Hankuk Univ., Korea
Deadline: 25th May 2013
Specialization Areas: Classical Chinese Literature or Comparative Literature (Chinese-America/English Literature). Language Proficiency: Bilingual in Chinese and English. Duration: 2013.9-2014.8 (one year extension will be arranged, if necessary). Preferences: scholars with a long track record of publishing in A&HCI journals.
Materials to be submitted (in a form of electronic file)
1. Curriculum Vitae (with a photo)
2. Academic Certificates (original & copy)
3. Certificate for current employment (original & copy)
4. Certificates for previous employment (original & copy)
5. List of publications, and works
6. Digital Photo
7. Video clips, speaking in Chinese for 5 to 10 minutes & in English for 5 to 10 minutes
Contacts & Inquires: wenxuezhongguo@hanmail.net
Dead Line: 2013.5.25 (By 2013.5.26 for the video clips)
Download the full vacancy ad with application form as DOC or PDF