Call for papers “Radical right in Europe and East Asia: Comparison and New Approaches in Research”

Deadline: 15th Aug 2023
Vila Lanna, Prague
14–15th Nov 2023

Masaryk institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Department of Chinese Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

In spite of the considerable scholarly interest in the historical exploration of radical nationalism and fascism, the association between fascist and radical nationalist ideologies and specific East Asian nationalist thinkers has been noticeably overlooked by Western scholars. The primary objective of this conference is, therefore, to convene experts from various disciplines within the social sciences and humanities, both within and beyond Europe, in order to initiate an interdisciplinary discourse concerning the origins, essence, ideology, and manifestations of fascism and radical nationalism in East Asia, as well as the transnational connections between European and East Asian movements. The conference will examine the fringes of East Asian involvement with fascism, exploring the notion of the genuineness of organicist concepts of community and nation in the twentieth century, whose proponents acknowledged resemblances to fascism and subsequently Nazism. Moreover, individual panels will incorporate specific conceptual dimensions, such as economic policies, intellectual and ideological transfers, and others, to provide a platform for national comparisons.

We will be joined by, among others, Professor Roger Griffin (Oxford Brookes University) and Professor Peter Gries (Manchester University), who will be keynote speakers.

Interested participants are kindly asked to send the title of their presentations by email to by August 15th, 2023, together with a summary of up to 300 words and a short biography of the author/authors in English. We welcome individual papers and panel proposals. Proposals will be peer-reviewed and chosen by a committee of academics. Each applicant will receive a response from the organizing committee by August 31st, 2023.

Fees: There are no fees payable in order to attend this conference. The organizers will provide meals for the participants during the conference. Transport costs and accommodation will be covered by the participants. The organizers will help with finding accommodation.

Deadline for submissions: August 15th, 2023

For more information please see

This conference is co-sponsored by the Czech Academy of Sciences´ AV21 Strategy programme “A Resilient Society for the 21st Century”