Newsletter #13
Newsletter #13
MAY 1997
COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 20 August
Announcement: EACS 1997 Board Meeting
Clarification: Barcelona Ballot
Introduction of New EACS Officers
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Grant Recipients
East Asia Terminology Research Center EAsTerm
The Board of the EACS will have its meeting for 1997 in Edinburgh on 12-13 September. Any member who would like to bring any matter that she/he deems useful or vital to the attention of the Board is hereby invited to do so by writing to the Secretary-General (see address on last page).
Oslo, 26 May, 1997
Harald Bøckman
After the election of the candidates of the EACS Board on 6 September, 1996, some members have expressed doubt about the correctness of the announced result. This is understandable, as the printed list of the elected board could be misread. Therefore, I find it necessary to explain the matter to all members:
The printed list containing the new board members was distributed at the end of the General Assembly. The election committee performed their job to the letter. However, at the bottom of the printed list, the score of votes for each numbered individual was also listed. When tallied with the list of the new board members, it did in most cases not make sense. The reason for that is that the number in front of each score of votes REFERRED TO THE NUMBERED LIST ON THE ORIGINAL BALLOT, AND NOT THE FINAL RESULT. When tallied with the original ballot, the final result is correct. Since few members are likely to have the original ballot at hand, I list it below, for those who might want to check it.
1. Joaquin Beltran Antolin. 2. Harald Bøckman. 3. Kjeld E. Brødsgaard. 4. Michel Cartier. 5. Piero Corradini. 6. Halvor Eifring. 7. Raoul D. Findeisen. 8. Antonio Graca de Abreu. 9. Roger Greatrex. 10. Christian Henriot. 11. M.L.L.G. Hockx. 12. Wilt Idema. 13. Marja Kaikkonen. 14. Oldrich Kral. 15. Lionello Lanciotti. 16. Helmut Martin. 17. Bonnie McDougall. 18. Marie-Claude Paris. 19. Vladimir Y. Portiakov. 20. Lars Ragvald. 21. Mitja Saje. 22. Mikhail Sofronov. 23. Brunhild Staiger. 24. Nicolas Standaert. 25. Stig Thøgersen. 26. Hana Triskova. 27. Florentina Visan. 28. Rudolf Wagner. 29. Roderick Whitfield. 30. Edouard Vermeer.
Oslo, May 26, 1997.
Harald Bøckman
Don’t forget: EACS CONFERENCE 1998
“We know of no society, of no culture without its festival. Their origins may have been ritual: the community assembled in celebration of the seasons, of its divinities, of its priest-kings. It will often have been political: the numbering of the tribes, the commemoration of or supplication for victory. The line between sacred and profane, between a harvest-festival and a Nuremberg rally, is difficult to draw. Ideologies have always instituted festivals to symbolize their credo: the new Calendar of the French Revolution is crowded with ornate festivities, as is that of modern totalitarian regimes… [extracts from the Edinburgh University Festival Lecture at the 50th Edinburgh International Festival, by George Steiner, 11 August 1996]
The theme for the next EACS Conference, to be held in Edinburgh September 10-14, 1998, is “Festivals: the Chinese at Work and at Play”. Papers and seminars are invited on all aspects of festivals in Chinese public and private life, from elaborate national celebrations or mourning ceremonies to the everyday rites of home and work.
The conference will be organised along lines similar to those at Barcelona 1996. Pre-conference registration and residential booking (dates to be announced) will lead to fast-track registration at Edinburgh; first-day registration will be on September 9; the conference proper will begin on September 10.
Apart from a small number of plenary sessions, three sessions will take place simultaneously over the conference, organised according to nine broad topics: traditional literature and performing arts; modern and contemporary literature and performing arts; premodern history; modern history, economics and politics; religion and philosophy; anthropology and sociology; visual arts; language and linguistics; information technology. Abstracts will be forwarded to referees for consideration, and a preliminary programme will be published in the spring 1998 Newsletter. Paper-givers who are members of EACS must be fully-paid subscribers at the time the preliminary programme is announced.
A secretariat with a dedicated email address will be set up in Edinburgh in 1997, but members and other interested parties are welcome to contact the conference organiser at any time:
Bonnie S. McDougall
Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh
8 Buccleuch Place, EDINBURGH EH8 9LW, Scotland, U.K.
Fax: +44-131-651 12 58. Tel.: +44-131-650 42 27.
Vice-President Vladimir Portiakov
Vladimir Portiakov, b. 1947, studied Sinology and Geography at Moscow State University, gaining his PhD in the Soviet Academy of Sciences, on a topic in People’s Republic of China political and economic relations with socialist countries. From 1973 to 1975 he worked in Soviet Trade Representation and from 1978 to 1982 in the Soviet Embassy in Peking, dealing with issues on the Chinese economy. From 1983 to 1988 he held the position of head of China Research Section in the Institute of the World Socialist System (now named the Institute of International Economic and Political Studies, IIEPS), and, from 1989 to 1991, consultant on China’s problems in the Communist Party Central Committee International Department. Since 1992, Portiakov has been affiliated with Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, as Deputy Director and Head of the Centre for China’s Social-Economic Studies.
Now he has focused his research on China’s economy, Sino-Russian economic relations and economic cooperation in Northeast Asia.
Portiakov is a member of International Northeast Asia Roundtable, and a member of IFES and IIEPA Academic Councils.
His main publication is People’s Republic of China in Search for Ways of Economic Development 1978-1995, 3 vols. Moscow 1995.
(All sums in US $)
A. Institutional Enhancement
1. University of East Anglia, Norwich.
Lectureship in Chinese Art.
Three year project. Total grant amount: $ 120.000.
2. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Enhancement of a Chinese Studies Program.
Three year project. Total grant amount: $ 120.000.
3. University of Glasgow.
Support for a New Teaching Post in Chinese Art in the History of Art Department, University of Glasgow, and for Library Acquisition.
Three year project. Total grant amount: $40.500.
B. Research Grants
1. British Library.
The International Dunhuang Project: Database Expansion.
Three year project. Total grant amount: $ 80.000.
2. Centre de la Recherche Scientifique.
Religion and societies in South China: the Mei/Lu Networks.
Three year grant. Total grant amount: $ 70.000.
3. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
Chinese Books in Spain, Published from the Ming to the Ch’ing Dynasties: An Annotated Bibliography.
Two year project. Total grant amount: $ 11.160.
4. The University of Kiev – Mohyla Academy.
The Importance of the R.O.C. Political and Legal Experience for the Post-Soviet Countries.
One year project. Total grant amount: $ 20.000.
C. Conferences and Seminars
1. Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.
Chinese Historiography and Historical Culture in a Comparative Perspective.
Three year project. Total grant amount: $ 60.000.
D. Subsidies for Publication
1. Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
China Perspectives. 5 vol.
One year project. Total grant amount: $ 14.000.
2. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
French Edition on �Musics of the Hakka in the Two Shores of the Taiwan Strait� (Incorporated with 4 CD).
Total grant amount: $ 8.000.
E. CCK Fellowships
(a) Ph.D. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Brigit Brunstermann,
Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot (France).
Sino-German Educational Co-operation from 1972-94.
Total grant amount: $ 12.000.
2. Paola Calanca,
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France).
Piracy and Smuggling in the Fujian Province (XVIIth – early XIX Centuries).
Total grant amount: $ 12.000.
3. Koen de Ridder,
Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium).
An Investigation into the Development of the Chinese Local Church: Missionary Activites of the Belgian C.I.C.M. Congregations in the Gansu Border Area.
Total grant amount: $ 12.000.
4. Thomas Fröhlich,
Universität Hamburg (Germany).
Expertocratic Thought in Republican China (1912-49): Studies on Zhang Junmai, Ding Wenjiang , Hu Shi, and Chen Duxiu.
Total grant amount: $ 12.000.
5. Sebastian Gault,
Universität Bonn (Germany).
Intellectual Biography of a Monk Scholar: the Syncretistic Thought of Tzu-po Chen-ko (1543-1604).
Total grant amount: $ 9.600
6. Valentina Georgieva,
Leiden University (The Netherlands).
A History of the Chinese Female Buddhist sangha during the Six Dynasties and the Tang�
Total grant amount: $ 14.400
7. Ho Fon,
Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot (France).
Comparative Studies of Chinese Versions of Buddhist Texts, using Diamond Sutra as an Example – Sources and Origins of Differences, or the Influence of Different Schools in the History of Chinese Buddhist Translation.
Total grant amount: $ 14.400.
8. Fabienne Jagou,
Université de Paris 7, Denis Diderot (France).
The 6th Panchen Lama’s (1883-1937) Biography: Description of his Role in the Sino-Tibetan Relations During the First Half of the 20th Century.
Total grant amount: $ 14.400.
9. Emmanuelle Lesbre,
INALCO (France).
The Conversion and Subjugation of Hariti, the Mother-of- Demons, to the Buddha. Her Representation in China.
Total grant amount: $ 12.000.
10. Ma Li,
Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot (France).
Power and Philosophy in the Reign of Zhu Yuanzhang.
Total grant amount: $ 14.400.
11. Mei Jianjun,
University of Cambridge (UK).
Copper and Bronze Metallurgy in the Late Prehistoric Xinjiang and Comparisons with Neighboring Bronze Cultures.
Total grant amount: $ 14.400.
12. Wong Ling-ling,
University of Oxford (UK).
Tso Yueh-tzu: The Post-natal Ritual of Han Chinese Women.
Total grant amount: $ 13.300.
(b) Post-doctoral Fellowships
1. Andrea Eberhard,
Technical University Berlin and Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot (Germany and France).
Symbolic Operations in Chinese Mathematical Texts.
Total grant amount: $ 36.000.
2. Henricus Paulus Mallee,
Leiden University (The Netherlands).
China’s Household Registration System.
Total grant amount: $ 36.000.
Seven Collaborating Institutes Receive EU Grant
The European Commission decided in December 1996 to support an ambitious proposal submitted by SOAS, the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London, on behalf of seven European academic institutions in Copenhagen, Hamburg, Leiden, Madrid, Paris, and Stockholm. The new four-year EU grant establishes ECAN, or the EU-China Academic Network which, in the words of the original proposal, is intended to promote collaboration and foster a research community among specialists on contemporary China working in European universities and research institutes.
On the ECAN agenda are an annual conference, “at which recent research on contemporary Chinese affairs, undertaken on an individual and collaborative basis, will be presented and critiqued” and a new publication, tentatively entitled the European China Annual, in which a selection of papers expressing uniquely European perspectives on China will appear.
ECAN will assist in disseminating the findings of academic researchers to the general public and to concerned organizations and will in particular stimulate contacts between these specialists and influential government officials throughout Europe; this last by means of small, specially-organized, focused workshops attended by academic specialists and policymakers from individual European governments and the European Commission in Brussels.
ECAN will promote links and collaboration between European specialists on contemporary China and their counterparts in North America, Australia and Asia, andóof particular interest to scholars and advanced studentsóit will administer the EU-China Research Fellowship Fund (ECRFF) to facilitate travel and research in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Besides SOAS, the “core” institutions entrusted with the task of organizing and leading ECAN in its first four-year period are Paris’ Centre de Récherches et de Documentation sur la Chine Contemporaine, Hamburg’s Institut für Asienkunde, the Sinological Institute at the University of Leiden, the Centro de Estudios de Asia Oriental at the University of Madrid, the University of Copenhagen’s Institute of Asian Studies, and the Center for Pacific Asia Studies at Stockholm University. The ECAN secretariat is located at SOAS, and is led by Dr. Robert F. Ash.
Tom Hart
CPAS, Stockholm
The East Asia Terminology Research Center (EAsTerm) has been established to promote harmonisation, unification and development of terminology in the East Asian region. It is located at and administered by the China Standardization and Information Classifying and Coding Institute (CSICCI) and registered with the Beijing Industrial and Commercial bureau.
EAsTerm is a non-profit institution and its main functions in the East Asian region are:
ñ to organize and coordinate terminology research in various languages,
ñ to disseminate the results of terminology research,
ñ to carry out training programs in terminology and in terminology standardization,
ñ to transfer terminological knowledge,
ñ to promote exchange and cooperation among terminologists,
ñ to foster harmonization, unification and development of terminologies.
Given the rapid development of economy, culture, science and technology in China and the fact that Chinese is the most widely used language in the world, it is becoming increasingly important and imperative to harmonize and unify Chinese scientific and technical terms. In addition, EAsTerm will promote the harmonization and unification efforts concerning other terminologies in the region such as Mongolian, Korean, etc.
The inauguration ceremony of the East Asia Terminology Research Center will be held 4 August 1997.
For further information, CONTACT: Ms. Yu Xinli, c/o CSICCI, 3 Yuhuinanlu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China. Tel.: +86-10-64 92 10 42. Fax: +86-10-64 92 10 32.
On April 7 and 8, Dr. H.-D. Gasde of the Zentrum fur Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und Universalienforschung, Berlin, Head of the Project on the Syntax of Focus, organized an international workshop on Chinese linguistics. Nine papers were presented. As each paper lasted an hour, there was plenty of time for exchange of opinions. The atmosphere was very congenial. Here is the list of papers presented.
Sentence structure and information structure in Mandarin Chinese
Marie-Claude PARIS (Paris),
Word order and informational content in Chinese.
Lisa CHENG (Irvine)
“Bare NPs in Mandarin and Cantonese”. On the interpretation of bare NPs and Classifier-NP phrases.
Lisa CHENG (Irvine)
“More on NP”. Classifiers and posses
sion structures in Cantonese and Mandarin.
Jie LI (Saarbrücken)
On the formal features of the nominal functional categories and the semantics of the NP in Chinese.
Rint SYBESMA (Leiden)
“On verb-le”. Verb-le is not the head of a functional projection. Instead, it is an element deeply embedded in the VP.
Rint SYBESMA (Leiden)
“CP and TP”. Wh moves after all, and sentence-le is the Chinese counterpart of T in Indo-European languages.
Horst-Dieter GASDE (ZAS)
“Left-dislocation in Chinese”. WCO-effects, empty categories and functional categories.
“Left/Right extraposition and ellipsis in coordinative structures”. From the parallelism of information structure to a parallelism of syntactic structures in German and Chinese?
“Ellipsis in Chinese : A survey”.
Marie-Claude Paris
The Foundation welcomes applications from scholars in the European region under the following categories:
1.Institutional Enhancement Grants
2.Research Grants
3.Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grants
4.Subsidies for Publication
5.Senior Scholar Grants
6.CCK Fellowships for Ph.D. Dissertations & Post-doctoral Research
The scope of the Foundation’s grant-giving program includes, but is not limited to, the following areas of interest:
– Chinese cultural heritage
– Classical studies, especially literary and historical works
– The Republic of China from its establishment to the present
– Taiwan area studies
– China-related comparative studies.
Deadline for applications is 15 October each year. Detailed information and application forms may be obtained by contacting the CCK head office in Taipei:
The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
13F/B 65 Tun Hwa South Road, Section 2
Taipei, Taiwan 106, Republic of China.
Fax: +886-2-701-6762, e-mail:
The CCK Foundation publishes a quarterly Newsletter which may be obtained from the same address. The Foundation also has a homepage on the following site:
The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) seeks:
1 Research Fellow (m/f)
specialized in the field of the Humanities or the Social Sciences
Applicants should:
ï have a doctorate (PhD) based on research in the Humanities or the Social Sciences (regions: South Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia);
ï have obtained the doctorate less than 5 years ago;
ï not be older than 40.
ï as soon as possible
ï for 3 years with an evaluation at the end of each year.
Application forms can be obtained from the IIAS secretariat. Please use the official application forms only. The closing date for applications is 1 September 1997.
For more information please contact: IIAS, P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31 – 71 527.22.27, Fax: +31 – 71 527.41.62.
For its research programme Performing Arts in Asia: Tradition and
Innovation; The expression of identity in a changing world (PAATI), the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) invites scholars to apply for the position of
2 Research Fellows (m/f)
The PAATI programme will study
– the way in which the performing arts in Asia are institutionalized and standardized; how they balance between flexibility and fixation, influenced by globalization and localization;
– how processes of change affect form, content, and organization of the teaching.
Applicants should:
ï have a doctorate (PhD) based on research in the Humanities or the Social Sciences, with emphasis on the performing arts of Asia;
ï have a good knowledge of the language and culture studied;
ï preferably have some perfoming experience in Asian genres;
ï have obtained the doctorate less than 5 years ago;
ï not be older than 40.
ï one fellow has to start on 1 November 1997, the other on 1 January 1998 latest.
ï for 3 years, with an evaluation at the end of each year.
For candidates who are interested the full text of the PAATI research programme and application forms can be obtained from the IIAS secretariat, P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands. Tel.: +31 71 527.2227. Fax: +31 71 527.4162. Please use the official application forms only.
Further information can also be obtained from Dr. Wim van Zanten, c/o IIAS. Tel.:: +31 71 527.3465/3474.
Fax: +31 (0)71 527.3619. E-mail:
Applicants should include short proposals (� 4 pages A4) for their
intended research within the PAATI programme. The closing date for applications is 1 September 1997.
30th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics.
Beijing, 24 -28 August 1997.
CONTACT: Professor Sun Hongkai, Institute of Nationality Studies, Chinese A
cademy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100081, PR China. Tel.: +86 10 64252692. Fax: +86 10 68421864.
Third International CHIME Conference: East Asian Strings.
Leiden, 29-31 August, 1997.
CONTACT: European Foundation for Chinese Music Research CHIME, P.O.Box 11092, 2301 EB Leiden, The Netherlands.
Fax: +31 71 5123183. E-mail:
Government Liability in East and Southeast Asia.
Leiden, 4-5 September, 1997.
CONTACT: Dr. Yong Zhang, IIAS. Fax: +31 71 5274162.
Fourteenth Sino-European Conference: Patterns and Trends in International Relations in the Next Century. Civilizations, National Powers, and Economics: Convergence or Clash?
Geneve, 23-24 September, 1997.
CONTACT: Mrs. Mariejo Duc, Modern Asia Research Centre, 63 rue Lausanne, 1201 Geneve, Switzerland.
Fax: +41 22 7383996. E-mail:
The Overseas Trade of Quanzhou in the Song and Yuan Dynasties.
Leiden, Netherlands, 26-27 September, 1997.
CONTACT: Dr. Angela Schottenhammer, IIAS.
Education in and on China and the Chinese.
Symposium of the Nordic Association of China Studies.
Lahti, Finland, 3 – 5 October, 1997.
CONTACT: Dr. Pertti Nikkilä, Ranta-Nikkiläntie 2, FIN-37800 Toijala, Finland. Tel.: +358 3 543 70 66. Fax: +358 9 191 220 94.
China, Chinese Civilization and the World: History, Modern Times, and Prospects.
Moscow, 7-9 October, 1997.
Main focus: Prospects for cooperation among China, Russia and other countries of Northeast Asia at the juncture of the 20th and 21st centuries. Agenda: 1. Problems of the economic development of the PRC and other countries of Northeast Asia. Economic cooperation between Russia and China. 2. Foreign policy of the PRC and international Relations in the Far East. China and Russia in Northeast Asia and Asian-Pacific region in the 21st century. 3. Political and Social development in contemporary China. History and historiography. 4. Eurasian and Chinese civilizations in modern times. Chinese philosophy and culture. Abstracts (max. 5 pages, to be published in the conference volume) are invited by 15 May, 1997. Registration fee US$50. CONTACT: Svetlana Gorbunova, Executive Secretary of Russian Academy Association of Sinologists, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Krasikova Street 27, Moscow 117 218. Tel.: +7-95-124 08 35. Fax: +7-95-310 70 56. Email:
Wartime Shanghai (1937-45).
Lyon, 15-17 October, 1997.
CONTACT: Christian Henriot, directeur de l’Institut d’Asie Orientale, Maison Rhone-Alpes des Sciences de l’Homme, 13 ave. Berthelot, 69363 Lyon cedex 07, France.
Fax: +33 4 72726490. E-mail:
Business Relations between China and Europe: Shaping the Future
Guangzhou, 29-31 October, 1997.
Jointly organised by the Zhongshan University School of Management and the Lyon Graduate School of Business. CONTACT: Professor Christine Di Domenico, Department of Economics, GROUPE ESC Lyon, 23 Avenue Guy de Collongue, 69132 ECULLY Cedex – FRANCE.
The Lhasa Valley: History, Conservation and Modernisation in Tibetan Architecture.
Paris, 27-29 November, 1997.
CONTACT: Dr. Heather Stoddard, Institut national des languages et civilisations orientales, CNRS URA 1229, 127 rue de Sèvres, Paris 75006, France. Tel/fax: +33 71 527 2222.
Hong Kong in Transition.
London, 15 December, 1997.
Organized by four British universities and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, this conference forms the first of a series of three successive annual conferences to mark the passing of Hong Kong back to Chinese sovereignty. The conference will have two streams running simultaneously, 1. Politics, Law, and Foreign Relations, and 2. Business and Economics. CONTACT: Dr. R. Porter, Department of Politics, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, England. Tel.: +44-1782-583 448. Fax: +44-1782-613 847. Email:
Eigth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics.
Taipei, 18 December, 1997 – 2 January, 1998.
CONTACT: Prof. Paul J.K. Li, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
Fax: +886 2 7868834. e-mail:
International Workshop
“Religion and Economy in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea)”.
Heinrich-Fabri-Institut, Blaubeuren, Germany, 16-19 March, 1998.
The following topics shall be addressed: Theory of the function of religion. Religious aspects of economic organizations in East Asia. Economic aspects of religious organizations in East Asia. Structures of longue durée in economic-religious thought and actions in East Asia. Sacrifice and its economic-religious meaning in East Asia. CONTACT: Stephan Peter Bumbacher, Sinologisches Seminar, Universität Tübingen, Wilhelmstrasse 133, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany.
First International Convention of Asian Scholars.
Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 25-28 June, 1998.
CONTACT: Helga Lasschuijt, IIAS, P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 71 5272227. Fax: +31 71 5274162.
CARLETTI, Sandra, Maurizia SACCHETTI, Paolo SANTANGELO (eds.).
Studi in onore di Lionello Lanciotti. 3 vols. Napoli 1996. pp. xliv+1496. Distributed by Herder International Book Centre, 120 Piazza Montecitorio, 00186 Roma, Italy.
Antikchinesisch. 2 Teile. Schweizer Asiatische Studien, Reihe S: Studienhefte. Bd 15/1-2.
Teil I: Antikchinesisch in fünf Elementargängen. Eine propädeutische Einführung. 124 S.
Teil II: Antikchinesische Texte. Materialien für den Hochschulñunterricht. 505 S.
Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M, New York, Paris, Wien: Peter Lang AG, 1997. ISBN 3-906757-23-4. DM 49.00
Grundstrukturen der antikchinesischen Syntax. Eine erklärende Grammatik.. Schweizer Asiatische Studien, Reihe M: Monographien. Bd. 26. Bern etc.: Peter Lang AG, 1997. 352 S. ISBN 3-906757-24-2. DM 85.00.
HENRIOT, Christian.
Belles de Shanghai. Prostitution et sexualité en Chine aux XIXe-XXe siècles. Paris: CNRS-Editions 1996. 512 pp. Illustré. ISBN 2-271-05331-5. FF 245.00
Amour et politique dans la Chine ancienne. Cent poemes de Li Shangyin (812-858). Paris: De Boccard, 1996. ISBN 2-9509807-0-8.
Il pennello di lacca. La narrativa cinese dalla dinastia Ming ai giorni nostri. Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997.
Le passioni nella Cina imperiale. Venezia: Marsilio, 1997.
China. Vielvölkerreich und Einheitsstaat. München: C.H. Beck, 1997. 312 pp. Mit 15 Karten. ISBN 3 406 42348 5.
SUAREZ, Anne Helene, and Ramon DACHS.
Cent-un juejus de Xina Tang. Valencia: Edicions Alfons el Magnanim, 1996. 149 pp. ISBN 84-7822-213-8. Catalan translation of 101 jueju by 53 authors of the Tang, with preliminaries, notes, bibliography, and the original poems in Chinese.
Third World whence and whither? Protective State versus Aggressive Market. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 1995. 211 pp. ISBN 90-5589-082-0. $23.00
The Centro de estudios de Asia oriental, Universidad autonoma de Madrid, launced a Newsletter in March this year. The Newsletter may be obtained from the following address: Edificio Rectorado, 28049 Madrid, Spain, or by e-mail:
Info may also be obtained from the university web-site: http:\\
Association europeénne d’études chinoises
European Association of Chinese Studies
Surname: Other names:
Date of birth: Nationality:
Institutional mailing address:
Tel.: Fax: Email:
Home address:
Tel.: Fax: Email:
In what capacity are you engaged in Chinese studies (if any)?
What is your field within Chinese studies?
Please add, on a separate sheet if applicable, a list of publications which will be included in the EACS Bibliography.
Please contact two members of the EACS to sponsor your application with their signature. (Sponsors, please print your name clearly and sign.)
“I sponsor the application of the above-named for membership in the EACS.”
1st sponsor’s signature: Print:
2nd sponsor’s signature: Print:
Candidate’s signature: Date:
Membership fee is presently DM 30 per annum (DM 35 for Eurocheques). It includes the EACS Newsletter. Please SEND PAYMENT to: Treasurer EACS Brunhild Staiger, Institut für Asienkunde, Rothenbaumchaussee 32, D-20148 Hamburg 13. Bank account: Dresdner Bank, BLZ 200 800 00, acct 40 30 24 200. Fee payment for two or three years is recommended to save transfer costs.
Please SEND THIS APPLICATION to: Secretary General EACS Harald Böckman, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, P.O.Box 1116, Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway.
Change of address information and all membership payments should be sent to Brunhild Staiger in Hamburg. New members in addition should send application forms to Harald Böckman in Oslo. Other business of the EACS should be sent either to Harald Böckman in Oslo or to Rudolf Wagner in Heidelberg. Contributions for the Newsletter should be sent to Marja Kaikkonen in Stockholm. ALL RELEVANT ADDRESSES ñ SEE BELOW.
Anyone who wants more information about any of the items in this EACS Newsletter should contact the relevant person/organization directly whenever possible in order to be sure of getting the fullest information.
Contributions to the Newsletter are welcomed in any roman-script language although English and French are preferred. Please remember to check your copy carefully before sending it, particularly telephone etc. numbers. Every effort is made to include all relevant news. However, we must reserve the right to omit contributions if there is a shortage of space.
The mailing address for contributions is below. Please fax your information or email!
President Treasurer
Rudolf Wagner Brunhild Staiger
Sinologisches Seminar Institut für Asienkunde
Universität Heidelberg Rothenbaumchaussee 32
Akademiestrasse 4-8 D-20148 Hamburg
D-69117 Heidelberg GERMANY
email: Tel.: + 49 – 40 44 30 01
Tel.: + 49 – 6211 54 77 65 Fax: + 49 – 40 410 79 45
Fax: + 49 – 6211 54 76 39
Secretary-General Newsletter Editor
Harald Böckman Marja Kaikkonen
Centre for Development and Institute of Oriental Languages
the Environment Stockholm University
University of Oslo S-10691 Stockholm
P.O.Box 1116 Blindern SWEDEN
N-0317 Oslo
NORWAY email:
Tel.: + 46 – 8 – 16 14 12
email: Fax: + 46 – 8 – 155 464
Tel.: + 47 – 22 85 89 00
Fax: + 47 – 22 85 89 20