Revised & Extended Edition of the Hanyu Da Cidian 漢語大詞典

In collaboration with Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe 上海辞书出版社, a revised & extended edition of the Hanyu Da Cidian has been published: Hanyu Da Cidian Chongxin Paiban 《漢語大詞典》(重新排版). It was created based on the original print data and is exclusively available as a digital resource at the following address:

The digital dictionary platform includes numerous other reference works, such as a newly digitized version of the Kangxi Zidian 康熙字典, the Xiandai Hanyu Da Cidian 现代汉语大词典, and specialized works like the Zhonguo Wenxue Da Cidian 中国文学大辞典, Zhonguo Lishi Da Cidian 中国历史大辞典, or the Zhongguo Kaogu Wenxue Da Cidian 中国考古学大辞典. In total, over 120 volumes and databases are available. Interested individuals are offered free trial periods. Universities, libraries, and institutions can request separate test accounts upon inquiry.