Deadline: 30th Nov 2013
“Chinese Studies” is an annual compendium of scientific papers devoted to the study of China in different fields of social sciences and humanities. It is published by the Ukrainian Association of Sinologists in association with the A. Krymskyi Institute for the Oriental Studies, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The deadline for submitting papers for the next issue is November 30, 2013. All interested authors are welcome for cooperation.
The Compendium Committee accepts manuscripts from any country
Articles can be written in Ukrainian, Russian, English or Chinese
Articles must be sent in a MS Word document with the extension *.rtf to the e-mail:
Articles are reviewed anonymously
The format of the document must be A4, with margins 2 cm on the top, bottom, and right, and 3 cm on the left
The paper must not exceed 18 pages
The article must be accompanied by its summary in English within 200-500 words
A separate page must contain the article title, the author’s full name and scientific degree, the name of the author’s employing organization, and contact details, such as address, phone, e-mail
Tables and figures must have a clear image and be large enough to be readable after reduction by 50%. Each figure must be titled
References must be provided in square brackets within the text: the author’s name, the year of publication (without a comma before it) and, if necessary, the page, e.g. [Schutsky 1993, 52]. The initials must be placed after the author’s surname only in the case when the article has a link to several authors with the same surname. If in one place there are links to several references, they are listed in chronological order, separated by semicolons
Footnotes are placed at the end of the article, before the References section
Cited literature must be arranged in alphabetical order, placed at the end of the article under the title REFERENCES. The text must be printed with an indent of two intervals. The cited literature must be listed in the following format:
Baxter W.H. A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology / W.H. Baxter. – Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992. – 922 p.
Kent D.G. A critical survey of recent research in Chinese economic history / Deng G. Kent // Economic History Review. – Vol. LIII, 1. – 2000. – P. 1–28.
Internet edition:
Sivin N. Why the Scientific revolution did not take in China – or didn’t it? [Electronic Resource]. – Mode of access : URL :
Transliteration of foreign words by Latin alphabet must be done with the appropriate diacritics. Proper names are written in Latin taking into account the traditional spelling.
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