23rd Jun – 24th Jul 2014
This combined language and politics course enables students to study Chinese language alongside a comprehensive introduction to Chinese politics and society. Students will undertake one of two levels of Chinese language. As well as the language students will be focusing on the transformations within society and politics that have taken place since the Communist Party came to power in 1949. In addition to providing a historical overview and factual information, the course aims to promote critical understanding of Chinese political events and social structures. An important aim of the course is to encourage students to move beyond the often one-sided image of China presented in the Western media.
An early bird discount of 10% is available if fees are paid by 15 April 2014.
20% discount for current SOAS students.
A tuition fee of £2,500 will be charged per 5-week programme.
Politics and Society of China and Beginners Chinese (Level 1)
Politics and Society of China and Beginners Chinese (Level 2)
A one-off, non-refundable application fee of £55 will be charged to cover administration costs.
For more information download this PDF…
For more information, please contact Dr Hongping Annie Nie, SOAS China Institute
Email: sci@soas.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4892