Call for Papers to the 3rd CERPE Workshop on “Chinese in Europe: New mobilities and developments”

Barcelona, Spain
22-24th Nov 2018
Deadline: 1st Apr 2018

Organised by Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, East Asian Studies & Research Centre, Spain ( in cooperation with Jinan University, School of International Studies/Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies, Guangzhou, China ( and Aarhus University, Dep. of Global Studies, Denmark (, and with the collaboration of Fundacio CIDOB & Fundacio Institut Confuci de Barcelona.

Purpose of 3rd CERPE workshop:
With the economic rise of China mobility between China and Europe is experiencing new developments. Chinese migration has not only become more diversified in geographical origins, beyond the old and more recent qiaoxiang, but also in occupational positions and motives for movements. The China “go out” policy of the end of 90’s that has been followed by the OBOR Initiative are reflected in new arrivals of Chinese multinational companies, financial investors, professionals, high-skilled workers. In addition, an increasing numbers of Chinese students stay and stay on in Europe to pursue carriers. Class, gender, ethnicity and generation crossed by politics, religion, economy and cultural flows of the Chinese in Europe have become more complex. Intercultural dynamics are also in movement: issues of ethnicity, race, identity, social imaginaries and political representation of the Chinese. The political role and contributions of Chinese migrants to both domestic and host societies are issues in need for further analysis. Finally, the workshop invites papers on single country studies or on comparative issues of the changes in structure of Chinese communities in or across European countries.

The workshop is the third workshop to be held as part of the China-Europe Research Platform (, which has been initiated by Jinan University, China and Aarhus University, Denmark to promote academic studies on Chinese migration to and beyond Europe from the perspective of both China and Europe. The first workshop was held in Aarhus in May 2016, and the second in Guangzhou in November 2017.
The workshop is organized as a research-intensive event focusing on short paper presentations (15 min) followed by plenum discussions (15 minutes). Papers will be made available in advance of the workshop and discussants are encouraged to forward questions to paper presenters prior to the workshop.
Paper presenters are limited to 30 and will be selected based on quality and relevance to the overall topic. Travel expenses (airfare, accommodation) are not covered. The organization will help book accommodation at a discount price for participants.

The workshop will be held at Fundacio CIDOB (Barcelona Center for International Affairs) & Fundacio Institut Confuci de Barcelona
Elisabets, 8-12, 08001 Barcelona, Spain

Submission of paper proposal and full papers
3rd CERPE workshop invites interested scholars to submit a paper proposal by
1 April 2018 to Joaquin Beltran (
Proposals should include a max 500 words abstract, a 150 word personal bio and a CV of no more than two pages including contact information (email, mobile number). Accepted languages: English and Chinese.
Abstracts, personal bios and CVs should be forwarded as a single attachment in either Microsoft Word (**.doc or **.docx) or Rich File (**.rft) format. Name the attachment with your surname and “paper proposal”.

Important dates and contact information
● 1 April 2018 – deadline for abstracts
● 30 April 2018 – participants are notified of acceptance or not
● 22 October 2018 – deadline for paper submission

Additional general information is available from Professor Mette Thunø (
Questions related to practical matters about the workshop may be addressed to Professor Joaquin Beltran (
Please refer to the workshop webpage ( & ( for updated information.

Download this announcement as PDF: Call for Papers 3rd CERPE Workshop