Oxford, UK
3–7th Jul 2017
Deadline: 15th Mar 2017
Oxford University China Centre, The Queen’s College and its Workshop for Manuscript and Text Cultures (WMTC), and Merton College are accepting applications for the Summer Workshop on Ancient Chinese Palaeography and Phonology at Oxford, 3-7 July 2017.
The workshop will be guided by two leading experts in the fields of ancient Chinese phonology and palaeography: Professor William Baxter from the University of Michigan and Professor Chen Jian from Fudan University. The workshop will focus on analysis of *”Zhai gong zhi guming” 祭公之顧命 from the collection of bamboo slips acquired by Tsinghua University. The participants are expected to have a good knowledge of the source text and to have worked through the recommended literature that will be disseminated by the workshop organisers several weeks before the event.
The workshop will run from Monday to Friday, with two 2.5 sessions each day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. The joint analysis of “*Zhaigong zhi gu ming” will serve to enable participants develop a solid tool kit for their work on other ancient Chinese sources.
Applications are accepted from students enrolled in postgraduate study programmes within and outside the UK. Unfortunately, we are not able to cover travel expenses to and from Oxford, but we might be able to provide bursaries toward accommodation expenses in Oxford.
If you would like to participate in the workshop, please submit a CV and a brief (up to 500 words) statement with an outline of your interest in the workshop. The applications should be submitted by 15 March to yegor.grebnev@orinst.ox.ac.uk. The successful applicants will be notified by 31 March.
Visit the website for this announcement at: External Link…