016
The Faculty of Humanities invites applications for an: University Lectureship in Chinese Art and Material Culture (1,0 fte) Vacancy number: 16-243
Key responsibilities
– Original research and regular dissemination of the results through appropriate channels;
– Teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels, supervision of BA and MA theses, and contributions to curriculum development;
– Co-supervision of PhD research;
– Acquisition of project funding (NWO, ERC, etc);
– Administration;
– Representation of the field to external audiences and media.
Selection Criteria
– A PhD degree in a relevant field. Candidates near completion of the degree will be considered;
– Specialist expertise in pre-20th-century Chinese art and material culture. A research and publication record that is commensurate with career stage;
– The ability to teach and to supervise written work in pre-20th-century Chinese art and material culture at the BA, MA, and PhD levels; the ability to teach and supervise written work on modern and contemporary topics at the BA level;
– The ability, certainly in teaching and preferably in research, to engage with wider East Asian and Asian contexts, and to position the study of Chinese art and material culture in transnational and global configurations;
– Research experience in China and/or Taiwan, and familiarity with modern and contemporary cultural developments in the region;
– Commitment to high-quality teaching practice, wide teaching scope in terms of content and audiences (e.g. students majoring in Chinese Studies, Asian Studies, and International Studies; students in other fields taking cross-listed electives; etc);
– Affinity with area studies, and the ability to work from interdisciplinary, transnational, and comparative perspectives;
– An excellent command of Classical Chinese and of Modern Chinese. Proficiency in other East Asian languages is an advantage;
– An excellent command of English. The MA program in Asian Studies and the BA program in International Studies are offered in English, and English may be used in the BA program in Chinese Studies as well;
– If the Lecturer doesn’t speak Dutch, s/he will be expected to take an introductory Dutch course; and, if the contract is extended beyond 2018 (see below), to further develop her/his command of Dutch for practical matters, with the University funding her/his training at the Academic Language Center.
The Faculty of Humanities and the LIAS
The Faculty of Humanities is rich in expertise in fields as philosophy, religious studies, history, art history, literature, linguistics and regional studies covering nearly every region of the world. Our faculty is home to more than 5400 students and 800 staff members. For more information, see http://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/humanities.
The lecturer will hold a position in the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS). LIAS is comprised of a School of Asian Studies and a School of Middle-Eastern Studies, with international staff and student populations. The institute is committed to a present-day vision of area studies, integrating disciplinary and regional-historical perspectives on a solid foundation of excellent language skills. The Lecturer will teach in Chinese Studies, Asian Studies, International Studies, and other programs and courses as required. Read more: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/humanities/institute-for-area-studies.
Terms of employment
Appointment will initially be for two years from January 2017 through December 2018, with the possibility of extension and a permanent position thereafter.
Salary range from € 2,552.- to € 4,691.- gross per month (pay scale 10/11), in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities). Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.
Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses(8.3 %), training and career development and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break. http://www.workingat.leiden.edu/.
Leiden University requires teaching staff to obtain the UTQ. If the successful applicant does not already possess this qualification or its equivalent, he or she must be willing to obtain this Qualification within two years. See: http://staff.leiden.edu/h-r/training/utq/more/bko.html.
Leiden University is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from members of underrepresented groups.
Queries may be sent to Hilde De Weerdt (h.g.d.g.de.weerdt@hum.leidenuniv.nl), with cc to Frank Pieke (f.n.pieke@hum.leidenuniv.nl).
Applications must be received no later than 31 August 2016, with the interviews with shortlisted candidates scheduled for 26 September 2016. Applications should be in English, and be submitted to the Chinese Art Search Committee at vacatureslias@hum.leidenuniv.nl, with the items listed below included in this order in a single PDF document named ‘FAMILY NAME – Given name – 16-243’:
– A CV including education and employment history, publications, and courses taught to date and planned.
– A letter of motivation including a personal vision of Chinese Studies and the place of art and material culture therein.
– A research agenda with clear potential for applications to funding bodies such as NWO and ERC (max 2 pages).
– A teaching statement (max 1 page).
– A course description (intro + outline of 12 two-hour weekly sessions) on a topic of choice in the area of pre-20th-century Chinese art and material culture, aimed at 3rd-year BA Chinese Studies majors and using some source material in classical Chinese in addition to translations and academic literature.
– A course description (intro + outline of 12 two-hour weekly sessions) for ‘Culture(s) of/in Modern East Asia,’ aimed at 2nd-year BA students in International Studies with East Asia as their area of specialization, with saliency rather than completeness as a guiding principle. Using English-language material only, the course will engage with various forms of cultural production in the modern era, with reference to cultural identities and social and historical context, and to regional and global configurations and dynamics.
– Names, positions, and email addresses of three referees (no reference letters).
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