Beijing, PRC
27th Nov 2016
Deadline: 30th May 2016
Venue: Jingshi Academy, Beijing Normal University. “Looking China Youth Film Project” is a cultural experience program sponsored by Huilin Foundation and Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture, and supported by over 30 partner colleges home and abroad. Since 2011, “Looking China” has invited over 200 young filmmakers around the world to China for a 17-day cultural research, using the camera to capture the charms of Chinese culture in their own eyes. This program aims to promote an interpersonal cultural experience and to help establish cultural recognition of “the other”. In the era of globalization and “Internet Plus”, “Looking China” takes advantage of the visual media on the one hand, overcoming the Chinese character’s difficulty in its international communication, while values and enhances the interpersonal and interactive human experience cross cultures on the other.
In hope of better analyzing, summarizing and sharing “Looking China’s” practical and theoretical achievements, improving the efficiency of cross-cultural communication practices, Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture, Beijing Normal University decides to convene the first conference of “Looking China” on November 27 of 2016, and hereby would like to invite the scholars and specialists from academia and industry of related areas, home and abroad, to join our conference and discuss the academic value and future development of “Looking China”, etc., so as to profit cross-culture communication cause today on the whole. The conference welcomes and appreciates any insights from a series of study areas, such as film studies, ethnology, folklore, cultural studies, politics, history, literature, philosophy, sociology, communication studies, and so forth. The conference does not charge fees of any kind and note that travel, accommodation, and logistics of the paper author participants are not included.
Organizer: Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture, China
Co-Organizers: Oxford Prospect Programmes, UK;
Vancouver Chinese Film Festival,Canada
I Paper Submission (only for reference, not limited to):
a, Interaction, Conflict, and Integration: the International youth’s Understanding of Chinese Culture
b, Construction of Chinese Culture by the International youth: Textual Study of Works of “Looking China”
c, Status Quo and Efficiency of Communication of Chinese Culture by the International youth
II Participation
Paper author participants are open for registration. Please write an abstract of the paper in 300 words and send to: by May 30th, 2016. If the abstract is approved, the paper author will be notified before June 30, 2016. If the author confirms attendance, please send the full paper to: by August 30th. Word Counts: 2,000-3,000 if written in Chinese. 8000 if written in English.
III Links to Introduction and Works of “Looking China”
Please refer to the “Looking China” official site for detailed information and video links.
“Looking China” Official Website:
IV Working Language: Chinese, English
V Publication
Accepted papers will be recommended for publication on the academic journal, International Communication of Chinese Culture (ICCC, ISSN: 2197-4233, print version; ISSN: 2197-4241, electronic version) and the annual symposium of Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture(Beijing Normal University Press, China), anonymously voted and selected by the editorial committee before publication.
VI Contact
Ms. Rebecca Yang,
Phone: 0086-10 58805680; 0086-18810390079