By decision of the EACS board in 2015 the EACS asks its current members and its new members for a minimum payment for two years beginning from 2016. Your initial payment will cover your membership for the years 2016-17 and so on. Payment of fees for up to six years is recommended, especially to reduce the amount of charges when making bank transfers.
2 years 4 years 6 years
Membership fee € 62.00 € 122.00 € 180.00
Reduced rate* € 32.00 € 64.00 € 96.00
*For student members and members from Russia, Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldavia, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania.
Payment Modes
Payment by Money Transfer
Members living in the EURO zone please send payment by bank transfer to the new EACS account: Post Bank Stuttgart, bank code 600 100 70, account 484 661 702.
Please use standard international transfer with IBAN: DE81 6001 0070 0484 6617 02; SWIFT-BIC: PBNKDEFF.
Make transfer payable to: Michael Schimmelpfennig, EACS.
Payment using PayPal
PayPal is an online payment system used worldwide. Anyone who would like to send money without extra costs can open an account online that is free of charge for sending money. PayPal only earns money when you receive payments from others. Once you have opened an account you can send money via email to EACS or any person, institution, or shop for free that has a PayPal account. test
EACS recommends using PayPal for payment of membership fees. Please send your payment to:
Since EACS has to cover fees for receiving money requested by PayPal or indirectly through exchange rates, membership fees had to be increased very modestly. Please note that this increase of one Euro (€1.00) per annum is intended to cover money transfer costs.
For opening an account go to or enter paypal into your search engine.