Newsletter #12
Newsletter #12
Introduction of New EACS Officers
Introduction of Institutional Homepages
25 Dynastic Histories Database
Sinological Serials in European Libraries Database (SSELP)
EU China Higher Education Cooperation Programme
The International Dunhuang Project
Library Resources
Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.
Membership News
Grants and Fellowships
Jobs and Positions
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences
Members’ Publications
Other News
1997 Membership Renewal / Invoice
Now is the right time to get a good start in the new sinological year of the ox! We cannot promise that you will fa cai, but we will be more than happy to extend a gongxi to you upon your renewal of your EACS membership. Also, we cannot guarantee that the year will be auspicious, but at least, it looks like a year that will be more unusual than most other years in the annals of China.
The membership renewal procedure is the same as before:
The fee, DM 30 – or DM 35 if you use Eurocheque – may be paid to the EACS in the following manners:
* Those who use bank transfer should transfer the payment to the EACS treasurer’s bank account: Dr. Brunhild Staiger, account # 40 30 24 200, (B L Z 200 800 00), Dresdner Bank, Hamburg.
* Those who pay by cheque or postal money order must send it to: Dr. Brunhild Staiger, Institut für Asienkunde, Rothenbaumchaussee 32, D-20148 Hamburg.
The cheapest method of payment is by Eurocheque, but there are at least two other ways of limiting the bank fees:
– you may pay your membership fee for several years at once.
– you may join with other members of your institution and pay as a group, with names specified. For UK members, see separate announcement.
DO NOT SEND CASH! Please consider this call as an invoice. The EACS administration is not able to issue invoices on an individual basis.
Dr. Anders Hansson in Edinburgh has again kindly agreed to handle the renewal of the membership fees for the EACS members in the UK for 1997. The EACS administration is very grateful to Dr. Hansson for his generous assistance.
Please pay £ 13 (NOT CASH) and make the cheque payable to “Anders Hansson”, and send it to his address at: 23 Sciennes Road, Edinburgh EH9 1NX. Please mark your envelope “EACS sub”. The payment must be received before May 1, after which cheques will be returned.
The membership of the EACS is steadily increasing, but there is still a great potential for enlisting new members. Some institutions are well covered, while others are hardly represented. Each Board member of the EACS has recently received a country-based list of members. Please check with your nearest board member (see the last issue of the Newsletter for names and addresses) to see how well your surroundings are covered. Please make use of the membership application form in this issue.
Harald Böckman
Introduction of New EACS Officers
Vice-Chairman Piero Corradini
Piero Corradini is Professor (full) of History of Eastern Asia at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, Italy.
Born in Rome, January 30, 1933, Prof. Piero Corradini completed his studies at Rome University where he graduated in 1955. He was a pupil of Giuseppe Tucci, Luciano Petech and Pasquale D’Elia. He was Lecturer and subsequently Professor of History and Civilization of the Far East at Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples, from 1964 to 1975. From 1975 to 1985 he was teaching at Macerata State University. Since 1985 he is at his present position.
In the years 1979-81 he has been Director of the Italian Cultural Institute and Cultural Attaché at the Italian Embassy, Tokyo, Japan, and in 1988-91 Director of the Italian Cultural Institute and Cultural Attaché at the Italian Embassy, Peking, China.
His publications include more than ten volumes on general topics of Chinese and Japanese history and more than 120 articles in Italian and foreign scholarly journals concerning mainly the institutions of China and Japan and the cultural interrelations between Italy and China.
Bureau Member Christian Henriot
Christian Henriot, born 1955, has studied Chinese, Vietnamese, and history at the universities of Lyons, Paris-INALCO, and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. He was an ITT International Fellow at Stanford University in 1981-82. After his Ph.D. in 1983, he was recruited by the Department of Chinese Studies of Lyons-III Jean Moulin University where he has been holding the chair of Chinese Studies since 1992. He was elected in 1994 at the Institut Universitaire de France for a period of five years. In 1987, he established a research center on the Far East which became the basis for the creation, under his responsibility, by the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) of the Institute of East Asian Studies in 1993. He is a member of the EACS and the AAS.
Christian Henriot’s research has focused on Chinese social and urban history, with a special attention to Shanghai, as well as on the P.R.C. economic reforms, especially industrial firms and entrepreneurs. His publications include La femme en Asie Orientale (Lyon 1988), Shanghai dans les années 1980 (Lyon 1989), Shanghai 1927-1937. Elites locales et modernisations en Chines nationaliste (Paris: EHESS, 1991), Shanghai 1927-1937. Municipal Power, Locality, and Modernizations (Berkeley 1993), Les métropoles chinoises au XXe siècle (Paris 1995), Belles de Shanghai. Prostitution et sexualité en Chine aux XIXe-XXe siècles
(Paris: CNRS, 1996) (forthcoming at Cambridge U.P.), La réforme des entreprises en Chine (Paris 1996).
Introduction of Institutional Homepages
This new column welcomes contributions from institutes and departments presenting their homepages to the reading – and then maybe surfing – EACS public.
Sinologisches Seminar Heidelberg
The WWW-homepage of the Seminar is registered under the following address (URL):
The homepage leads to information and resources within the Heidelberg Institute itself as well as to online resources of interest to Chinese Studies available elsewhere. The structure is as follows:
a) A very brief introduction to the Institute, including an up-to-date list of staff members, lists of their publications, ongoing projects and conferences, courses given at the Institute etc. Connections to individual homepages can be found
here, too (so far only one with bibliographies on China’s pre-1949 photography and Chinese historical geography).
b) The library; you will get telnet access to our UNIX-catalogues via this sub-page. You also find specialised lists of pre-1949 newspapers and periodicals we hold, an overview over the C. C. Liu collection of modern Chinese music plus lists of duplicates we have for sale or trade.
c) Heidelberg local sites. This item points to library and ftp-resources available in Heidelberg itself.
d) – e) Lists of internet addresses of academic and library associations in the field of Chinese studies. Here one can find links to the CCK Foundation (US-office) as well as to EASL, the European Association of Sinological Librarians homepage, a powerful and exhaustive tool to access bibliographical resources and more.
f) – h) Links to fulltext databases (such as the 25 Dynastic Histories), to electronic magazines, tools and bibliographies. This section also serves as a general stepping stone to issues of CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean scripts) automation.
i) Finally, we have added a list of search engines that allow fulltext queries throughout all registered WWW homepages.
To maintain this homepage, to check links and organize the stored information we found that five to six hours a week are needed to do the job. Content related work like updating bibliographies etc. is a different story, however. But feedback particularly to this Internet resource has been very rewarding and encouraging. Since its “inauguration” in June 1996 the Heidelberg site has enjoyed over 3600 visits from all over the world.
It must be added (this is a kind of programmatic declaration now) that in the present stage the Institute on the one hand greatly benefits from and on the other hand emphatically encourages the general trend towards publishing high quality information in digital form through the Internet. Perhaps it will not be long before abstracts of M.A. projects or completed dissertations are included, along with online reviews of interesting publications.
Thomas H. Hahn
Heidelberg, January 1997
Institute of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University
Over the last year or so, the Institute of Oriental Languages at Stockholm University has been developing its homepage at URL address to meet various needs.
“We are on the Web, therefore we exist.”
How is the page organised? Firstly, an introduction to the institute is given where the structure of its departments are graphically presented. From there on, the Net-surfing visitor can easily move into his field of interest, be it the cultures and languages of the Japanese or Koreans or Chinese or Indians or Arabs. Information about projects and publications are also available at the touch of a button.
For example, a current project available to browsing visitors to the Department of Chinese Studies is something called “Breaking Away from Totalitarianism; State, Society and the Individual in Contemporary China”. Basically, the expressed ambition is to discuss and to focus on social phenomena that can be better understood in the context of post-Maoism. One can (and we do) of course extend the idea to include totalitarianisms of other sorts once and presently rampant in the region. This injects a philosophically more challenging aspect to the whole project.
Anyone curious about what lectures and seminars are conducted at the institute, and what kinds of research are being done, can effortlessly browse through our pages and attain a fairly good idea about the state of oriental studies in Stockholm.
Furthermore, these pages are meant to be used as a starting point for travels on the Net for any of our orientalists. A list of interesting URL-addresses is unendingly updated so that our staff and researchers can bravely step into the Web-wide wild yonder.
Needless to say, the home page is in its initial stage as yet, and improvements are daily being made.
Ooi Kee Beng
Stockholm, January 1997
25 Dynastic Histories Database
There are at present two ways to access this massive fulltext database.
1) via Heidelberg; this path has been explained in a previous newsletter, so I will not repeat it. You can find more (and hopefully easier to understand) infos under
Our contract has been prolongued for only another six months as of now, so we are in a position to keep the database open for public access within Europe without charge at least until March 1997. Hopefully, the Institute of History and Philology, Academy of Sciences, Taiwan, can be convinced that making this wonderful tool available even to smaller institutions and to individuals in Europe will be a great service to scholarship while closing down the outside access here would not sell a single additional database.
2) via the Academia Sinica server itself. Accessing
takes the visitor to a table of fulltext databases, some of them available to the outside world, most of them (regrettably) not. The databases (such as the 25 Dynastic Histories) are well structured and respond surprisingly fast on early Sunday mornings and reasonably fast on other days. Search results sets are limited to 20 entries, which may be a problem when a researcher approaches a more general topic. Other than that the userfriendliness of the graphical interface is highly recommendable. I am not sure if it is possible to download result sets via file transfer (FTP); however, it is certainly possible to download the data retrieved via the built-in Netscape routine (open “file” on the menu, then choose “save as…” and enter any filename for the downloaded file). For Chinese characters BIG-5 coding is employed, matching the Heidelberg version of the database.
Comparing the two approaches (straightforward telnet as opposed to the WWW version) to the same underlying text is (in my opinion) a bit like comparing apples with pears. The great flexibility of the search engine which is called up via telnet in Heidelberg lacks the transparency of the graphical layout in the WWW version directly from Taiwan. Yet both versions use Chinese as the guidance language; there is no toggle for English help or reference screens. To simplify matters one could possibly conclude that the Academia Sinica system is more suitable for beginners, whereas the (more old-fashioned) installation at Heidelberg is certainly more powerful and flexible, yet also more difficult to handle.
Thomas H. Hahn
University of Heidelberg
Institute for Chinese Studies
Sinological Serials in European Libraries Database
Database of Sinological Serials in European Libraries goes online!
After 11 months of hard work the database of Sinological Serials in European Libraries (SSELP) can be accessed through Internet via TELNET. Access is now via the EACS homepage:
A. If you go via the Internet with a www.-browser, the address is:
B. If you want to access via TELNET:
The LOGIN in both cases is “sinolib”. Please read the explanations on the SSELP-page first. User directions will also be found in a help-screen in the database. The procedure:
– After entering you will see a list from which to choose the database: choose “2”.
– An index page is shown: Index no. 1. To change
indexes, press <?> and the “help”-screen appears, then enter the number of the index you need.
– With <return> enter the chosen entry and leave it again.
– To exit the database, press <ctrl>-<f> , <8>, you will then be asked: “exit y/n?”: answer “y”. Back to the initial screen, choose “4”.
Please be aware that the database is still in an experimental state and continues to grow rapidly. You are welcome to send suggestions and to report problems via email to:
Included are the data of the following libraries:
– Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises (IHEC), Paris
– Centre Chine, Paris
– Bodleian Library, Oxford
– Brotherton Library, Leeds
– Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg
– University Library, Oslo.
At the moment the data of the Needham Research Institute are being integrated. After collecting some experience with importing non-UNIMARC-formats into SSELP, the next step is to include the enormous database of EDOCS, painstakingly collected by Dr J-M Streffer of the Staatsbibliothek Berlin. SSELP would like to express a great many thanks to Dr Streffer in Berlin as well as to Mr Gruber of the Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut for making the inclusion of EDOCS possible! After this the holdings of the Academy of Science in St. Petersburg, Russia, will be taken care of.
Since 1 January 1997, the SSELP staff has changed. Sadly, Ms Bénédicte Héraud has left the project and returned to Paris. She has been succeeded by Ms Friederike Bertelt, a sinologist with five years of library work experience, who has been working with Ms Heraud since August. Ms Bertelt is now in charge of coordinating the project.
The EACS urges all European libraries to continue their support of the project, and to install acces lines to the database on their public access computers.
Sinological Serials in European Libraries Project
Friederike Bertelt
c/o Sinologisches Seminar, Akademiestr. 4-8, D-69117 Heidelberg,
tel +49-6221-54 77 64, fax +49-6221-54 76 39.
EU China Higher Education Cooperation Programme
The Utrecht Network and Lund University in Sweden have been given the key responsibilities for implementing a Sino-European programme on European Studies in China, the “EU China Higher Education Cooperation Programme”. The programme was agreed between the EU and China earlier in the year. It is one of the first initiatives under the new strategy for EU relations with China.
This programme is open to applicants from all accredited institutions of higher education within the European Union and China. Application forms and guidelines will be made available in due course. Information on all programme activities will be published at the following www site:
The aim of the educational programme is to spread knowledge of the European Union and its member states in China. It concerns social studies in a broad sense, for example, economic policy, justice, administration, regional policy, education, welfare policy, environmental planning and health care. The programme will also provide an introduction to new technology in education, and training in the use of such facilities as multimedia and distance education with the aid of IT.
The project will have its centre of gravity in China, but part of the tuition will take place at various universities in member states of the EU. The work in China will be organised by a Project Management Office which is to be set up and run with China’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the State Education Commission, which will be Lund University’s closest partner in collaboration on this project. The office will probably be located in Beijing.
Lund University is involved and acting at the request of the Utrecht Network, which was given the attractive assignment in competition with other networks and educational organisations in the European Union. The programme will run for four years, with a budget of approximately 9.6 m ECU.
The Utrecht Network consists of 22 member universities. Those with the greatest interest for participating in the project include Aarhus, Antwerp, Bochum, Bologna, Hull, Leipzig, Lille, Lund, Madrid, Strasbourg and Utrecht.
If you are interested in receiving regular information and updates about the programme via e-mail you may subscribe to one of our mail lists. Please send an e-mail to:
In the text body only include:
subscribe general
In case you do not have access to e-mail or www you may reach us at fax: +46-46-222 12 95 or by mail at the following address: EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme, Lund University, Box 117, S-22100 Lund, Sweden.
Richard Stenelo
Lund University
The International Dunhuang Project: An Initiative in Co-operation
The discovery at the turn of the last century of a hoard of Chinese documents in a cave in Chinese Central Asia was unprecedented, certainly in Asian scholarship. Not only were there a vast number of documents in the find—40,000 as a round figure— but many are primary historical documents not found anywhere else and, moreover, totally different in kind from the usual Chinese historical sources. A century later the study of these documents has become a recognised discipline in itself—named Dunhuang Studies after the place they were found.
Historical Background
Dunhuang, a town now in the Chinese province of Gansu, is on the eastern part of the Silk Road which divided to the west into northern and southern branches. These skirted the Tarim Basin in the Taklamakan desert. Monks, merchants, soldiers and diplomats would have gone along this route in large groups (to deter bandit attacks) from one thriving oasis to another finding them to be sizeable towns with inns, markets and irrigation systems supporting considerable agriculture. There were also garrisons and Buddhist monasteries offering refuge to itinerant monks. But climate changes and invasions forced the people of these communities to abandon their once fertile lands in the latter half of the first millennium of the common era and in time the sands of the deserts covered their homes, the Buddhist shrines and the garrisons.
The first decades of this century saw great Western archaeological interest in this area founded, it must be said, less on co-operation than competition. Among these archaeologists were Aurel Stein, a British national of Hungarian descent; Paul Pelliot, a Frenchman; and Sergei Oldenburg, a Russian. It was these three who made their way to Dunhuang, having heard of a remarkable cache of documents discovered in the 1890s in a deserted Buddhist monastery built into a cliff-face near the town. A sealed-up cave was found which was stuffed with manuscripts. The three carted away roughly a quarter of the cache each to London, Paris and St. Petersburg respectively where they remain today, with most of the rest of the documents from this site ended up in Beijing. There are also a few hundred in Japan from the expeditions sponsored by Count Otani and smaller collections in institutes throughout the world (see IDP News 6).
Early Cataloguing and Conservation
Some of the Chinese and Kharosthi-script documents Stein brought back were published very quickly. Although the catalogue of the Dunhuang manuscripts prepared by Lionel Giles was not published until the late 1950s, by then numerous studies had come out, mainly by Chinese and Japanese scholars. But the published catalogues, apart from now being out-of-date, are also all part
ial. This is true for all the collections. Their authors invariably selected the most complete, most legible and most easily understood of the manuscripts and ignored the remainder. The true size of the Stein collection, for example, is probably therefore not widely known. The 7,000 Chinese manuscripts catalogued by Giles represent only half of the total number brought back from Dunhuang. And because the ones omitted are more fragmentary, the task of identifying and cataloguing them is more difficult. Vallée Poussin’s selection of under 800 Tibetan documents leaves over 3,500 to deal with. The 1,300 Chinese woodslips catalogued by Chavannes and Maspero represent fewer than half of the total. Not only are there about 2,000 completely uncatalogued fragments, there are also five drawers of woodslip fragments with site marks only.
The International Dunhuang Project
The fall of the Soviet Union offered more scope forge links with colleagues in St. Petersburg and Berlin. This opportunity was seized and in 1993 a conservator from St. Petersburg came for an extended visit to train in conservation techniques at the British Library Oriental Studio. In October 1993 curators and conservators of the collections in Europe, China and India were brought together for the first time at a conference held at the University of Sussex organised by the British Library (proceedings published by the Library). Following this, the International Dunhuang Project was established, its aim to promote the study and preservation of the Dunhuang legacy through international co-operation. One of the first endeavours of the Project is to identify and make a list of all the holders, world-wide, of the Dunhuang legacy. A partial list is on the database for revision and updating. There is a thrice-yearly newsletter, IDP News, and the Project holds a conference every two years. The second conference was organized by the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris in February 1996 and the third will be in Berlin in 1998. In 1997 there will be a workshop on forgeries at the British Library and a special Dunhuang-Turfan symposium, to be held as part of ICANAS in Budapest.
The Development of a Computer Database
In order to achieve the aims of the Project it was decided to develop a computer database incorporating information about the manuscripts with high-quality digitised images. The generosity of the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, the Leverhulme Trust, and the Universities’ China Committee, have made this possible and by the middle of 1997 it is planned to have a computer database entry for all the documents in the Stein collection (about 28,000). At the same time the Project is working towards a computerised database of all the Dunhuang material, not only that belonging to the British Library Stein Collection, but material from the collections in St. Petersburg, Paris, Beijing and other holders, and sponsorship is now being sought to expand the Project in these areas. The Project will exploit computer capabilities to the full and the database will not only provide a computer equivalent of an illustrated catalogue, but will also be developed as a resource for scholars, conservators, students, and others with bibliographies, indexes, maps, site plans and other relevant information. As soon as it is feasible, it will be made accessible to scholars so that, through interaction and co-operation, the catalogue information can be kept completely up-to-date and scholars will be able to view the library as a whole for the first time.
CONTACT: Dr Susan Whitfield, IDP, The British Library, 197 Blackfriars Road, LONDON SE1 8NG, UK, email
tel +44-171 412 7647, fax +44-171 412 7641/7858;
www site:
Library Resources
An Important Research Resource For Chinese Studies Made Available
The city of Shanghai decided years ago that its attractions would be enhanced by combining economic development with improving its cultural institutions. One of the 10 Great Projects in this cultural development plan has been a new Shanghai Library. The holdings which until now have been dispersed in the old Shanghai Library, in the Xujiahui Annex and in the Science and Technology Information Center have been merged and put into the new building, with a new and young leadership group from these different parts taking over. The new library building which is at the crossroads of Huaihai zhonglu and Gaoanlu has opened on December 20, 1996.
The Library with its about 13 mio. volumes is one of the officially designated four main libraries of the PRC. (The others are the Beijing tushuguan, the little known and drab, but sinologically excellent old Academy of Sciences Library at the end of Wangfujing opposite the Fine Arts Museum in Peking, and the old Jiangsu sheng tushuguan which is now the Nanjing University Library.) The Shanghai Library has been equipped with modern information technology, although for the time being this will be mostly used for science and technology information.
In an interview in September 1996 in Shanghai, the new leadership outlined their plans for this major research resource in China, and for Chinese Studies: The Library, which has a small hotel attached to it for guests, will be open 365 days a year (!), from 8.30 in the morning (!) to 21.00 in the evening (!) without break (!), although there will be one hour over lunch where no new book loans can be processed. The library will have a number of carrels where scholars can work over longer periods with their research material left there, and (hopefully) a socket for a computer. Scholars wishing to work there can apply directly to the Library, they do not have to go through other institutions. The Library has copying and filming services.
Given the often harsh experiences with the Beijing tushuguan and its exceedingly irritating opening and closing schedule, this is a highly welcome development. The Shanghai Library has incorporated into itself many of the richest Jiangnan private libraries with very fine holdings of shanben, and has the holdings of the old Shanghai Library as well as of the Western scholarly and missionary institutions operative there until 1949. Given the role of Shanghai as the nation’s publishing capital since the 1870s, its holdings are particularly rich for the last hundred years in the areas of newspapers, periodicals as well as monographs.
Rudolf G. Wagner
Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.
Art and Religion in Pre-Modern China
This workshop, held at SOAS on 3-5 January 1997, was a considerable success. Distinguished foreign speakers included Professor Li Ling (Peking University), Chen Xiandan (Sichuan Bureau of Cultural Relics), and Zhao Chao (Institute of Archaeology, CASS, Peking), Professor Sarah Allan (Dartmouth College, New Hampshire), Chen Fang-mei (Ph.D. SOAS, National Palace Museum, Taipei).
Other speakers and participants came from Cambridge, Durham, Heidelberg, London (SOAS, Victoria and Albert Museum, and the Warburg Institute), Oxford, Rome, and Sussex. A total of 19 papers were presented, and there were lengthy discussion sessions. The workshop has shown the great strength and potential of SOAS in studying Chinese art and archaeology.
Publications: It is our intention to publish selected papers from this workshop, as part of a series of publications on Chinese Archaeology, and speakers have been asked to submit final versions by 31 May 1997. The first volume in the series is currently being prepared, and introduces current subjects of research in the field, introduced by leading Chinese archaeologists. A grant of $8,000.00 has been obtained from the Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation towards its publication. A third volume presenting all Chi
nese ancient bronze vessels with inscriptions sold in London since 1900, over 400 in all, of which over one hundred are previously unpublished, has been prepared and we are currently seeking support for its publication in both China and Britain.
Professor Roderick Whitfield
11th EACS Conference in Barcelona, September 1996
I have attended only a few conferences on sinology since I became a Ph.D student in the field, but they all gave me the impression that a sinologist is about 55 years old, male and doing research on history, literature etc. Being 30, female and doing women’s studies gave me difficulties fitting in that description and the topics dealt with.
Due to these earlier experiences I went to Barcelona with no expectations, waiting to meet the same setting as earlier. The greater was my happiness when I met so many young and older scholars as well as Ph.D students of both sexes. The possibility to listen to all the interesting papers presented by the old China-hands as well as the less experienced ones and the chance to discuss my topic with others in the same field was truly inspiring.
It was sometimes difficult to choose between the many papers being presented at the same time, though I believe it gave us attending the conference an advantage. With such a broad variety of topics, the organizers gave us a possibility to learn more about research being done on China, and a chance to hear about other fields than our own specialities.
The social activities arraged for us by the organizers gave us a chance to meet and talk in a more informal way. And to eat and drink excellent Spanish specialities in a beautiful medieval setting – a memory for life!
I left Barcelona and the 11th EACS Conference very much inspired to go on with my research and I am positive I was not the only one having this feeling.
Helena Löthman
Ph.D student, Institute of Oriental Languages, Department of Chinese Studies, Stockholm University.
Membership News
On Jan. 14, 1997, Prof. Wolfgang Bauer (Munich University) died. He became the first professor of Chinese Studies in Heidelberg in 1961, and taught in Munich since 1966. Among his best-known works are China und die Suche nach Glueck (also translated into English) and
Das Antlitz Chinas. Prof. Bauer was a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, and shortly before his death he received the German Federal Order of Merit, First Class. Hundreds of colleagues, disciples, friends and students came to Munich for the funeral ceremony. Prof. Bauer has been an active promoter of international scholarly cooperation in Chinese Studies, and a member of EACS since its beginning.
The following scholars have been appointed as “Specially appointed professors” at institutions in Shanghai:
– Christoph Harbsmeier, Oslo, at Fudan University
– Marianne Bastid, Paris, at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
– Rudolf Wagner, Heidelberg, at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
– C. Yeh, Heidelberg, at the Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of
Social Sciences.
Grants and Fellowships
announces 2-5 post-doc fellowships available in 1997. The fellowships are tenable from one to three years, and two of them are tied to the International Institue of Asian Studies (IIAS) in Leiden. The fellowships are intended for outstanding young scholars. Interdisciplinary research and mobility is encouraged. The ESF Asia Committee covers the fields humanities and social sciences, ancient and modern.
Application form – returnable by 1 March, 1997 at the lastest – may be obtained from the ESF office. CONTACT: Dr. Max Sparreboom/Chantal Durant, European Science Foundation, 1, Quai Lezay-Marnésia, F – 67080 Strasbourg Cédex, tel +33-3-88767127, fax +33-3-88370532, email
Through the generosity of the James Henry Green Charitable Trust, the University of Sussex is offering one scholarship for full time study leading towards the degree of D.Phil. This will be in the field of art, archaeology or material culture of China or South Asia. The award will cover tuition fees at Home/EU rate only, and is available for the start of the academic year 1997/8. Candidates from outside the European Union are also invited to apply, and in the case of an award being made to such a student s/he will be encouraged to apply for ‘top-up’ funds to the ORS. However candidates must not be in receipt of another fee-based scholarship or award (this does not apply to simultaneous awards for fieldwork, research expenses or subsistence). The award is made for two years in the first instance, with the award of the third year being subject to the approval of further funds by the Trustees of the James Henry Green Trust. Candidates, who must possess a good honours degree or equivalent, will if successful pursue their research within the Graduate Research Centre in Culture and Communication, under the supervision of Dr Craig Clunas (China) or Dr Partha Mitter (South Asia). Applicants should send a brief C.V. and a statement outlining their proposed topic of research to: Dr Craig Clunas, School of Cultural and Community Studies, University of Sussex, Falmer, BRIGHTON, BN1 9RQ, fax 01273-678644, email
The closing date for applications is 21 April 1997, and interviews will be held in May.
invites proposals for workshops to take place in 1998. The workshop format is 2-3 days meetings, bringing together some 20 senior as well as junior researchers from at least 7 European and non-European countries. The financial support will not exceed FF 100.000 per workshop. Between eight and fifteen workshops will be selected for 1998. Workshop proposal of no more than five pages must be sent to the secretariat before 1 March 1997. For details, please CONTACT: Mrs Dr S.A.M. Kuypers, IIAS, P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands,
tel +31-71-5272227, fax +31-71-5274162, e-mail
WEB SITE for EACS Newsletter
The European Association for Chinese Studies homepage contains the EACS Newsletter, important addresses of the EACS, and abstracts of the Barcelona conference 1996. The homepage can be found at:
The homepage welcomes items on jobs. CONTACT: President Rudolf Wagner.
Jobs and Positions
The Department of East Asian Studies
Post doc position in the field of social and cultural change in rural China
Applications are invited for a post doc position (forskningsadjunkt) in the field of social and cultural change in rural China in the post-Mao period. The position is open from 1 April, 1997 and the annual salary starts at DKK 294.000 including contribution for vacation and retirement. The position is for one year with a possible extension to three years. The candidate must have research experience in the field of modern Chinese culture and society. He/she will be attached to a research project on social and cultural change in rural China based on county level field studies, and is expected to take part in the establishment and coordination of a Europ
ean research network in this field. The candidate is expected to teach one course per semester within his or her own field of research.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae giving evidence on which the evaluation of the applicant’s scientific and teaching qualifications can be based, a complete list of publications together with three copies of each of those publications which the applicant selects as the most relevant for the application. Other supportive material should also be submitted in 3 copies.
Material on floppy disks etc. will not be taken under consideration.
The selection committee may include further material from the list of publications in its evaluation of the applicant. In that case applicants must, upon request, submit the material to the selection committee. Please note that the selection committee’s written evaluation of the applicants according to Danish rules will be sent in full to all applicants.
Applications should be addressed to University of Aarhus, The Records Office, Ndr. Ringgade 1, 8000 Århus C, Denmark. The deadline for the receipt of the application is 20 February, 1997, at twelve o’clock.
Please send any publications directly to: The Department of East Asian Studies, University of Aarhus, DK 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
For further information on research and teaching duties, staff and other facilities, please contact: Associate professor Stig Thøgersen, Phone +45 8942 2043, Fax +45 8618 4230, e-mail
Please mark the application 21 2/1-55
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences
Douziemes Journees de Linguistique sur l’Asie Orientale.
CRLAO (Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale), Paris, 24-25 April, 1997.
NACCL 9 (9th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics).
University of Victoria, B.C., Canada, 2-4 May, 1997.
Registration fee (before 1 April 1997): US$45.
CONTACT: Dr. Hua Lin, Chair. NACCL 9, Organizing Committee, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Victoria, P.O.Box 3045, Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 3P4, tel +1-250-721 66 43, fax +1-250 721 74 23, email www:
The proceedings of the NACCL conferences are published by: Gsil Publications, Linguistics dept, GFS 301, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1693, email
Nation, Region and the Modern World.
Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, 16-19 June, 1997.
ASEAN Inter-University Seminars on Social Development. Set up in 1993, this Seminar series aims to promote common pursuits in exploring social issues in the ASEAN countries, and to provide a platform for communication and contact between scholars to facilitate the founding of collaborative research works among scholars and to enhance mutual understanding and encourage contributions to the enrichment of social scientific knowledge of the region. For papers to be considered, an abstract of less than 250 words should be sent to the seminar secretariat by 15 February 1997. Completed papers should reach the secretariat by 15 April 1997. Topics: 1. Re-inventing Southeast Asia: Culture, Religion and Ideology. 2. Industrialisation, Urban Space and Sustainable Development. 3. Networks and Regional Co-operation in Development. 4. Poverty and Inequality at the Turn of the Century. 5. Gender, Family and Work. 6. State, Politics and Strategic Relations in ASEAN. 7. Law, Rights and Civil Society. CONTACT: ASEAN Seminar Secretariat, Copenhagen Business School Asia Net, Attn: Karen E. Bjerre, Nansensgade 19, 7. DK-1366 Copenhagen K., Denmark, tel +45-381 525 08, fax +45-381 525 00. INQUIRIES: Peter Wad, Dalgas Have 15, DK-2000 F., Denmark, tel +45-381 533 27, fax +45-381 53 840, email PW/SPRQK@CBS.DK
ICCL 6 (International Conference on Chinese Linguistics 6).
Leiden, 19-21 June 1997.
Deadline for registration: 15 April 1997. CONTACT: Organizing Committee: Rint Sybesma and Jeroen Wiedenhof, Sinological Institute, Leiden University, P.O.Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands. Tel +31-71 527 22 27, fax +31-71 527 41 62, email
www: //
2nd International Conference on Terminology, Standardization and Technology Transfer (TSTT ’97) .
Beijing, China, 5-7 August, 1997.
Organized by the China National Technical Committee on Terminology for Standardization (CNTCTS) under the auspices of the International Information Center for Terminology (Infoterm). CONTACT: Ms. Yu Xinli, Secretary-General, CNTCTS, 3, Yuhui nanlu, Chaoyang district, Beijing 100029, China, tel +86-10-64921042, fax +86-10-64921032.
In conjunction with the conference, the Infoterm will establish an East Asia Terminology Research Center – EAsTerm, in Beijing. CONTACT: Dr. Christian Galinski, Director, Infoterm, Simmeringer Hauptstr. 24, A-1110 Wien, tel +43-1-74040-441, fax: +43-1-74040-740.
The European Science Foundation (ESF) is sponsoring the following four workshops on China in 1997:
Forgeries of Dunhuang Manuscripts in the Twentieth Century
London, UK, 30 June – 2 July 1997.
CONTACT: Dr. S. Whitfield, The International Dunhuang Project (IDP), Oriental and India Office Collections, The British Library, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NG, UK. Fax +44-171-4127858.
From Kaifeng to Shanghai – Jews in China
Arnold-Janssen-Haus, Sankt Augustin, Germany, June or October 1997.
CONTACT: Dr. Roman Malek, Institut Monumenta Serica/China Zentrum, Arnold-Janssen-Str. 20, D-53754 Sankt Augustin. Tel +49-22-41237431, fax +49-22-41205841.
The Lhasa Valley: Conservation and Modernization in Tibetan Architecture
Mendon, France, 1997.
CNRS UPR 299, Dr. Heather Stoddard, Institut National des Langues et Civilizations Orientales, c/o 127, rue de Sèvres, Paris 75006, France. Tel/fax +33-1-45679503.
Religion and Economy in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea)
Blaubeuren, Germany, late 1997 or early 1998.
CONTACT: Professors Vogel, Eschbach-Szabo, Leinss, and Eikemeier, University of Tübingen, Wilhelmstrasse 133, 72074 Tübingen, Germany, tel +49-7071-565101, fax +49-7071-565100, email
PARIS EXHIBITION FROM THE FORBIDDEN CITY: An exhibition on LA CITE INTERDITE, VIE PUBLIQUE ET PRIVEE DES EMPEREURS DE CHINE 1644-1911 has opened in November 1996 at the Musee du Petit Palais, avenue Winston-Churchill, 75008 Paris. Open every day except Monday, from 10.30 am to 5.30 pm, entrance fee 40FF, until 23 February 1997.
The exhibition displays furniture, artifacts, costumes, jewels, armours, weapons, religious objects, scientific and musical instruments, and paintings from the Peking Imperial Palace collections of the Qing period, including the scroll of Qianlong’s travel to the South, his equestrian portrait by Castiglione, some beautiful calligraphy and landscapes, and many interesting pieces that had never come out of China.
A superb catalogue has been published which brings into play the latest research on the subject, with bibliography and index. The detailed notes on each object by such noted specialists as Gilles Béguin, Klaus Brandt, Claudia Brown, Chou Ju-hsi, N. Halsberghe, Peter Hardie, Catherine Jami, Elke Piontek-Ma, Martina Köppel-Yang, Lucie Rault-Leyrat, Jame Watt, Peter Wiederhage, are preceded by essays on Qing history by Pierre-Etienne Will, on palace organization and life under the Qing by Marianne Bastid-Bruguière,
on the architecture of the Forbidden City by Antoine Gournay, on the Manchu emperors and the arts by Michèle Pirazzoli-t’Serstevens, on the emperors and literature by Pierre-Henri Durand, on Qing military traditions by Oliver Moore, on costume under the Qing by Dieter Kuhn, on Western literary vision of the Forbidden City by Dominique Morel.
This volume in 4° of 335 pages, which bears the same title as the exhibition, costs 340 FF, and can be purchased from: Paris-Musees, Editions des musees de la Ville de Paris, 28 rue Notre-Dame des Victoires, 75002 Paris.
Du 28 février au 21 mars 1997 va se tenir dans les locaux des Missions Etrangères de Paris (128, rue du Bac, 75341 Paris Cedex 07, tél. 01 44 39 10 40, Fax 01 45 44 32 56) une exposition de manuscrits, livres anciens et documents photographiques, organisée par les Missions Etrangères de Paris (M.E.P.) et l’INALCO, autour du thème des Contributions des Missions Etrangères à la connaissance des langues de l’Asie. Une bibliographie d’une centaine de pages (plusieurs centaines de titres), préparée par le Service des Archives et la Bibliothèque Asiatique des M.E.P. (28 rue de Babylone), sera diffusée à cette occasion. Cette bibliographie, agrémentée de photographies, nous présente les manuscrits et publications des missionnaires des M.E.P. qui ont trait à la langue: dictionnaires, manuels, etc. (N.B. : les ouvrages religieux en sont exclus sauf s’ils présentent un intérêt exceptionnel sur le plan linguistique). La documentation sur les langues du Vietnam représente une partie importante de cette collection, qui couvre aussi le Cambodge, le Laos, l’Inde, la Malaisie, la Birmanie, la Thailande, l’Indonésie, la Chine et le Tibet, le Japon, la Corée et Taiwan.
En ce qui concerne la Chine, les M.E.P. étaient implantées essentiellement dans l’ouest et le sud du pays (Tibet, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong), ce qui détermine les langues décrites. Ainsi les ouvrages du P. Charles Rey sur le hakka sont-ils aujourd’hui des classiques. Deux dictionnaires de min (Chaozhou et Hok-lo) manuscrits de P. Béchet (missionnaire au Siam) méritent sans doute un examen détaillé. On trouve aussi une collection considérable de dictionnaires et manuels du dialecte du Sichuan, et bien sûr pour le cantonais les dictionnaires et manuels d’Aubazac, Caysac, Deswazières, Le Tallandier et Fabre. La valeur linguistique de certains de ces ouvrages nous a été signalée par le regretté Paul Fumien-Yang dans “The Catholic Missionary Contribution to the Study of Chinese Dialects”, Orbis IX n°1 (1960). Quant aux langues non-chinoises, celui-ci note dans un autre article plus récent: “During the past one hundred and thirty years, M.E.P. missionaries have published a great many dictionaries, grammar books and religious books in the language or dialects that they learned and used everyday in their adopted countries or districts. These publications are recognized as among the very few scholarly contributions to the study of various hitherto unknown or little known languages and dialects spoken by various tribes in southwestern China and the border areas between China and Burma.” (“Catholic Missionary Contributions to the Study of Tibeto-Burman, Miao-Yao, and Tai Languages spoken in Southwestern China”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sinology, Section on Linguistics and Paleography, Taipei: Academia Sinica, 1981).
Members’ Publications
HENRIOT, Christian & SHI Lu.
La réforme des entreprises en Chine. Les industries shanghaiennes entre Etat et marché. [The Reform of Enterprises in China: Shanghai Industries Between the State and Market]. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1996. 270 pp.
MILWERTZ, Cecilia Nathansen.
Accepting Population Control – Urban Chinese Women and the One-Child Family Policy. Curzon Press, 1997. ISBN 0-7007-0437-X (Hbk), 0-7007-0457-4 (Pbk).
Comparative Chinese Dialectal Grammar. Handbook for Investigators. Paris: EHESS-CRLAO, 1993. 313 pp. ISBN 2-910216-00-4, ISSN 1246-7367. Special offer: 120 FF (including postage and handling), instead of original price 200 FF. Order from: Cahiers de Linguistique – Asie Orientale, CRLAO, EHESS, 54, BD. Raspail, 75270 Paris Cedex 6, France, email
CHEMLA, Karine, and Michael LACKNER (editors).
Disposer pour dire, placer pour penser, situer pour agir. Pratiques de la positon en Chine ancienne . Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident, 18. 1996. 192pp. Order from: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, Universite de Paris VIII, 2 rue de la Liberte, 93526 Saint Denis Cedex 02. Price: 90 FF. Contents:
K. CHEMLA & M. LACKNER, “Introduction: The Practice of Positions in China”.
I. Positions, principles of structuration
Vera DOROFEEVA-LICHTMAN, “Political concepts behind an interplay of spatial ‘positions'”.
Michael LACKNER, “The position of an expression in a text: diagrammatic explorations of meaning”.
Marianne BASTID-BRUGUIÈRE, “‘Position’ in state ceremonial in late Imperial China”.
II. Positions, tools for a study of change
Marc KALINOWSKI, “Calendar astrology and the computation of positions in Ancient China”.
Karine CHEMLA, “Positions and changes in mathematics on the basis of Chinese texts of the dynasties Han up to Song-Yuan. Some remarks”.
III. Theoretical clues
Chung-ying CHENG, “Zhouyi and Philosophy of Wei (Positions): A gaze from outside”.
Geoffrey LLOYD, “Putting the Greeks in their place”.
1996. ISSN 0080-2484. 195 FF.
Editors : Michel Cartier, Danielle Elisseeff, Jacqueline Nivard.
The Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie has two purposes. The first one is to help scholars to keep in touch with fields less familiar to them and the second one is to provide research students with a broad view of works offering useful leads in the preparation of a thesis. Our main concern is to introduce the latest works in the fields of History, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Religions and History of Sciences, written in Chinese as well as in the major languages of the scientific community either in book form or as articles. In the present issue around 300 new books are analyzed as well as 300 articles selected from 121 periodicals. A significant part of each issue is now devoted to bibliographical surveys exploring new topics in a longer temporal perspective.
Irene EBER, “Sinology in Israel”.
Guido SAMARANI, “Studies on the History of Republican China in the PRC and the Nanjing Research Center”.
Jacqueline NIVARD, “La IVe conférence mondiale des femmes. Pékin 1995”.
Yolaine ESCANDE, “Perspectives et limites des recherches récentes sur la calligraphie et la peinture”.
Danielle ELISSEEFF, “Identité culturelle, protection du patrimoine. Deux débats dans l’air du temps”.
Étiennette NODOT, “Archéo-musicologie”.
François PICARD, “La connaissance et l’étude de la musique chinoise. Une histoire brève”.
Vincent GOOSSAERT, “L’image variée du taoïsme dans quatre nouveaux dictionnaires”.
CONTACT: Jacqueline Nivard, Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris.
Tél : 01 53 70 18 74 ou
18 73 Fax : 01 53 70 18 74 eMail:
For nearly two decades, the Cahiers de Linguistique – Asie Orientale have been publishing articles covering the whole range of East Asian Languages. They have thus substantially increased our knowledge of these languages and contributed to our understanding of the human language in general. As a journal of international reputation, the Cahiers have contributors and readers all over the world.
Editorial Committee: Viviane Alleton, François Dell, Michel Ferlus, Christoph Harbsmeier, Marie-Claude Paris, Alain Peyraube, Alexis Rygaloff, Laurent Sagart, Irène Tamba, Yau Shun-chiu.
Contents of Volume 25 (1996):
GUO F. & C. FOLEY & CHIEN Y.-C. & CHIANG C.-P. & B. LUST, “Operator-Variable Binding in the Initial State: A Cross-linguistic Study of VP Ellipsis Structures in Chinese and English”.
WANG Yu-Fang Flora & HSIEH Miao-Ling, “A Syntactic Study of the Chinese Negative Polarity Item renhe “.
Françoise BOTTERO, “L’ordre des constituants dans les mots composés par coordination d’antonymes”.
SHINOHARA Shigeko, “The Roles of the Syllable and the Mora in Japanese Adaptations of French Words”.
Thomas ERNST, “On Adjunct Case in Chinese”.
Michel FERLUS, “Remarques sur le consonantisme du proto Kam-Sui”.
Paul LAW, “A Note on the Serial Verb Construction in Chinese”.
Annual Subscription (2 issues per volume):
European Community: Individual 150 FF, Institutions 200 FF.
Other Countries: 200 FF. Back issues (vol 1-24): each issue 50 FF.
CONTACT the editors:
Alain Lucas & Waltraud Paul, EHESS–CRLAO, 54, Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, France, tel +33-1-49 54 24 35, fax +33-1-49 54 26 71, email
Other News
RESEARCH PROJECT CHINESE TECHNICAL TERMS: The Volkswagen Foundation is supporting a research project on the formation of Chinese technical terms in Late Qing and early Republican China carried out under the direction of Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner at the East Asian Institute of Göttingen University and the Study Group History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technology in China at the Technical University of Berlin. The project will cooperate with the Centre Chine of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, and will make use of existing institutional agreements with partners in Beijing and Shanghai.
In the first step, the project will gather information on the formation of technical terms in the fields of political and social sciences, international law, philosophy, physics and military technology by analyzing a variety of contemporary sources, including dictionaries, monographies and translations from Western languages and Japanese. The collected data is intended to serve as a basis for an Historical Dictionary of Modern Chinese Technical Terms and a series of studies to be published in Archiv für moderne chinesische Begriffsgeschichte.
CONTACT: Michael Lackner, Ostasiatisches Seminar der Universität, Papendiek 16, D-37073 Göttingen, Germany, tel +49-551-397022, fax +49-551-397048, email
The telephone and fax numbers of Raoul David Findeisen published in EACS Newsletter #11 were erratic. The correct numbers are:
Office: tel.: +41-1-257 31 85, fax: +41-1-261 56 87.
Home: tel. and fax: +41-61-301 63 11.
Association europeénne d’études chinoises
European Association of Chinese Studies
Change of address information and all membership payments should be sent to Brunhild Staiger in Hamburg. New members in addition should send application forms to Harald Böckman in Oslo. Other business of the EACS should be sent either to Harald Böckman in Oslo or to Rudolf Wagner in Heidelberg. Contributions for the Newsletter should be sent to Marja Kaikkonen in Stockholm. ALL RELEVANT ADDRESSES – SEE BELOW.
Anyone who wants more information about any of the items in this EACS Newsletter should contact the relevant person/organization directly whenever possible in order to be sure of getting the fullest information.
Contributions to the Newsletter are welcomed in any roman-script language although English and French are preferred. Please remember to check your copy carefully before sending it, particularly telephone etc. numbers. Every effort is made to include all relevant news. However, we must reserve the right to omit contributions if there is a shortage of space.
The mailing address for contributions is below. Please fax your information or email!