EACS Newsletter #16
Newsletter #16
COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is April 1, 1998
EACS Edinburgh Conference Topic Convenors
Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences
Enquiries and Registration:
easeacs@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk http://www.ed.ac.uk/~etev09/
Bonnie S. McDougall, Scottish Centre for Chinese Studies, The University of Edinburgh,
8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, UK. Fax +44-131-651-1258. Tel. +44-131-650-4227.
Welcome to a new year of tigerish activity. I am sure you have all been reminded of the high demands and the great prospects for the coming year (oh, well, even tigers also have their relaxing or low moments, I am sure).
For the EACS, it will certainly be an active year, and I do hope that you will make use of your EACS membership for this purpose. The definite highlight will be our conference in Edinburgh in September. A formal announcement was published in the last Newsletter, and each member has received a separate mailing about the specificities of the conference, including deadlines. Bonnie McDougall and her staff have laid a sound foundation for making the conference become a memorable event for all those who decide to take the trip to the beautiful city of Edinburgh and its environment. I feel confident that there will both be a chance for work and for play for everyone while visiting Scotland!
I am writing these words from Singapore on the last day of the Chinese new year celebrations. All the lanterns, fake firecrackers and other red trappings are being stacked away until next year, and celebrations will have to yield to ponderings over the future. In many ways, Singapore finds itself in the eye of the storm, but the current economic crisis in East and Southeast Asia is bound to influence all and everyone in the region, included China. So even if the prospects of “Asia’s century” or even millennium may look bleak for the moment, it will be extremely interesting to see how the Asians will be able to cope with crisis management. Of course, we may also see dramatic political shifts and social upheavals in the not-too-distant future. It looks as if China may come through this period strengthened, but this will also mean that the balance of forces in the region will be altered. Also, China may become directly involved if the social tension will erupt into ethnically based anger directed against the local Chinese, something which has already taken place locally in Indonesia. Whatever the outcome, there is bound to be a great demand for good quality sinology when the historical, cultural, social and political features of this crisis need to be explained.
I almost forgot one important thing which also has to do with money, albeit on a different scale. Scholars easily forget the basics when they move freely around in international academic settings. So please be reminded that it will pay off to remember to pay your membership due for 1998 to our Treasurer Brunhild Staiger in Hamburg! And what about your friends and colleagues who are not yet one of “us”? Do something with it! Today!
New Year greetings
Harald Bøckman
The membership renewal procedure is the same as before:
The fee, DM 30 – or DM 35 if you use Eurocheque – may be paid to the EACS in the following manners:
1. Those who use bank transfer should transfer the payment to the EACS treasurer’s bank account: Dr. Brunhild Staiger, account # 40 30 24 200, (B L Z 200 800 00), Dresdner Bank, Hamburg.
2. Those who pay by cheque or postal money order must send it to: Dr. Brunhild Staiger, Institut für Asienkunde, Rothenbaumchaussee 32, D-20148 Hamburg.
The cheapest method of payment is by Eurocheque, but there are at least two other ways of limiting the bank fees:
– you may pay your membership fee for several years at once.
– you may join with other members of your institution and pay as a group, with names specified. For UK members, see separate announcement.
DO NOT SEND CASH! Please consider this call as an invoice. The EACS administration is not able to issue invoices on an individual basis.
Dr. Anders Hansson in Edinburgh has again kindly agreed to handle the renewal of the membership fees for the EACS members in the UK for 1998. The EACS administration is very grateful to Dr. Hansson for his generous assistance.
Please pay £ 13 (NOT CASH) and make the cheque payable to “Anders Hansson”, and send it to his address at: 23 Sciennes Road, Edinburgh EH9 1NX. Please mark your envelope “EACS sub”. The payment must be received before May 1, after which cheques will be returned.
European Association of Chinese Studies 1998 Conference in Edinburgh
1. Modern Literature & Film:
Dr Michel Hockx, School of Oriental and African Studies.
2. Traditional Literature: Professor G. Dudbridge, University of Oxford.
3. Premodern History: Professor D. L. McMullen, University of Cambridge.
4. Religion & Philosophy: Professor Rudolf Wagner, University of Heidelberg.
5a. Modern History: Dr Frank Dikotter, School of Oriental and African Studies.
5b. Economics: Dr Christian Henriot, Institut d’Asie Orientale.
5c. Politics: Dr Flemming Christiansen, University of Leeds.
6. Anthropology & Sociology: Dr David Faure, University of Oxford.
7. Visual Arts & Archeology:
Professor Roderick Whifield, School of Oriental and African Studies.
8. Language & Linguistics: Dr Marie-Claude Paris, UFR de Linguistique.
9. Information Technology (to be announced).
Database of Sinological Periodicals and Newspapers in European Collections now accessible on a web-based database!
How often are you looking for a periodical issue not available in your library! With the support of the CCK Foundation, EACS has developed a database called SSELP that allows you to search on-line where you might find the issue. The database is now available on-line on the WWW under the address:
It includes many existing on-line databases of particular collections as well as the EDoCS list of periodicals which is held on microfiche in many Institutes. All of the titles have entries giving the dates and places of appearance, the editor, publisher etc., and they give the local holdings of the periodical in European collections. This is a big step forward in linking sinological libraries in Europe and it is hoped that the libraries will develop ways of making copies of requested articles available.
The database to date contains
about 11.000 titles (about 9000 of them are unique) and almost 27.000 appended holding statements. Please note that it does include both Chinese, Japanese and Korean titles (CJK-titles) and titles in western languages. As it stands now it is the largest union catalog of Asia-related periodicals in Europe (printed or on-line).
A caveat: You will definitely notice that sometimes the same title(s) occur more than once. This is the result of actually having two sets of data in SSELP: EDoCS plus those batches of data supplied by libraries that are actively and timely supporting SSELP. The data resulting from the import of EDoCS data do for the most part NOT reflect the most up-to-date holding statements. Due to the nature of their source most of them also do NOT contain Chinese characters.
It will take time to merge the two sets of data (their structure is slightly different, so it is difficult to undertake an automated matching process). Those data that are supplied by our active contributors (like IHEC in Paris, the Bodleian in Oxford, the Institute for Chinese Studies at Heidelberg, St. Petersburg, Oslo, Cambridge and about one dozen other institutions) will be continuously updated. New sets of data of institutions that may find their holdings represented in the database – albeit in the “dead” portion of it – can be dealt with without any problem, thus replacing or superceding older entries. Indeed, we would like to encourage each instution to check whether they do have data in this database and let us know how we can bring the information on a par in terms of completeness and actuality;
we can manage to obtain CJK characters for the titles that said institution(s) may have contributed already (possibly indirectly via EDoCS).
It is self-evident that even though data retrieval is now fully functional, SSELP is still a database under construction. Therefore you might find some results not as satisfactory as expected. In any case I am very interested in your opinion and happy to take any advice.
First Directions for Use
Using any Internet browser (such as Netscape, MS Internet Explorer or Opera) it is now possible to either browse the index(es) of the database or do a more sophisticated search by (for example) combining a country or a library heading with a title proper. Please use a Chinese character tool like AsianViewer, Twinbridge, RichWin or UnionWay to obtain East Asian character output to your screen.
The two methods of retrieval mentioned above are labelled “Index Search” and “Combined Search”.
Index search allows to select first the index wanted to choose the search term from. In the “Index” window use the arrow mark, then click on the index needed. Second step is typing your search term into the “Search Term” field, then click “submit” or, if you want to alter your search: “Reset”. If there is more than one title found, a short title list is displayed. There you click on the titles you might wish to see, then go further down to: “Display marked titles”. Those titles will then be displayed as a title entry “(SSELP Simple Display”) followed by the local holding information.
At the end of this “simple display” list you can choose to view the records with tags, i.e. the complete bibliographical entry in its internal structure. Please note that there will be no local holding information attached to the “Tagged records”.
Combined search works with Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”.
In the “Library” field those libraries are listed which have already contributed to SSELP plus those whose holdings we do expect to be part of the database in the future. At the time being this might be a little confusing but the whole list had to be produced to guarantee proper data importing later on. The very long list of German libraries results from the EDoCS database (European Database of Chinese Serials), which was part of the Zeitschriften-datenbank ZDB, the German union catalog of serials. At the moment one still needs to scroll through this window. Countries are listed alphabetically with their English names. You can combine your search as follows:
1. Select a country or library name from the “Library” window and highlight it. (Upwards/downwards moves are possible with cursor/window arrows)
2. Choose one of the fields below: Title/title string; ISSN etc., type in your request and “submit”. Please make sure that you have selected whether your seach term is to be submitted as truncated or exact. The rest of the procedure follows the above mentioned.
Of course you might also choose “Global search” which includes all the institutes of which records have been integrated so far, then deal with your search term as mentioned above; and combine title and/or ISSN etc. SSELP is about to add some more fields here, like publisher, places, and corporate bodies.
Frieda Bertelt, SSELP documentarist
P.S.: The telnet version of the database (telnet, login as sinolib, then choose SSELP) will stay open, too. Note that the data are the same, but access and presentation may not be as userfriendly as through a web browser.
Press, Reader and Market in China and Asia, University of Heidelberg, 19 – 22 October, 1997.
The idea for this workshop was to bring together students and scholars working on newspapers. It grew out of an AAS-panel on the same topic in Honolulu 1996. The workshop was financially supported by the DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by B. Mittler and R.G. Wagner, University of Heidelberg. The third main promoter of the workshop, Joan Judge (University of California), to the deep regret of all the participants was not able to come to Heidelberg.
The first – China-related – part focused on early Chinese newspapers and magazines. It consisted of seven working sessions of two hours each, and sessions introducing research materials. Each working session included a short presentation of a paper, discussant’s comments, and a joint reading and discussion of relevant source materials. This joint reading of relevant source materials was seen by all participants as a wonderful innovation, and a great success: a strategy evolved to the effect that lecturers explained their choice of materials, presented the most interesting passages through translation and interpretation and then interesting issues and uncleared questions could be discussed with direct reference to the sources. This proceeding proved to be very instructive for both the participants and the lecturers. The after-dinner material sessions also had the aim of presenting and discussing as yet rarely used materials, namely various kinds of late Qing guanbao (official newspapers) and the enormously rich material to be found in the xiaobao (tabloid newspapers) since about the turn of the century. Papers presented in this first part were by M. Bastid-Bruguière (Paris), “The Journal and the Newspaper: Dongfang zazhi and Political Journalism. ”
Bryna Goodman (Oregon), “Politics, Newspaper Rivalries and Reportage: A Case Study Approach to the Question of a Chinese Public Sphere.”
Leo Oufan Lee (Harvard), “Staging the Public: The Shenbao ziyoutan.”
Barbara Mittler (Heidelberg), “In the Words of the Sages – Classical Quotation in the Shenbao 1872-1912.”
Natascha Vittinghoff (Heidelberg), “Testing the Limits: Readers’ Discussions in the Shenbao and its Consequences (1874-1875).”
R.G. Wagner (Heidelberg), “The Shenbao in Crisis – The International Environment and the Conflict between Guo Songtao and the Shenbao, 1878-1879.”
Catherine V. Yeh (Heidelberg), “Deciphering the Entertainment Press 1895-1920. Youxi bao, Fanhua bao and its Descendants.”
The second part consisted of three presentations by scholars from fields other than China Studies on aspects of similar or dissim
ilar developments in the Ottoman Empire, Korea and Japan. This served to greatly broaden the somehow internalist China view, and enriched the discussion with new perspectives; the parallels between the late Qing press and many aspects in the development of other Asian newspapers such as newspaper style, the role of foreign editors of vernacular language papers, and nationalist rhetoric highlighted the need for a more integrated analysis. Papers were presented were
W. Schamoni (Heidelberg), “News Meets Narrative – Fiction in Early Japanese Newspapers”.
Andre Schmid (Toronto), “Decentering the Middle Kingdom: The Ambiguities of Anti-Chinese Rhetoric in the Early Korean press, 1895-1910”.
M. Ursinus (Heidelberg), “The Rise of the Ottoman Provincial Press”.
Andrea Janku
Researching Modern Chinese Technical Terminologies: Methodological Considerations and Practical Problems: An International Workshop at the University of Goettingen, 24-25 October 1997.
Despite growing interest in the problematic, as attested by the recent monographs by Federico Masini and Lydia Liu, the formation of modern Chinese scientific and technical terminologies remains an under-researched and somewhat under-estimated topic. The recently established Chinese Scientific Terminologies Project at the University of Goettingen and the Technical University Berlin, initiated and directed by Prof. Michael Lackner and funded by the Volkswagen-Foundation, is the first attempt to systematically reconstruct the terms in which modern Chinese scientific discourse is articulated.
The workshop was organized by the Goettingen/Berlin project in order to discuss the many methodological and practical problems of its undertaking with reknown scholars working in the field and, if possible and feasible, to lay the foundations for an international network of researchers on modern Chinese terminological history. This workshop was attended by 19 scholars from six different countries and benefited in part from related co-operation projects financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the French CNRS and the Research Grant Council of Hongkong.
Michael Lackner set the agenda for the following discussions with a keynote address outlining the methodology and the current state of the Goettingen/Berlin project as well as some of its main theoretical and practical problems. In his theoretical considerations, Lackner dealt with the relation between terminological and conceptual change, and in particular with the competing interpretations of this relation by linguists, philosophers of language and historians of ideas. In addition, he addressed the question of how to define the terminological “core” of any given scientific discipline. Turning to practical issues, he highlighted the difficulty in reliably assessing the significance of different types of source materials, such as dictionaries, textbooks, introductory works and learned articles etc. for the development and stabilization of a specialized lexicon.
During the following two days, these and a number of related questions were intensely discussed in three panels, focussing respectively on “Methodology and Linguistics”, “Social Sciences and Humanities” and “Science and Technology”.
The first panel examined the methodological aspects of terminological history from multiple perspectives. Viviane Alleton (Paris) pointed out in her paper that the Chinese language and script per se do not constitute obstacles for the coining of extensive and accurate terminologies, as has been demonstrated in studies on the nomenclatures of the natural sciences. With regard to the more complex cases of technical practices (e.g. laboratory manipulations) and the social sciences, Alleton argued that a systematic analysis of the recurrences of “formants” (i.e. all the morphemes used in the composition of words, including the so-called “suffixes”) will reveal precise indications about the extent and implications of the most important notions and may thus help to understand the role of historical and ideological factors in the formation of modern Chinese terminologies.
Thekla Wiebusch (Goettingen) questioned the appropriateness of the existing categorizations of the different types of loan-words and the morphological structure of neologisms in modern Chinese. In many cases it is simply impossible to prove that a certain term is indeed a “return loan” from the Japanese, i.e., that it was not used in China without interruption. Equally disputed is the question whether “suffixes”, such as -xing or -hua, which are very frequent in neologisms, can be understood as true suffixes in the narrow sense defined by modern linguistics. Benjamin T’sou (Hong Kong) stressed that the process of relexification cannot be understood without paying regard to the “cultural filtering” by the speakers of the recipient language, and that in every attempt to describe terminological innovation lexifical stratification has to be taken into account as well. When shifted to high register language, new terms that were iniatially rendered by means of phonetic loans may eventually be replaced by semantic loans or vice versa.
The problem of Japanese loan-words in modern Chinese was addressed in two papers. Hu Baihua (Hongkong) elaborated through a broad range of examples that such loan-words are more frequent than most linguists are willing to admit, and that it is important to analyse not only their content but also their form. Wolfgang Lippert (Erlangen) exemplified in his paper how an analysis of 19th century dictionaries can help to reconstruct the migration of words between China and Japan. Many terms used in Japan for the translation of Western notions (especially from the social sciences) that were to make their way into the Chinese lexicon after the turn of the century, were originally drawn from the Chinese tradition. Similar to the usage of terms of Greek and Latin origin in the scientific lexicon of the West, the early Japanese translators apparently regarded Chinese characters as the most appropriate vehicle for the translation of new ideas, thus facilitating “re”-importation into China.
Concluding the first panel, Alain Peyraube (Paris) analysed the linguistic terminology employed in the earliest Chinese grammar of the Chinese language, the Mashi wentong by Ma Jianzhong and Ma Xiangbo which, as Peyraube convincingly argued, was modeled after the Grammaire de Port-Royal. Although the Ma’s innovative grammar appears to have been largely incomprehensible to contemporary readers, many important linguistic terms coined by the Ma brothers are still in use today. These terms were derived from three sources: they were either directly taken from the stylistic/philological tradition, created from within this tradition by means of semantic shift or, in the majority of cases, borrowed from Western languages.
The second panel, dedicated to “Social Sciences and Humanities”, followed Peyraube’s track of analysing how specific terms were introduced into the Chinese lexicon. Rudolf G. Wagner (Heidelberg) traced the notion mouvement/undo/yundong in the sense of “social action” from revolutionary France through Meiji Japan to China where it arrived on the eve of May 4, 1919. Taking advantage of the cosmological opposition between “movement” and “stagnation”, the protagonists of May 4 consciously styled their own actions as a legitimate and necessary “movement” for and by the people, thus paving the way for numerous future movements or “campaigns” that were to be initiated and carried out with equal zest. Xiong Yuezhi (Shanghai) investigated the origins of the Chinese terms ziyou (liberty), minzhu (democracy) and zongtong (president, i.e., the notion of a head of state that can be forced to resign by popular vote). While the term ziyou for “liberty” only stabilised in the early 20th century after much competition, the term minzhu for “democracy”, which had first appeared in W.A.P. Martin’s translation of Wheaton’s Elements of Inter
national Law in 1864, was already frequently used in the 1870’s. “President” was translated in many different ways, even as huangdi (Emperor), until 1878 when the term zongtong became wide-spread after former American President U.C. Grant’s
visit to China. Rune Svarverud (Oslo) pointed out the ambiguity of the Chinese terms quan and quanli as translations of the Western notion of “rights”. Both terms can be used for “power” as well, and according to Svarverud even a very charitable reading of early translations does not allow to draw a clear line between the two notions within Chinese political discourse. No matter how diverse the contexts, “rights” always remained inextricably linked to “power”.
Leaving the realm of politics, Joachim Kurtz (Goettingen) argued that terminological history can also serve as a tool to reconstruct the reception of Western philosophies in China. Drawing on data compiled by the Goettingen/Berlin project, he reviewed the changing Chinese translations of Kant’s epistemological notion of “things in themselves” – from initial efforts to render the term by borrowings from the buddhist lexicon to the creation of visibly “foreign” terms of art to Mou Zongsan’s recent attempt at “re-buddhification” -, and related the different strategies to changes in Chinese perceptions of Western philosophy as a whole. In a similar vein, Fang Weigui (Goettingen) discussed the changes in Chinese attitudes towards “foreigners” and “the foreign” on the basis of terminological data gathered from 19th century sources. It was precisely the shift of view from “barbarians” through “people from overseas” to “westerners” and finally “foreigners” (yi-yang-xi-wai) that paved the way for the integration of Western knowledge and its specialized terminologies into China.
Bridging the gap to the last panel on “Science and Technology”, Zhu Weizheng (Shanghai) drew attention to the influence of newly devised technical terms on the writings of reform minded officials during the late Qing and early Republican period. Zhu’s poignant remarks were complemented by Ingo Schefer (Berlin) who analysed Tan Sitong’s reference to “Western sciences” in the latter’s famous theory about the “ether” (yitai). Rather than using terms from “Western” natural sciences as they were discussed at the time, Tan utilized the new words as freely chargeable building blocks for a cosmological foundation of his political and social ideas. His choice of a phonetic rendering of the “ether” instead of the competing term chuanguangqi (qi that transmits light) may, on the one hand, be a result of this argumentative strategy. On the other hand, Tan may also have felt the need to distinguish the multi-facetted notion he was introducing from the qi-theory of the Song philosopher Zhang Zai.
In contrast to the fuzzy terminologies of the humanities, the nomenclatures of the natural sciences are a rather precisely delineated field of enquiry, as became apparent in the paper by Wang Yangzong (Beijing) on early Chinese translations of chemical terms. Wang demonstrated that J. Fryer’s and Xu Shou’s attempt to coin new Chinese terms for the chemical elements was much more successful than the almost simultaneous undertaking by J. Kerr and He Liaoran. Yet, Fryer and Xu did not succeed in creating an adequate terminology for the conceptual notions of chemistry. The reason for this failure was at least twofold: firstly, their translations were based on textbooks that did not reflect the latest developments in the field; secondly, they tried to introduce their subject on a very basic level. The resulting terminological gap was eventually filled in the early years of this century through translations from Japanese. The complex origins of modern Chinese chemical nomenclature were also taken up by David Wright (Bracknell) in his discussion of Yan Fu’s translation of technical terms. Concentrating on Yan’s rendering of J.St. Mill’s System of Logic, Wright’s analysis revealed not only the famous translator’s utter inconsistency with regard to technical terms in general, but, more specifically, that Yan also frequently and unwittingly mixed terms originating from different terminological systems. It is therefore indeed somewhat ironic that Yan was appointed to direct the newly established standardization office at the Ministry of Education in the very year his problematic translation of Mill’s Logic was published.
Georges Métailié (Paris) probed into the formation of modern Chinese botanical terminology. Starting from the observation that the modern Chinese terms for basic botanical notions had already stabilized by the early 1920’s, Métailié scrutinized a broad range of Chinese and Japanese dictionaries, encyclopedias and textbooks from the 19th and early 20th century in order to pin down the most important period of terminological change. He concluded that this period was the decade bracketing the turn of the century when the botanical nomenclature then current in Japan was integrated into the Chinese lexicon with almost no modifications. Iwo Amelung (Berlin) presented preliminary results from the Goettingen/Berlin project in the area of physical terminology. His analysis of the Chinese terms for the discipline of “physics” itself as well as for the individual subdivisions of that field, such as “mechanics”, “dynamics” and “statics”, demonstrated on the one hand that it is indispensable to understand competing translations in light of the contemporary state of the art in the West and, on the other, that a specific term, like wulixue for “physics”, may stabilize very quickly if there is sufficient interest in the subject it denotes. Growing interest, however, does not guarantee terminological consistency. The urgent need for manuals, textbooks and general introductions after the turn of the century led on the contrary to astounding confusion, even in the terminology for such basic phaenomena as “refraction” and “diffraction”. Finally and last but not least, Andrea Eberhard (Berlin) discussed the translation of mathematical symbols and signification in the late 19th century. Her comparison of the efforts of, amongst others, Li Shanlan and Fryer with traditional Chinese mathematical nomenclature and means of signification proved that the introduction of Western mathematics did not replace existing practices at once. Rather two separate discourses co-existed more or less independently from one another until the turn of the century when the terminology as well as the practice of traditional Chinese mathematics was eventually abandoned.
The concluding discussion focussed on three general issues that were touched upon in many papers and that are of special importance to any systematic research on the genesis of modern Chinese scientific terminologies. The first issue was the question of how to define the specific terminology of any scientific field in opposition to i) non scientific or low register vocabulary and ii) the lexicon of other disciplines. Here it was suggested to start by compiling for each area a catalogue of its “organizing notions” as well as their Chinese translations, and then to complement this sample with terms identified from the most relevant sources (above all Chinese textbooks, dictionaries and introductory monographs and articles from the late 19th and early 20th century) in each field as well as with the general terms of scientific discourse as collected, e.g., in the Vocabulaire générale d’orientation scientifique. Even if such a procedure is certainly more feasible in the natural sciences than in the realms of the social sciences and the humanities, it seemed to be far more appropriate than to start with an analysis of either individual notions or texts.
The second issue was the demand to understand the formation of modern Chinese terminologies within its historical as well as political and social context. Without thorough knowledge of the historical development of the sciences and their terminologies in the West, it is impossible to comprehend the impressive intercultural effort a
t their translation into China. In order to situate this effort in context, it was also stressed that it may be advisable to borrow from the methods of the sociology of knowledge, in particular in order to reconstruct the ways and means, not only of the entry of individual terms into China, but also of their further spread and diffusion.
Thirdly, there was considerable agreement that even with all these requirements fulfilled a general theory of language change in China is nowhere near in sight, and that any attempt at a systematic conceptual history of modern China will have to rely on the completion of a sound foundation in terminological history. In order to progress towards this latter goal and discuss in greater detail the questions this Goettingen workshop has left unresolved, the participants expressed the wish to organize a second meeting on researching modern Chinese terminologies within the next year.
Iwo Amelung / Joachim Kurtz
WOLFGANG BEHR has been appointed as a new individual research fellow at the International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden, The Netherlands. During his stay at the Institute he will carry out research on the project “Forms, functions and foundations of Ablaut in Old Chinese and beyond”.
As of 1 january 1998, the Center for Pacific Studies (CPAS) and the Department of Oriental Languages have merged, and CPAS is now an institute within the Department of Oriental Languages.
CPAS will continue to organize research, workshops and conferences as well as engage in publishing the results of Asian research in Stockholm.
Still head of the Chinese department, Torbjörn Lodén has succeeded Tom Hart as director of CPAS. Tom Hart remains at CPAS and will now be able to concentrate on research and lecturing.
The new organization is part of an effort to strengthen Asian research at Stockholm University.
Creating a Multiethnic Urban Culture: The Shanghai Concessions 1850-1910. International Science Center, University of Heidelberg, 7-9 June, 1998.
The meeting is organized by Catherine V. Yeh and Rudolf G. Wagner , Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, and is supported by a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG). Scholars interested in the topic are welcome to attend. Applications have been made for funds supporting young scholars interested in attending. CONTACT: Dr. Catherine Yeh, e-mail: <yeh@gw.sino.uni-heidelberg.de >
Conference Outline: Shanghai Business Culture – Rudolf Wagner (Univ. of Heidelberg): The Marriage of Business and Culture: Ernest Major’s Shenbaoguan and the Marketing of a New Urban Esthetics in Shanghai 1872-1890. – Chen Zhengshu (SASS): A product of confrontation and interaction of Chinese and Western economic concepts: The opening of the Shanghai real estate market in the 1840s and 1850s. – Heike Holbig (Univ. of Heidelberg): Competitive Cooperation: A Preliminary Analysis of Shanghai Currency Policies, 1908-10.
The Opening of Public Space – Xiong Yuezhi (SASS): The public use of private gardens in late Qing Shanghai and the opening of the public sphere. – Brayna Goodman (Univ. of Oregon): Native Place Space in the Cosmopolitan City: Chinese Ethnicities and Shanghai Identity Reconsidered. – Regine Thiriez (Paris): Photography and the Image of Concession Shanghai.
The Creation of an Urban taste – Jonathan Hay (NYU): The Shanghai Laboratory. – Catherine Yeh (Univ. of Heidelberg): Shanghai as Entertainment: The Cultural Construction and Marketing of Leisure 1850-1910. – Xu Min (SASS): Theater, Audience, Art Citicism: A side-line glance at Late Qing Shanghai Entertainment life.
Language and Urban Sensibility – Wang Hui (CASS): The Shanghai Publishing Industry and the Development of Vernacular Writing for a new Kind of Readership. – Christian Henriot (IAO, Lyon): Prostitution and Vox Literati in Shanghai Before W. W. I. – Theodore Huters (UCLA): Jia Baoyu in Shanghai: From Wenren to wenhua ren. – Mark Elvin (ANU, Canberra): Shanghai Laughter: Satire, Social Critisim, and Humour in Ping Jinyu’s Tides in the Human Sea.
The Making of Cultural Cohesion – Zhu Weizheng (Fudan Univ.): Considering Religion in the Shanghai Concession from a Cultural Point of View. – Luo Suwen (SASS): The Transformation of Women’s Life-style and the Urban Cultural Environment of Late Qing Shanghai. – Barbara Mittler (Univ. of Heidelberg): Stay Home and Shop the World – The Cosmopolitan Nature of Newspaper Advertising in Shanghai 1860 – 1910.
Third International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Grammar (ISACG-3). 22-24 June 1998. Centre de recherches linguistiques sur l’Asie orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France.
The year 1998 will mark the hundredth anniversary of the publication of Ma Jianzhong’s Ma shi wen tong, the first real systematic grammar of Ancient Chinese. Ma Jianzhong (1844-1900) had lived in Paris, France for a long time. The Centre de recherches linguistiques sur l’Asie orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and the Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Oslo, Norway, are pleased to announce that the 3rd International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Grammar will be held in Paris, France, from June 22 to June 24, 1998.
Papers on the following aspects of Ancient Chinese Grammar will be presented:
1. Synchronic studies on Classical Chinese morphology, syntax and semantics;
2. Historical morphology, syntax and semantics (Archaic, Medieval and Modern Chinese);
3. Ancient Chinese lexicology and lexicography;
4. History of Chinese linguistic ideas on Grammar.
Conference languages: French, English, Chinese.
Organizing Committee: Christoph Harbsmeier and Alain Peyraube (secretaries), Michelle Abud, Viviane Alleton, Redouane Djamouri, Alain Lucas. CONTACT: Centre de recherches linguistiques sur l’Asie orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, France. Fax: +33-1-49542671. E-mail: micabud@ehess.fr
7th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics/10th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. 26-28 June 1998.
CONTACT: Department of Asian Languages, Stanford, Ca. 94305-2034.
Fax: +1-650-725 89 31. E-mail: Chinese-linguistics@lists.stanford.edu
The Sixth International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL VI).
14-16 July 1998. International Academic Activities Center, Academia Sinica Sponsored by Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica. General Session: Theoretical and descriptive linguistics on Chinese and languages spoken in China. Theme : Agreement.
CONTACT: C.-C. Jane Tang, Secretary of Organizing Committee, Institute of Linguistics, Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 115, Republic of China. Tel: +886-2-652-3127. Fax: +886-2-652-3162. E-mail: iscll@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Breaking the Barriers: Chinese Literature Facing the World. Essays from a Symposium for Chinese Writers at Bommersvik, Sweden 1996. Wan Zhi ed. Stockholm: The Olof Palme International Center, 1997. 184 pp. ISBN 91-88836-08 8. Chinese version: ISBN 91-88836-061. Available from The Olof Palme International Center, Box 3221, S-10364 Stockholm, Sweden. Fax +46-8-4
4 01 261.
COBO, Juan.
Beng Sim Po Cam o Rico espejo del buen corazón (Spanish XVI century translation of Fan Liben’s Mingxin Baojian). Edited and introduced by Manel Ollé. Barcelona: Editorial Península, 1997. 158 pp. ISBN 84-8307-082-0.
En Suivant la Voie Royale: Melanges en hommage a Leon Vandermeersch. Reunis par Jacques Gernet et Marx Kalinowski. Paris, 1997. Etudes Thematiques no. 7. Ecole Francaise d’Extreme Orient.
McDOUGALL, Bonnie S., & Kam LOUIE.
The Literature of China in the Twentieth Century. London: Hurst & Company, 1997. 504 pp. ISBN 1-85065-286-4 (cased), 1-85065-285-6 (paper).
Bibliographia Manichaica. A Comprehensive Bibliography of Manichaeism through 1996.
(Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum; Subsidia, 1). Turnhout: Brepols, 1997. xlvi+314 pp. Hardback. BEF 2950. ISBN 2-503-50653-4.
SCHARPING, Thomas, ed.
Floating Population and Migration in China. The Impact of Economic Reforms. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1997. 376 pp. ISBN 3-88910-190-9.
SCHARPING, Thomas, & Robert Heuser, eds.
Geburtenplanung in China. Analysen, Daten, Dokumente. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1995. 388 pp. ISBN 3-88910-151-8.
SCHARPING, Thomas, & Sun Huaiyang, eds.
Migration in China’s Guangdong Province. Major Results of a 1993 Sample Survey on Migrants and Floating Population in Shenzhen and Foshan. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1997. 163 pp. ISBN 3-88910-179-8.
Beijing: Stadtentwicklung und Wasserwirtschaft. Soziooekonomische und oekologische Aspekte der Wasserkrise und Handlungsperspektiven. Berlin 1997. Berliner Beitraege zu Umwelt und Entwicklung, Band 15, 400 pp, paperback ISBN 3-7983-1760-7, DM 34,-. Distributed by Technische Universitaet Berlin, Universitaetsbibliothek, Abt. Publikationen, Straße des 17. Juni, D-10623 Berlin.
WAGNER, Donald B.
The traditional Chinese iron industry and its modern fate. With a foreword by Peter Nolan. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1997. NIAS Reports 32. A Web version of the full text of the book can be seen at: http://coco.ihi.ku.dk/~dbwagner/Fate/Fate.html
WAGNER, Donald B.
A Classical Chinese reader: The Han shu biography of Huo Guang, with notes and glosses for students. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1998. The Introduction and some sample pages can be seen on the Web at: http://coco.ihi.ku.dk/~dbwagner/TB/TB.html
Cranks, Knaves and Jokers in China: Parables and Funny Stories. New York 1997. 207 pp. ISBN 1-56072-478-1. US$34. Available from: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 6080 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 207, Commack, New York 11725, USA. Fax: +1-516-499-3146. e-mail: Novascience@Earthlink.net
VOSKRESSENSKI, Alexei D, and Frank COLUMBUS (eds.).
Post-Soviet Policy Perspectives. New York 1997. 237 pp. ISBN 1-56072-495-1. US$59. Available from: Nova Science Publishers, see above.
ASIA MAJOR, one of the oldest journals of Chinese culture and history, published since 1923, was slowed down for about the past year and a half. Yet it did not drop our of business and has published issues straight through. The most recent one, vol. 8, part 2 (1995), has recently come off the press, with articles by Victor Mair, David McMullen, Bettine Birge, and the late Michel Strickmann, covering a variety of subjects and time periods.
The most promising development is that publication has shifted over to the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica, Taipei, R.O.C. This comes with a long-term commitment to getting back on schedule, building subscribership on several continents, and developing new topics and symposia. In the last several years, Asia Major has published forums on the history of law in China; on modern Chinese literature, especially Zhang Xianliang and “scar literature”; and on Chinese religions. Asia Major continues to be peer-reviewed by blind submittal.
Asia Major now accepts credit-card phone-in subscription. Call +1-717-632 35 35, “Asia Major Subscription Services” or write to Asia Major, POBox 465, Hanover, Penn., 17331, USA.
Vols. 9 & 10 are both to have only one issue each, and will be considered together as one year’s (one volume) subscription. Vol. 11 (1998) will be published in 1998 and will consist, as usual, of two issues.
Rédaction / Editors : Michel Cartier, Danielle Elisseeff, Jacqueline Nivard.
The Review of Bibliography in Sinology presents analyses of the most recently published books and articles in Chinese, Japanese and in European languages on all aspects of sinology: history, archaeology and the arts, music, linguistics, literature, philosophy, religion, and the history of science and techniques. The present volume offers abstracts of 265 books and 249 articles published in 94 periodicals. In addition there are bibliographical surveys on particular subjects that take into account works published over longer periods of time :
Lo Tin Yau & Fang Jun, “Hong Kong as Seen by Mainland Chinese Scholars”.
Thomas Kampen, “Foreign Books on China in China. Chinese Translations and Reference Works on International Sinology Published in the People’s Republic of China”.
Christine Nguyen Tri, “Chine et imaginaire occidental. Quelques publications récentes en France”.
Alain Thote, “À propos de catalogues”.
Pierre Kaser, “Panorama des traductions de littérature chinoise ancienne. 1995-mars 1997”.
Paolo Santangelo, “The Study of Psychology in China”.
1997 / XV. 510 pages. ISBN 2-7132-1238-3, ISSN 0080-2484. 210 FF
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Association europeénne d’études chinoises
European Association of Chinese Studies