Call for Proposal Summer (Trinity Term) 2017 session – The Oxford International History of East Asia Seminar

Oxford, UK
Deadline: 12th Mar 2017

The convenors, Pete Millwood, Helena Ferreira Santos Lopes and Nelson K.H. So, invite proposals for the summer (Trinity Term) 2017 session of the Oxford International History of East Asia Research Seminar.

We welcome proposals for seminar presentations on any aspect of the international history of East Asia, particularly papers on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We look forward to proposals for papers on a broad range of international history topics, including not only traditional state-to-state relations, but also the flow of people, g oods and ideas between states, the role of international and transnational organisations, and the importance of culture, identity, race and gender in diplomacy, to name just a few. I nterdisciplinary approaches with a strong historical focus are also welcome.

The seminar is open to Oxford and non-Oxford speakers alike. All convenors are current graduate students and the seminar provides a welcoming environment for fellow PhD students and early career researchers to present research at any stage of completion to an audience of students and Oxford faculty members. This session of seminars will be held during Oxford’s Trinity Term, which is between 24th April and 12th June 2017. Presentations are expected to last between 20 and 30 minutes and are followed by Q&A.

Those interested in speaking are invited to send a provisional title, an abstract no longer than 300 words, and a short biographical note to IHEAOxSeminar@g by Sunday 12th March 2017. Any queries are also
welcome, to the same address.

Further information about the seminar, including details of our current spring term programme of events, is available on our Facebook page and our Twitter feed.

Trinity Term convenors
Pete Millwood
Helena F.S. Lopes
Nelson K.H. So

Contact us
Seminar kindly supported by The University of Oxford China Centre


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