Sinophone Borderlands project (SINOPHONE) is SEEKING TALENTED AND AMBITIOUS POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS to jointly submit proposals for the European Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships MSCA-PF
Who are we searching for?
Potential candidates must hold a doctoral degree that was defended no longer than 6 years prior 15. September 2021. The postdoctoral fellows must receive a doctorate no later than in the day of the deadline for submission. More details about the eligibility can be found at Marie Sklodowska-Curie dedicated website and in MSCA Work Programme 2021 – 2027.
a) Chinese Linguistics (in particular dialectal studies and Cantonese syntax)
b) International perceptions/images/attitudes towards China, Chinese soft power, Chinese public diplomacy
c) China’s relations with developing countries (especially in Africa and Latin America, and potentially other areas)
d) Catholic missions in China (late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the Jesuits and the mendicant orders); Early Modern perception of China in Europe
e) Recent environmental changes in borderland regions adjoining to China
f) Material culture lab
What we offer?
Online three-months (1 session/week) project support training (From May until July), where we will teach you how to prepare a quality project application
Supervisors (not only) for the areas mentioned above
Individual consultations
How to apply?
Submit the application including your CV and a separate list of five most important publications from the last five years to:
Letters of recommendation will be requested for the second selection round. The candidate screening will commence immediately.
See more on official webside
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