Workshop “Illustration as a Mode of Commentary in Chinese Textual Traditions”

Paris, France
20-22nd Nov 2024
Deadline: Mar 18th

We are delighted to inform you of the call for papers for the workshop Illustration as a Mode of Commentary in Chinese Textual Traditions” to be held in November 2024, in Paris, France, and online.
Numerous texts have given rise to illustrations in the course of their transmission, whether literally supplemented by images or figures, or enriched by discourses suggesting parallels, reformulating or arguing by example. By juxtaposing images or other texts, illustration, literally or figuratively, establishes a dialogue with a source text and questions its content. It is this notion of illustration, of exemplification, of image, that we propose to explore, as part of a research program exploring the critical tradition of commentary in China, and its role in the transmission of knowledge.
Please visit our website for all information:
Thank you for your attention and for spreading the word!
Rainier Lanselle, Marie Bizais
East Asian Civilizations Research Centre (CRCAO), Paris, France