26th Mar – 11th Jun 2014
Zurich, Switzerland
The manuscript, in its wide variety of forms and physical carriers, is the primary medium of source material for studying the pre-modern world across disciplines
and cultures. The existence of shared concepts and methods in the field of manuscript studies suggests the potential of an integrated approach to manuscript traditions in a broader cross-cultural comparative perspective. This lecture series, structured as a set of six lectures concluded by a roundtable discussion, fosters such a comparative perspective by inviting experts on three manuscript traditions (Chinese, Arabic and Hebrew) to address a few key questions in the field of manuscript studies. The main focus of the series will be on the manuscript as a physical object, the interaction and dialogue of its materiality with the written text, the circumstances of its production, reproduction and transmission down through the ages, and on its function and use at different times and places in the history of oral and written communication.
March 26, 2014, 18:15–20:00, URPP Asia and Europe, Room WIE F-07, Wiesenstrasse 7/9, 8008 Zurich
The Text of the Hebrew Bible from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Medieval Codex
Dr. Michael Segal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
April 9, 2014, 18:15–20:00, URPP Asia and Europe, Room WIE F-07, Wiesenstrasse 7/9, 8008 Zurich
Die Hebräische Bibel als schriftgelehrte Traditionsliteratur: Materiale Aspekte ihrer Entstehung
Prof. Dr. Konrad Schmid, University of Zurich
May 7, 2014, 18:15–20:00, URPP Asia and Europe, Room WIE F-07, Wiesenstrasse 7/9, 8008 Zurich
Reading Scribal Culture in the Manuscripts of the Cairo Geniza
Dr. Esther-Miriam Wagner, Woolfe Institute, University of Cambridge
May 15, 2014, 18:15–20:00, URPP Asia and Europe, Room WIE F-07, Wiesenstrasse 7/9, 8008 Zurich
On the Media and Malleability of Early Chinese Writings
Dr. Paul Nicholas Vogt, University of Heidelberg
May 21, 2014, 18:15–20:00, URPP Asia and Europe, Room WIE F-07, Wiesenstrasse 7/9, 8008 Zurich
Moulding the Past: Writing, Text and Memory in Early Chinese Manuscripts
Rens Krijgsman, PhD candidate, University of Oxford
June 5, 2014, 18:15–20:00, URPP Asia and Europe, Room WIE F-07, Wiesenstrasse 7/9, 8008 Zurich
Überall Text: Arabische Dokumente als Quelle zur arabischislamischen Textkultur
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaplony, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
June 11, 2014, 14:00–18:00, University of Zurich, Main Building, Room KOL E-13, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich
Final Roundtable
Guest lectures by
Prof. Dr. Michael Friedrich, Centre for the Studies of Manuscript Culture, University of Hamburg (“Manuscript Cultures in Comparison: Some Preliminary Suggestions”)
Prof. Dr. Matthias L. Richter, University of Colorado at Boulder (“Textual Fluidity and Means of Securing Textual Identity in Early Chinese Manuscripts”)
General Information
Dates & Locations
March 26, April 9, May 7, May 15, and May 21, June 5 2014,
URPP Asia & Europe
Room WIE F-07
Wiesenstrasse 7/9
CH-8008 Zurich
June 11, 2014, 14:00–18:00
University of Zurich
Main Building
Room KOL E-13
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zurich
Dr. Lisa Indraccolo
Dr. James Weaver
Phillip Lasater, M.Div.
Dr. Lisa Indraccolo: lisa.indraccolo@uzh.ch
Internet www.asienundeuropa.uzh.ch/events/lectureseries/materiality.html
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