20th NZASIA Biennial International Conference: “Environment, Dis/Location and Cultural Space”

Auckland, New Zealand,
22-24 November 2013
The University of Auckland this year hosts the twentieth conference of the New Zealand Asian Studies Society.  Panels and papers which respond to the theme are particularly invited and will be considered for publication, but the conference will cover the full range of disciplinary and area studies approaches to East, Southeast and South Asia and all paper and panel proposals will be given full consideration.

Deadline for proposals: 17 May 2013.  Proposals for panels (up to four presenters) are particularly welcome.  Submission of proposals will be through the website (see below).

Keynote speakers:
Geremie Barmé (Australian National University),
Amita Bhaviskar (Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi)
David L. Howell (Harvard).

The University of Auckland, New Zealand’s leading research university, is one of the top universities in the Asia-Pacific region. This will be the fifth time the University has hosted an NZASIA conference since the inaugural event in 1974. Modern Asian Studies in New Zealand is also celebrating fifty years.

Auckland, with a population of 1.5 million, ranks second after Toronto as the world’s most culturally diverse city, with large communities of Asian and Polynesian heritages.

Website for further information and submission of proposals: www.nzasia2013.org.nz
Deadline: 17th May 2013

Dr Hilary Chung
Head, School of Asian Studies
University of Auckland






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