Special Issue: mediAzioni — “Advanced Technologies, Methods and Materials for Human Health and Well-Being: A Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective”

Submission deadline: May 4th 2025

A special issue of the review “mediAzioni” (an international open-access, refereed journal that promotes interdisciplinary work in the humanities, https://mediazioni.unibo.it/), titled “Advanced Technologies, Methods and Materials for Human Health and Well-Being: A Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective,” is scheduled for November 2025 and will be edited by: Sabrina Ardizzoni, Marta Aurora, Claudia Buffagni, Anna Di Toro, Imsuk Jung, Andrea Scibetta (University for Foreigners of Siena, Italy).
The volume will gather research contributions related to:

• Identification of best practices and challenges in linguistic and cultural mediation in healthcare settings, with conversational analysis of mediated doctor-patient interaction.
• Data collection and reflections on narrative medicine as a methodology for improving relationships among doctors, patients, and caregivers.
• Analysis of corpora of audiovisual materials related to specialist-patient interactions and patient narratives.
• Data collection on robots and new technologies in caregiving, particularly regarding healthcare systems in East Asian countries where such tools are already widespread.
• Miscellaneous section on medical anthropology topics, medical translation issues, and related fields and themes.

Proposals must be written in English and can focus on healthcare in Tuscany or any other geographical area, involving the following disciplines: linguistics, translation studies, semiotics, anthropology, and sociology, with a strong interdisciplinary character.
Please send a title and a brief abstract in English (300-500 words) with 5 keywords as a manifestation of interest, along with a short reference bibliography (max 10 entries), no later than November 22nd, 2024, providing your full name(s), affiliation, and email address for inclusion in the publication.
Abstract acceptance will be communicated by December 10th, 2024.
Following abstract acceptance, articles must be submitted to the address giornatastudispoke3@unistrasi.it by May 4th, 2025 and should be approximately 5000-8000 words (including bibliography, not including abstract).
Publication will be confirmed only after the double-blind peer-review process.

Download the complete Call for Papers as PDF: