We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest special issue of the Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies (Volume 2, 2021), with a special issue on youth and a spotlight on Jaroslav Průšek, young Taiwanese voters, the recent German-China discourse, book reviews, and the list of PhDs in Sinology/China Studies defended at European institutions in 2020. All articles are open access. We thank our authors and peer-reviewers for their work!
Website: https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/jeacs/index
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See English and Chinese titles (including links to articles below) and please follow us on twitter for new announcements, events, and TOCs @JournalEACS https://twitter.com/JournalEACS/
JEACS vol. 2 (2021): Youth
Bart Dessein, Alison Hardie, Sascha Klotzbücher, Frank Kraushaar, Alexis Lycas, and Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik
Springtime of Life: Youth in Chinese History
Research Articles
Giulia Falato
Growing up in the Inner Chambers in late Tang Times: Moral Duties and Social Expectations
Mariia Guleva
How to Deal With a Good Child? Prescribed Normality in Images of Children and Child-Adult Relations in Manhua
Magazine, 1950-1960
Sofia Graziani
Between Chinese youth and the Party: The Communist Youth League’s Revival and Adjustments in the Early Post-Mao Era
Helmut Opletal
The 1978-1981 Democracy Wall Movement and the Reformists in the Communist Party Leadership
1978-1981 年的民主牆運動與毛澤東離世後中共高層的改革派
Olga Lomová
Jaroslav Průšek (1906–1980): A Man of his Time and Place
生逢其時, 身歷其境:記漢學家雅羅斯拉夫·普實克 (1906-1980)
Ming-sho Ho 何明修
Taiwan’s Fiercely Democratic Young Voters
Andreas Fulda
The Chinese Communist Party’s Hybrid Interference and Germany’s Increasingly Contentious China Debate (2018-21)
Book Reviews
Huiyi Wu 吳蕙儀
Noël Golvers, Johann Schreck Terrentius, SJ, His European Network and the Origins of the Jesuit Library in Peking
Joseph Ciaudo
Lilian Truchon, Évolution et Civilisation en Chine : Le darwinisme dans la culture politique chinoise
Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
Kai Vogelsang, China und Japan. Zwei Reiche unter einem Himmel. Eine Geschichte der sino-japanischen Kulturbeziehungen
Bart Dessein
Laozi. Dao De Jing. Illustrated by C. C. Tsai. Foreword by Pico Iyer
List of PhDs Defended at European Institutions in 2020
One-click download of the whole issue
The Editorial Team