Newsletter #17
Newsletter #17
MAY 1998
COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 15 July
EACS Conference in Edinburgh, September 1998
Europe in China III Research Group
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences
Enquiries and Registration, CONTACT:
Denise Gimpel, Conference Secretary
Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh,
8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK.
Fax: +44-131-651 12 58. Tel.: +44-131-650 42 27
Email: “EACS Conference” <>
Conference Web Site:
12th EACS CONFERENCE in Edinburgh, 10-13 September 1998
EACS Conference “Festivals: the Chinese at Work and Play”
Please note that registration will take place at Pollock Halls on Wednesday 9 September 1998 from 14.00 to 18.00, one day before the conference proper begins.
Fast track registration will be available for participants who have already paid the conference fee and, where applicable, an accommodation deposit in advance through the conference secretariat and who are up-to-date on membership fees.
The balance for accommodation should also be paid at this time.
Please note: The conference fee is £50 or £30 (concessionary rate). A late fee of £60 (concessions £35) will apply after 31 July 1998.
Please remember to bring along any receipts of payment in order to facilitate fast track registration.
Latest news (25 May 1998) from the Conference Office:
1. The abstracts have now gone on to the Web site.
2. The lists of panelists and panels will be going on to the Web site shortly.
3. The conference programme will be in the summer Newsletter.
4. Everyone registered for the conference will be receiving a letter about registration procedures in July.
5. Anyone who intends to come to the conference but has not yet registered is urged to do so as soon as possible. Important information on registration, local transport and programme changes will be included in the July letter to registered participants.
CONTACT: Denise Gimpel, Conference Secretary
Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh,
8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK.
Fax: +44-131-651 12 58. Tel.: +44-131-650 42 27
Email: “EACS Conference” <>
Conference Web site:
Torsten Schulz
in Heidelberg has been the key figure in printing and mailing the EACS Newsletter for the past year. Now when he moves on to other tasks, the Newsletter wants to thank him for cooperation and good spirits, and wishes him the best of luck in the future.
Europe in China is a research group sponsored by the European Association of Chinese Studies. Its primary goal is the study of the interaction between Chinese and European cultures in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, mainly from a Chinese perspective, and based on Chinese sources. The group was established in 1990, held a first colloquium in Paris in 1991, and a second one in Rome in 1993.
The third meeting organised by Michael Lackner and Catherine Jami took place at Technische Universität Berlin, 22-26 April, 1998. It was attended by twenty-two scholars from ten countries.
The meeting was entitled: “Between Ming and Qing. The Jesuits, Dynastic Decline, Internal Strife, and the Establishment of a New Order in Seventeenth Century China“. This title was broad enough to include several topics. One might well ask whether anything new can be said about a period that has been fairly well studied for a long time by scholars working in the field. Like former meetings, however, this one turned out to be again innovative in several respects.
On a first level of innovation were the discussions on less known people or texts: e.g. the bizarre role of Buglio and Magalhaes at the court of the rebel king Zhang Xianzhong (1644-1646) who organised a large scale murdering of the Sichuan people, or the problem of Christianity’s foreign origin as discussed by the Chinese Christian Zhu Zongyuan. It was also worth noting that three papers were devoted to Mingli tan, the first Chinese translation of Arstistotle’s Isagoge Porphyrii and Categoriae. This text, which had hardly any success in the seventeenth century, came to the attention of scholars like Hu Shi, Ma Xiangbo and Chen Yuan in the early twentieth century. Among the texts scarcely studied before were treatises on music and medicine as well as Chinese and Manchu memorials to the Throne concerning Christian-related topics. The Manchu interpretation of Christianity is a whole field open for further investigation.
At another level of innovation was the question whether the transition between Ming and Qing was also a change from success to failure, or from interest to indifference for Christianity. Here, it is first of all necessary to better understand what success means, since the diminishing of elite converts went hand in hand with an enormous increase of conversions on the middle and lower levels of society. Most important was the fact that most participants were of the opinion that the transition between Ming and Qing itself was not responsible for this change. Two interpretations were advanced: the disinterest mainly with regard to religious subjects, either already started around 1630 (since a detailed analysis of the prefaces written by elite scholars shows a sudden decline around that period) or it occured around 1670 when Qing scholars moved their interest from learning from the West, mainly scientific subjects, to rebuilding their own Confucian tradition.
The conference paid much attention to the process of appropriation of European ideas. It appeared that these were appropriated, some said digested, in very different ways, by very different people at very different times. Besides, through questions like how they were accepted (did Christianity provoke the acceptance of new ideas or were they already present in China?), a whole new view of the reception by the Kangxi Emperor was presented: for him the appropriation of Western learning became an instrument of control which implied aspects such as loyalty, confidence and a new relationship to the Classics and/or to specialists. It was also noted that Chinese as well as Western missionaries participated in the construction of myths about each other’s cultures (Western learning having its origin in China or the Chinese learning having its origin in the West). The purpose of these myths needs further study: they often functioned as a rhetoric means to argue for or against the acceptance of Western learning.
A last paradigm of discussion was the question of language and translation which was touched upon in many papers. Apart from the question of plurality of languages in this early contact between China and the West (different European
languages, Chinese, Manchu, but also the regional languages and specialised languages), much attention was devoted to the question of categories: how some basic categories like science, religion, medicine, music, gewu qiongli as understood in the seventeenth century might well be different from present-day usage. Instead of a simple explanation for the tension between understanding and non-understanding in the seventeenth century, participants became aware of the complexity of the dialogue involved, a complexity that was not very different from the dialogue at the conference.
A selection of the papers will be published.
List of all papers: Erik Zürcher (Leiden): “In the Yellow Tiger’s Den: Buglio and Magalhaes at the Court of the Rebel King Zhang Xianzhong, 1644-1646; Eugenio Menegon (Berkeley): “Chinese and Spanish Hagiographies: Dominican Saints, Christian Loyalists and Confucian Exemplars in Northern Fujian during the Ming-Qing transition”; Ad Dudink (Leuven): “Sympathisants and Opponents to Christianity before and after the Fall of the Ming”; Dominic Sachsenmaier (Harvard): “Zhu Zongyuan and the problem of Christianity’s foreign origin”; Shu-Jyuan Deiwiks (Köln): “The Secret Manchu Documents on the Trial against Jesuit Father Adam Schall von Bell (1592-1666) at the Supreme Court of Peking”; Li Wenchao (Berlin): “Missionaries in the later Kangxi Era”; Nicolas Standaert (Leuven): “Classification of the Sciences in Seventeenth Century China and Europe”; Robert Wardy (Cambridge): “The Mingli tan: Categorising the Chinese Categories”; Li Tiangang (Shanghai): “The Translation of Western learning in the late Ming: A Case Study on the Basis of the Mingli tan“; Catherine Jami (Paris): “The Jesuits’ Role in the ‘Scientific’ Construction of the Qing State”; Giuliano Bertuccioli (Roma): “Martino Martini’s Grammatica Sinica”; Federico Masini (Roma): “The First Chinese Dictionary in Europe (1670) as a Source for the Study of Ming-Qing Chinese Vernacular Language”; Gerlinde Gild (Göttingen): “The Presentation of European Music to the Chinese Court during the Early Qing”; Adrian Hsia (Montréal): “The Manchu Conquest and the European Literary Imagination: The Creation of a Catholic Dynasty in China”; Willard Peterson (Princeton): “Literati Responses to Western Learning in Mathematics and Astronomy at the Time of the Ming-Qing Transition”; Liu Dun (Beijing): “‘Xixue zhongyuan’ in Early China”; Han Qi (Beijing): “Joachim Bouvet’s Study of the Yijing and the Theory of the Chinese Origin of Western Learning during the Kangxi Era”; Peter Engelfriet (Leiden): “The Spread of Western Scientific Knowledg e during the Shunzhi-Reign”; Ursula Höller (München): “The Taixi renshen shuogai of Johann Schreck and its Reception in China”; Hsu Kuang-tai (Hsinchu): “In the Name of ‘Gewu Qiongli’: The Transmission of Western Learning in Late Ming and Early Qing”; Harmut Walravens (Berlin): “Christian Literature of the Manchus – Some Bibliographical Notes”; Michael Lackner (Göttingen): “The Tianxue chuan’gai (1663) revisited”.
Nicolas Standaert
News from the Russian Academy Association of Sinologists, and the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
On 2 April, 1998, the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society held a conference at the Moscow Centre for Scientific and Cultural Relations. The Chairman of the Society, Academician of RAS, S. Tikhvinsky, having retired, became the Chairman Emeritus of the Society. The new chairman of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society, Professor, Correspondent Member of RAS, M. Titarenko, was chosen by election.
On 10 April, Russian Academy Association of Sinologists held a meeting at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies in Moscow. At the meeting, Academician, Professor V. Myasnikov was elected as new president of the Association.
Dr. S. Gorbunova
Executive Secretary of Russian Academy Association of Sinologists
Neuvième Colloque International de Sinologie de Chantilly, 6-9 septembre 1998
L’été 1998 va voir la fermeture définitivedu Centre Culturel de Chantilly. Aussi, contrairement à ce qui avait été annoncé dans la lettre n°15 de novembre 1997, le IXe colloque se déroulera à Paris au Centre Sèvres, 35 bis rue de Sèvres 75006 PARIS et non à Chantilly. Une possibilité d’hébergement et de repas est proposée non loin du lieu de conférence au Centre d’Accueil Nicolas Barré situé au 83 rue de Sèvres.
Le IXe colloque traitera des Transformations de l’image de la Chine au tournant du XIXe et du XXe s. Les trois matinées aborderont ces changements sous des angles différents:
1. La philosophie
– Max Weber et la Chine: comment il se nourrit des Chinois et comment il a nourri les Chinois (Michel Cartier).
– La naissance de la philosophie (Michel Masson).
– Le marxisme et la Chine (Yves Chevrier).
2. Les sciences
– La science occidentale en Chine: la revue scientifique Yiwenlu (Jean-Claude Martzloff).
– Impact des découvertes archéologiques par les Occidentaux en Chine (Danièle Elisséeff).
– L’origine chinoise des sciences et idéologies européennes (Michael Lackner).
3. L’education et la religion
– La vision des Boxers par la Propaganda Fidei (Luciano Morra).
– Ma Xiangpo, un pionnier de la réforme de l’éducation en Chine, 1860-1905 (Jean-Paul Wiest).
– Sujet réservé (John Witek).
Les questions soulevées par les conférences de la matinée seront débattues lors des tables rondes en début d’après midi. Puis des contributions plus courtes seront présentées permettant d’ouvrir le champ thématique et chronologique. Elles porteront d’une manière générale sur les relations entre la Chine et l’Occident du XIVe au XXe s.
Toutes les personnes intéressées sont priées de s’adresser à: Institut Ricci, 68 rue de la Tour, F – 75116 Paris. Tel: + 33 – 1 – 45 03 00 04. Fax: +33 – 1 – 40 25 05 92.
Barbarian Pipes and Strings – 2000 years of cross-cultural influences in the music of China: 4th International Chime Conference. 1-4 October 1998, Internationales Wissenschafts–forum, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Cross-cultural influences in the music of China throughout the centuries form the major subject of a four-day conference at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, from 1 to 4 October 1998. The meeting will be hosted by the Institute of Chinese Studies at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in cooperation with the Institutes of Musicology and East Asian Art. It is co-hosted by the CHIME Foundation (Leiden/London). The meeting takes place at the Wissenschaftsforum and consists of a number of panel discussions, approximately thirty-five papers, some film sessions and two musical workshops. During the evenings there will be concerts of Chinese music by the Heidelberg Philharmonic Orchestra and Ensemble Percussion Plus, and of traditional music by Chinese musicians. The conference will focus on six sub-themes:
1. Historical research and recent fieldwork: what can we learn from the cross-over?
2. Comparative research on musical rituals of minorities in China.
3. Historical and recent reforms in Chinese urban and rural theatre.
4. The role of contemporary musicians and composers in East Asia.
5. Changes in traditional music style: the case of gu
qin music.
6. Chinese imprints in Western music.
CONTACT: Programme Committee, c/o Dr. Barbara Mittler, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Akademiestrasse 4-8, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany.
China, Chinese Civilization and the World: Past, Present and Future, 7-9 October, 1998, RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Moscow, Russia.
The 9th Annual International Conference jointly organized by the RAS Academic Council on Comprehensive Studies of Contemporary China, the RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies, and the Russian Association of Sinologists will focus on “China and Asia-Pacific on the Eve of the 21st Century” through panels on following topics:
1. Social and Economic problems of East Asian Countries and Chances for Integration in Asia-Pacific.
2. Specifics of Political Developments in East Asian States on the Eve of the 21st Century.
3. Problems and Prospects of Cross-Civilization Contacts in the Conditions of Multipolarity: Philosophy, Culture and Religions of East Asian Countries.
CONTACT: Dr. Nickolai V. Biryulin or Ms. Tamara Karganova, Dpt. for International Cooperation, RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies, 32, Nakimovsky Ave., Moscow 117218, Russia. Tel: + 7 – 95 – 124 08 35 ~ 0213. Fax: + 7 – 95 – 310-7056. E-mail:
Fifth International Euro-Asia Research Conference, 5-6 November 1998, at I.A.E., Université de Poitiers, France.
Theme: Asia’s changing economic and financial dynamics: implications for business strategy and management. The present financial crisis in Asia is the result of frictions created in the economies due to rapid growth over several years. The crisis has also revealed important dysfunctions within the systems both at macroeconomic and business levels. Growth forecasts have to be reappraised in the light of these developments. Contributions addressing any aspects of these issues and their implications for business strategy and management in the region are welcome. Contributions may be focused either on Asian or Western firms.
Proposals of a two-pages abstract (including bibliography) should be submitted by 15 May 1998. The final paper is to be forwarded by 4 July 1998 at the latest. Length should not exceed 20 pages (typed double-spaced, including tables, figures, and references, time roman). Papers in English or French should be submitted in hard copy as well as on disk (Word PC only). CONTACT: Barbara Mérigeault, I.A.E. de Poitiers, 20 Rue Guillaume VII Le Troubadour, B.P. 639, F-86022 Poitiers Cedex, France. Tel: + 33 – 5 49 45 44 89. Fax: + 33 – 5 49 45 44 90. E-mail: or:
Interdependence in Asia Pacific: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 30 November – 1 December 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.
Proposed topics: The emergence of Asia Pacific as an economically integrated region. Emerging subnational and transnational regions. Forces for integration and disintegration in the Asia Pacific. Security aspects of regionalism in Asia Pacific. Trade, technology, investment and regional integration. America, Europe, Asia and inter-regional cooperation. The impact of the economic crisis on integration in Asia Pacific.
CONTACT: Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: +46-8-16 28 97. Fax: +46-8-16 88 10. E-mail:
Tone, Stress and Rhythm in Spoken Chinese. April 1999 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The workshop will be organized by the CCK International Sinological Center at Charles University and the Chinese Department of Charles University in cooperation with the Oriental Institute. General theme: Factors influencing prosodic patterns of spoken Mandarin Chinese and their interplay. CONTACT: Olga Lomova (CCK ISC), E-mail: or Hana Triskova (OI), E-mail:
Sovremennaya kitaiskaya economicheskaya mysl’ [Contemporary Chinese Economic Thought]. Moscow: “Vostochnaya literatura” RAN, 1998. 295 pp. ISBN 5-02-018005-X.
CHENG, Anne.
Histoire de le Pensee Chinoise. Paris: Seuil, 1997.
CHINA AND HER NEIGHBOURS: Borders, Visions of the Other, Foreign Policy; 10th to 19th Century. Edited by Sabine Dabringhaus and Roderich Ptak, with the assistance of Richard Teschke. ISBN 3-447-03942-8. Hb, xii+268 pp.
GORBUNOVA, Svetlana.
Buddiyskie obiedineniya v istorii Kitaya XX v. (Buddhist units in Chinese history during the 20th century). Moscow: IFES RAN, 1998. 164 pp.
O cinske filosofii, literature a umeni [On Chinese philosophy, literature and art]. Collected papers in honour of timoteus Pokora. Praha 1995. 153 pp.
MA Litang.
Umeni pestovani cchi a ozdraveni tela [On the art of cultivating Qi and recovering the body (Yangqigong jianshenfa)]. Translated from the Chinese and annotated by Vladimir Ando. Hradec Kralove 1998. 191 pp.
Sagesses Chinoises. Paris: Flammarion, 1997.
O kulture caje v Cine. Cajova zastaveni [On tea culture in China. Tea rests]. Collection of papers. Praha 1997. 74 pp.
VERMEER, Eduard B., Frank N. PIEKE & Woei Lien CHONG (eds.).
Cooperative and Collective in China’s Rural Development: Between State and Private Interests. Armonk, NY & London, UK: M.E. Sharpe, 1998. ISBN 0-7656-0093-5 (hc). 301 pp. More information from M.E. Sharpe, E-mail:
ZHANG, Xing Quan.
Privatisation: A Study of Housing Policy in Urban China. Commack: Nova Sciences Publishers, Inc., 1998. 224 pp. ISBN 1-56072-565-6. US$ 59.
ZHENG, Chantal.
Les Europeens aus Portes de la Chine. L’Exemple de Formose au XIXe Siecle. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Universite de Provence, 1998.
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SERIES of the Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Vol. 7. Jaroslav Prusek. Bibliography 1931-1991. Compiled and edited by Jiri Sima. Short Biography written by Augustin palat. Foreword by Josef Kolmas. Prague 1994. 56 pp.
Vol. 8. Timoteus Pokora. Bibliography 1952-1987. Compiled by Josef Fass & Jiri Sima with the assistance of Vladimir Liscak. Short Biography written by Jiri Sima. Foreword by Josef Kolmas. Prague 1994. 60 pp.
Vol. 9/1. Jarmila Kalouskova. Bibliography 1938-1978. Compiled & edited by Jiri Sima. Short Biography written by Xenie Dvorska. Prague 1995. Pp. 13-27.
Vol. 9/2. Oldrich Svarny. Bibliography 1952-1993. Compiled & Short Biography written by Hana Triskova. Edited by Jiri Sima. Foreword by Josef Kolmas. Prague 1995. Pp. 29-46.
Vol. 10. Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova. Bibliography 1953-1997. Compiled by Miena Dolezelova-Velingerova & Hana Triskova with the assistance of Vladimir Liscak. Edited by Vladimir Liscak. Foreword by Josef Kolmas. Prague 1997. 39 pp.
Order from: Orientalni ustav AV CR, Pod vodarenskou vezi 4, 18208 Praha 8, The Czech Republic.
CHIME JOURNAL, Vols. 10 & 11, 1997, vol. 12, 1998, forthcoming:
Ritual & Instrumental Music:
Chinese Buddhist Music. Kun Opera Music Sung by Tang Ming. For Gods or Men: Iwami Kagura. A Song-melody Predicted by a Lute Piece. Funeral Music of the Mosuo.
Folk Song:
Chengdu Street Cries. Minhe Monguer Kukurjia Songs. “Chirping” Songs of the Dong. Love Songs and Temple Festivals. “Ga” Pipa Songs.
Popular & Contemporary:
view with Composer Guo Wenjing. “Roots” Festival in Shanghai. New Restrictions on Chinese Rock Music. The Land Tour & the Rise of Jazz in China. Buddhism & Rock Music.
Narrative & Drama:
Yangzhou Story Telling. Vocal Style in Nanguan Music. Flavour & Taste in Peking Opera.
7-stringed Zither:
The Beijing Guqin Research Association. Two Decades of Qin Music on Records.
CONTACT: CHIME, European Foundation for Chinese Music Research, P.O.Box 11092, 2301 EB Leiden, The Netherlands. Tel: + 31 – 71 – 51 33 974 or – 51 33 123.
Fax: +31 – 71 – 51 23 183. E-mail:
CHINA INFORMATION. A Quarterly Journal on Contemporary China Studies
ISSN 0920-203X
The Documentation and Research Center for Contemporary China, Sinological Institute, Leiden University, P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA LEIDEN, The Netherlands. Fax: + 31 – 71 – 5272526. E-mail:
China Information is an English-language, refereed academic quarterly with an international readership, now in its twelfth year of publication, which focuses on recent developments in China and Greater China in the field of economics, politics, law, education and health, environment, literature and the arts. It is not available on the Internet.
The recent Winter 1997-1998 issue (XII:3) includes the following articles:
Yuen-fong Woon, “Economic Development and Family Patterns: A Comparative Study of the Peasant Family in Two Overseas Chinese Homelands in South China”.
Nick Knight, “Mao Zedong and Working Class Leadership of the Chinese Revolution, 1927-1930”.
Edward X. Gu, “Foreign Direct Investment and the Restructuring of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (1992-1995): A New Institutionalist Perspective”.
Claude Aubert, “The Grain Trade Reforms in China: An Unfinished Story of State vs. Peasant Interest”.
Frederick Crook, “China’s ‘Governor’s Grain Bag Policy’: Concerns About Food Security”.
Qiguang Zhao, “Who is Ruan Ming? A Political Mystery in Lao She’s Camel Xiangzi“.
Plus: A total of 87 pages with reviews of 53 new books on contemporary China.
For more information, please CONTACT the chief editor, Ms. Woei Lien Chong, E-mail:
MANUSCRIPTA ORIENTALIA: International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research
Manuscripta Orientalia is the first and only international journal entirely dedicated to issues of Oriental textology, comparative codicology and palaeography. It first appeared in 1995. The journal, which contains 72 pages in A4 format, is an English-language quarterly. Its pages regularly feature articles by scholars who work with sources in Oriental languages and manuscripts preserved in the rich collections of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg State University, the National Library of Russia, and the Hermitage. The journal also carries works by our colleagues in Japan, U.S.A., Germany, Norway, Holland, Italy, as well as the countries of the former USSR.
Manuscripta Orientalia regularly acquaints its readers with materials on little-known collections of Oriental manuscripts from various museums and academic centres in Russia and the countries of the former USSR.
Publications in the journal are subjected to a stringent selection process in order to ensure that Manuscripta Orientalia meets the demands of an international community of specialists. The journal is printed in Finland on the highest quality paper, and numerous colour and black-and-white illustrations accompany articles. Our subscribers include leading centres in the humanities and libraries in 23 countries.
The subscription price for Volume 4 (1998) (ca. 288 pages in 4 issues) is US$ 230.00 for institutions and US$ 200.00 for individuals (postage included). A special discount is granted, if more copies or issues are ordered. Back issues: US$ 50.00 per issue. Subscription orders may be made to Editorial Board, by Fax: 7-812-311-51-01 or by E-mail: or to publisher, Thesa, 14 Dobrolubov St., Office 358, 197198 St. Petersburg, Russia, E-mail:
Old China Booklist #15 at Asian Rare Books’ website:
Online Catalogues
The Institute for Chinese Studies – Kiel University, Germany (founded in 1990) offers now access to their own and two other online Allegro catalogues. These are the catalogues of the Institute for Chinese Studies – Tuebingen University and the catalogue of the Ostasienabteilung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz. To find further information on the Institutes and libraries use their local homepages:
Kiel University:
Tuebingen University:
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin:
To access these catalogues we offer two different methods:
a. Telnet access: address:
telnet:// | login as: copac (no password)
b. Web access: address:
Here you find further information on the three catalogues, search specialities, and help information.
Or you may go directly to:
To find more details on libraries with East Asian holdings you may also refer to the homepage of the European Association of Sinological Librarians (EASL) ( or the libraries’ part of the China WWW Virtual Library (
Matthias Kaun
ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index
Formerly known as the Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology (ABIA) published at the Kern Institute in Leiden, the new ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index will supply annotated and indexed entries on publications in Asian and European languages relating to the prehistory, (proto) historical archaeology, art history (including modern art), material culture, epigraphy, numismatics and sigilliography.
Online database
The ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index will be an electronic online database which will guide its users through the enormous flood of monographs and articles in professional journals, congress and commemorative volumes via various search entries. Eventually ABIA will be available on CD-ROM as well.
Besides these ultra-modern versions, the ABIA will also be published annually in a printed version abstracted from the database. Next to the title description, each record will contain keywords and annotations which will elucidate the context, the inherent interest, and the potential value of each of the publications for the user. For each reference given, the ABIA
database will indicate the source library, and thus make such widely dispersed professional literature more easily traceable.
In addition to the bibliographic information, the ABIA will hold review articles in which recent, important contributions clustered around a particular theme will be dicussed. It will also offer review articles summarizing important publications or research results which have been written in a language other than English. The first new ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index has been scheduled to appear in the autumn of 1998.
The ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index may be expected to be consulted regularly by art historians, archaeologists, Asia specialists, anthropologists, numismatists, historians and epigraphists. It should also appeal to librarians, curators, educational service staff, and collectors of Asian art and coins.
Regional ABIA offices
At the start of the project three regional centres of expertise participate in the production of the database: the IIAS in Leiden, the Netherlands; the PGIAR (Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology of the University of Kelaniya)/ the CCF (Central Cultural Fund) in Colombo, Sri Lanka; and SPAFA (the Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts in Southeast Asia) in Bangkok, Thailand.
Enhancing the ABIA database
The new database will include publications from 1996 onwards. The ABIA project aims at providing a basis for two subsidiary projects: 1. feeding the annotated bibliographic data over the years 1926-1972 from the printed ABIA ‘old style’ (some 27,000 references) into the new database; and 2. collecting bibliographical details for the virgin period 1973-1995 (estimated to involve some 22,000 references). These data will greatly enhance the bibliographic depth of the new database.
Scholars in the field covered by the ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index are kindly requested to send information to the editors about their publications from 1996 onwards, preferably in the form of a copy with a concise abstract.
– Books and articles published in South Asia or Central Asia: please send your information to: Miss Doris Yapa, The ABIA Project, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology (PGIAR), 407, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka. Tel.: +94 – 1- 694151 or 699623. Fax : +94 – 1 – 694151 or 500731. Email:
– Books and articles published in Southeast Asia: please send information to: Prof. dr. Khunying Maenmas Chavalit, ABIA Project, SPAFA Documentation Department, 81/1 Sri Ayutthaya Road, Bangkok 10300, Thailand. Tel.: +66-2-280-40229. Fax: +66-2-280-4030. Email:
– Books and articles published outside South or Southeast Asia: please send information to: The ABIA Project, IIAS, Dr. Ellen Raven (South Asia)/Dr. Marijke Klokke (Southeast Asia), POB 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31-71-5272958. Fax: +31-71-5274162. Email (South Asia): abiaraven@RULLET.LeidenUniv.NL
email (Southeast Asia): abiaklokke@RULLET.LeidenUniv.NL
Elna Andersson. Råbyvägen 15 K: 43. S – 22457 Lund.
Sara Badía-Villaseca. Duque de Sesto, 33, Piso 5. Centro Derecha. E – 28009 Madrid.
Peter Banaschack. An der Wallhecke 7. D – 48167 Münster.
Klaus Birk. Georg-Schwartz-strasse 124. D – 04179 Leipzig.
Monica de Togni. 67, rue Pascal. F – 75013 Paris.
Györgyi Fajcsa’k. Üllöi ut 33-37. Budapest 1091. Hungary.
Stephan Feuchtwang. 22, Chepstow Cresent. UK – London Wll 3EB.
Fu Xin. Flat 18, Courtfield Gardens, 18. UK – London SW5 OPD.
Görild Heggelund. Haldenskogveien 29. N – 1335 Snaröya.
Hu Yaosu. 17, Blandy Rd, Henley. UK – Oxon RG9 1QB.
Daniel Ibáñez. Zurbano 72 6.G. E – 28010 Madrid.
Lidia Maria Kararello. 02-793 Warszawa. Vl. Lokajskiego 18 M. 9. Poland.
Frank Kouwenhoven. Vliet 35. NL – 2311 RD Leiden.
Mark Leenhouts. Beethovenlaan 9. NL – 2324 EE Leiden.
Li Yong. Ul. Nieszawska 3/102, 61-022 Poznan. Poland.
Silvia Marijnissen. A. Tinneplein 80. NL – 2331 PN Leiden.
Petra Roesch. Merowingerstrasse 55. D – 50677 Köln.
Robin Sackmann. Weisestrasse 13. D – 12049 Berlin.
Dennis Schilling. Schmalkaldener str. 34. D – 80807 München.
Tsai, Mei-chih. 23, A 21, L 69, Minsheng E. Road, Sec. 5. Taipei. Taiwan.
Nicolai Volland. Peterstaler str. 89. D – 69118 Heidelberg.
Frances Weightman. 2F3 24 Brougham Place. UK – Edinburgh EH3 9JU.
Martin Woesler. Spechtsweg 10, Apt. 003. D – 44801 Bochum.
Zhang Ning Niina. ZAS, Jägerstr. 10/11. D – 10117 Berlin.
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