Call for applications: Summer School “Sites of Knowledge: Space, Locality, and Circulation between Asia and Europe.”

Heidelberg, Germany
4th – 8th Aug 2013
Deadline: May 31st 2013

The Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg University welcomes applications for its Summer School 2013 "Sites of Knowledge: Space, Locality, and Circulation between Asia and Europe." It will take place from August 4 to 8 in Heidelberg, Germany.

This year's Summer School will explore the significance of space and locality for the generation and circulation of knowledge. Starting from the premise that space and place shape the social interactions in which knowledge is made and remade, the Summer School will address questions such as: Is all knowledge local? Does the situatedness of knowledge preclude claims to 'truth' and 'universality'? And how can we best conceptualize the liminal spaces in which knowledge is traded or transmitted? Individual sessions will focus on selected places involved in circulations of knowledge between and within early modern Asia and Europe, ranging from courts, schools, academies, temples, and observatories to print shops, bazaars, roadhouses, ports and ships.

The Summer School addresses graduate students in humanities and social sciences with an interest in theories and practices of knowledge production in Asia and Europe. The academic program combines informal lectures with more interactive elements such as reading groups and writing workshops. The invited scholars represent a wide range of backgrounds and share an interest in engaging in critical dialogue across regional and disciplinary boundaries. Confirmed speakers include Christian Jacob (Paris), Dhruv Raina (Delhi), Ruth Rogaski (Vanderbilt), Stephan Günzel (Berlin), Fan Fa-ti (Binghamton), Henrique Leitao (Lisbon), Martin Dusinberre (Newcastle), Eric Hayot (Penn State) and, from Heidelberg University, Frank Grüner, Rui Magone, and Joachim Kurtz.

In addition to the academic program, a range of excursions and leisure activities in and around the city of Heidelberg is on offer.

The application form can be found on our website and is to be sent together with a letter of motivation by May 31. For more information see external link.
Please circulate this information among potentially interested graduate students.

Best wishes,
Joachim Kurtz

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz
Intellectual History, Cluster "Asia and Europe"
Karl Jaspers Centre
Vossstr. 2, Building 4400
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel. +49-6221-54-4345
Fax +49-6221-54-4012




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